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East Pakistani Soldiers during Operation Searchlight

It was Zias imported wahabi ideology tht produced lashkar e jhangvi,Sipah sahaba etc.. and to counter them iran helped create sipahe mohammad etc.... the only difference... the shia militants couldnt survive... while wahabi terrorists are still alive n kicking...

I dunno who started it first but all I know is that this poison of sectarianism has foOked us up so bad that its going to take decades of diligent effort to re-knit our social fabric.
Question should be how could Op. Searchlight be improved? What methods could PA have executed to achieve their objectives? That would make this thread a meaningful discussion.
I dunno who started it first but all I know is that this poison of sectarianism has foOked us up so bad that its going to take decades of diligent effort to re-knit our social fabric.

Ever wonder why there wasnt any secterian violence before zia? and the excellent relations with Iran during Reza Shahs era?
I will inject a little sectarian facts.

Muslim League leadership was dominated by Shia Nawab family of Dhaka. Jinnah was Shia, married to a Parsi. Yes he was secular, but so are many Shia, except when it comes to remaining clannish and helping their own kind. Jinnah's sponsor's were Shia for the project Pakistan. Many of them moved to both parts of Pakistan and became the 22 industrial families of Pakistan. Iskander Mirza (Sirajuddaula, Mir Jafar et al were all Shia). A good chunk of the so called "Bihari" were Shia. @Md Akmal is not a Bihari, I believe he is a Bengali, he can state his home district to confirm.

So Shia got an entrance to South Asia due to Humayun's defeat with Sher Shah and subsequent help he received from Safavi's in Iran. I believe the result was a disaster for the Muslim community in South Asia. The Shia became dominant in subsequent Mughal administration, from Mumtaj Mahal (of Taj Mahal fame) to Murshid Quli Khan, who moved the capital from Dhaka to Murshidabad. I believe they not only weakened the Mughal empire and saw its demise, they also collaborated with the British, like Mir Jafar, Ismaili Aga Khani's and Dhaka Nawab's and got fabulously wealthy as a result.

They were instrumental in creating Pakistan, thinking that Pakistan will remain their personal clan property to enjoy, but East Pakistan broke off, because they failed to foresee the result of their actions and eventually they lost Pakistan as well, when Bhutto was deposed by Zia. Yes Benazir Bhutto's mother is an Iranian Shia, so is Zardari family.

And Yahya Khan, the butcher, was a Qizilbash Shia, one of the most reviled group of people in Sunni Muslim history who helped establish the Safavi dynasty in present day Azerbaijan and then expand itself in Iran and then convert the largely Sunni population there to Shia by force.

It is a sordid history, Bangladeshi's and Pakistani's need to know it, because it is a hidden part many of us do not know about very clearly. Arab's have been dealing with the trecherous Shia for 1400 years. So Arab Sunni's know them and their ways much better. From Lebanon Civil War to post Saddam Iraq and now in Syria, the Shia Mafia with help from Russian Mafia are killing Sunni's.

Shia is the enemy within much more dangerous than any other enemy, because they claim to be part of us, but they are anything but.

Many posters in this forum are Shia, some cannot hide it well, but others will hide it well. And they will work to weaken unity of Sunni Muslim communities of the world. They will show off as secular when they are weak, but the moment they gain upper hand, they will show their true sectarian face.

As for Operation Searchlight, Pakistani's don't waste your time in these threads. It was a mistake done by whoever planned it, their wrong decision broke off Pakistan, as simple as that. So don't come here and blame Bangladeshi's or our forefathers for it, we did not plan Operation Searchlight, it was some of your brilliant generals headed by the Shia scum Yahya Khan in consultation with crypto Shia Bhutto (wife Nusrat Ispahani is Iranian Shia). They are the traitors to Pakistan, not us. Major Zia declared independence as a reaction to your brilliant Shia planned Operation Searchlight, on 26th March, 1971, after that day all persona non grata foreign combatants here in our land and newly declared country were fair game. Non-combatant Bihari's and others were killed and these were war crimes, just like Operation Searchlight was.

As before, I call for a new investigation to unearth all facts from all sides, so we can put to rest all the BS from all sides. Now no one has any facts that will stand scrutiny.

@asad71, your kind input needed here please, provided that you yourself are not Shia, hopefully. Please state your sect for the benefit of the majority Sunni community in Bangladesh.

First step by Kalumiah to inject the sectarian division in BD. So next destination of Shia-Sunni
conflict is BD.
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Does my country look saved to you ?

I agree that the Iranian Revolution & the Radicalization of a minority of the Shias affected us but so did the Wahabi Export of their ideology to Pakistan !

We were so much better off in the '50s & the '60s when there was no such sectarianism & even the religious minorities were all safe & sound.

Yes, the good old days, they were always better. Globalization changed everything. Petro dollars export ideology.

But as it was in the past, the Shia needs to be brought under control in Pakistan and I believe Pakistan is moving in the right direction. "Wahabi" or Salafi, whatever you call it, is not a bad medicine for Shia cult, but eventually you guys need to get it under control.

Sectarianism is there for a reason, it will be gone, when the problem of Shia power grab is solved.
Yes, the good old days, they were always better. Globalization changed everything. Petro dollars export ideology.

But as it was in the past, the Shia needs to be brought under control in Pakistan and I believe Pakistan is moving in the right direction. "Wahabi" or Salafi, whatever you call it, is not a bad medicine for Shia cult, but eventually you guys need to get it under control.

Sectarianism is there for a reason, it will be gone, when the problem of Shia power grab is solved.

Did PPP come in power coz of shia voters? shove tht secterian crap where the sun doesnt shine..
Such Shia Sunni matters were not spoken of, because Bangladesh, even after being briefly ruled by Shia Nawab's of Bengal (not to be confused with Kashmiri Shia leather trader turned Zamindar Dhaka Nawabs), Shia's never became a significant community. We know them by different names, such as Aga Khani, Ismaili and very few are originally Bengalis or have deep roots in Bengal. In total there are around 50,000 or so Shia in Bangladesh, I think not counting the Bihari's. Not sure how many of the stranded Bihari's are Shia.

Shia's are simply not a factor in Bangladesh because of their small number, I think, except many of them are wealthy and have good business and personal network, like the Jews and Shia in rest of the world. Minorities always have a way to compensate for their lack of numerical strength.

But we need to care, because it seems majority Shia countries of the world will have no possibility of becoming countries with strong relationship with Bangladesh, essentially a rare 100% Sunni country. Their main interest is to claim brotherhood, gain economic and other benefit and try to convert to Shiism. They tried to convert many in Indonesia, a country of weak Muslims, and many converted Shia faced massacres by the Indonesian Army even, if I remember correctly.

And there is Shia-Sunni conflict ongoing in Mid-east, I think we should take side and be on the side of our brother Sunni's, who have always helped us and will help us in the future. If needed, we should send people to even fight in Syria under moderate FSA. That should be a good training for Bangladeshi's, so they can face the resident Hindutva terrorists we have, when they get back.

As for SFF, the 10,000 Tibetan force under RAW, created by general Uban Singh, the same guy who created Mujib Bahini, led by Tofael and few others, not sure how this is related to this thread. But Tibetans are not Indians, they are "brutal and efficient", they get the job done, given the right tools and logistics.

ISI and Chinese effort to destabilize the NE states was a good effort. This was of course a big motivation for India to help us with independence. The geography and demographics is such that there is always potential for trouble there for India. Burma, China and Bangladesh are the 3 border countries of NE states, with 14 mile chicken neck as connection to "mainland" India. Bangladesh will have to remain neutral, but situation in Burma and China and to some extent ASEAN integration will determine future of this area. Creation of Bangladesh and Burmese instability and backwardness will only be temporary respite for India in this area. Things will remain in flux for a long time to come for this area.

It's a pretty weak correlation in regards to 71' if ye ask me. But it was a very interesting perspective nonetheless.

The SFF was designed to operate in Tibet. That with CIA money and logistics. That force was instead used in East Pakistan.
For heavens sake, you still don't know what started it first? @Dillinger, find and courier me the most poisounos snake you can get your hands on. I am going to shove it up @Armstrong's behind. He still doesn't get it. I wish I could shove KRAIT up his hiney.... :pissed:

Answer to your not knowing: It was a dark night in the deserts of Arabia, when an arsehole named Wahab met few people............fast forward............forward more......... had an illegitimate child named Zia.......... forward........... Ganjaz came out of Egg.........

Reham ya akhi... :lol:
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Question should be how could Op. Searchlight be improved? What methods could PA have executed to achieve their objectives? That would make this thread a meaningful discussion.

Since Shia were in power in Pakistan, read Yahya Khan, Sunni Pakistani's can blame the Shia for your defeat, enjoy that angle now.
Ever wonder why there wasnt any secterian violence before zia? and the excellent relations with Iran during Reza Shahs era?

The Shah was a Great Man, perhaps not to his own people but to us - The Ayatollah was anything but a progressive & secular Leader like the Shah was !

Yes...the advent of both Zia's Islamism backed by the Saudi Mullahs & the Ayatollah's ardent desire to export his Revolution to anyplace with Shia Presence created a massive & poisonous conflagration that we're still burning from !

I neither know nor care who started it first ? All I know is that both the Saudis & the Iranians & countless Pakistani sell-outs have enough innocent blood on their hands that it makes my stomach turn.
It's a pretty weak correlation in regards to 71' if ye ask me. But it was a very interesting perspective nonetheless.

The SFF was designed to operate in Tibet. That with CIA money and logistics. That force was instead used in East Pakistan.

Yes, Indian ingenuity, using US money to beat US objective in 1971, you can't beat that.
The Shah was a Great Man, perhaps not to his own people but to us - The Ayatollah was anything but a progressive & secular Leader like the Shah was !

Yes...the advent of both Zia's Islamism backed by the Saudi Mullahs & the Ayatollah's ardent desire to export his Revolution to anyplace with Shia Presence created a massive & poisonous conflagration that we're still burning from !

I neither know nor care who started it first ? All I know is that both the Saudis & the Iranians & countless Pakistani sell-outs have enough innocent blood on their hands that it makes my stomach turn.

Ayatollahs can suck a dick!as if i care... while wahabis need to get gangbanged.
Ayatollahs can suck a dick!as if i care... while wahabis need to get gangbanged.


Amen to that brother !

I'm just glad that the common Sunni & Shia is beginning to distance themselves from this sectarian crap; maybe in a few decades we'd have the Pakistan we had in the '50s !
And there is Shia-Sunni conflict ongoing in Mid-east, I think we should take side and be on the side of our brother Sunni's, who have always helped us and will help us in the future. If needed, we should send people to even fight in Syria under moderate FSA. That should be a good training for Bangladeshi's, so they can face the resident Hindutva terrorists we have, when they get back.

No, thanks.

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