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East Pakistani Soldiers during Operation Searchlight

odd form a bengali..but i think its because of two major things
1. Poor state of pakistani economy before 1947
2. language of bengali being written in sanskrits style rather than persian/arabic style..had it been persian style not only language wouldnt have been a major issue but also it would have carried a muslim heritage which it deserves as its muslim dominant langauage. remember the sanskrit script was adopted very recently during the british era..

one thing is for sure..pakistan/bangaldesh overall would have been much more developed today had 71 incident not occured and also their would have been much less enmity between india and pakistan today.
it's nothing odd or astonishing.about bengali language,sanskrit have been entered by hindu raja's but the main bengali alphabet's style still is preserved.hindi n bengali similer due to it's same origin or same gramatical branch.hindi is just devanagri and bangla ,assamia etc from gourio term.but the main bangla alphabet is completely different than present times ,it was also enriched with islamic words and it's alphabatic design,structure not only complex but also very beautiful. infact bengali language = mixture of arabic,turkish,mongoloid,spanish,french,persian,portugese ,english all in together.
west bengal has fully follow the sanskrit influence form,but here bd/east pakistan/bengal follow original form of bengali language .so it is much much different from them.and yes,about kolkata ....we're better without them .
and about Pakistan-Bangladesh relation : all of us like pakistani ppl as our brother ,here ppl just hate war criminals of both side.Seikh muzib's daughter hasina take so many steps to establish his father as the father of the nation .but the burning truth is xcept muzib's follower none of we think that he's the father of the nation.and Awam e league get chance every time on election due to India,otherwise it was so hard for them to even perticipate an election ,brother
Due to BAKSAL & RAW based rakkhi bahi,seccha sebok bahini etc , muzib has lost all his popularity.for him only hatred in our heart and moreover when he was dead ppl distribute sweets among them and said ," feraun morse ( feraun mar gaya ).but only for awam e league he is a hero not for the whole nation,for us sher e bangla A.K fazlul haque,Zia ur rehman,maulana abdul hamid khan bhasani ,Hussein sahid suhrawardy are heroic people.but among all Zia & sher e bangla much populer
I even read in some Book ( Can't remember the name - I think it was written by some colonel or maybe it was Hamodur-Rehman Comission) Anyhow General Niazi was enjoying oral services of some bengali women in bunker when Indians were attacking us and General Niazi was also running a prostitution ring - Transferring girls from EP to WP).

@ He was too much concerned about the securities of Bihares. During the critical moments he was found inside the Bihari camps either in Muhamamdpur or Mirpur in Dhaka. At that time near about 20/25 lacs of Bihares were settled in East Pakistan.

@ Why you are talking about Bengalis only once so many Bihares are ready to serve him why only he will use the Black and ugly women of bengal ?

@ No ! yar Neazi was not that bad the way you are painting. He was a real "Sherdil" and he played well but the "Hindustanise" (Muhajir) betrayed with him. I remember, I heard from one of my Bihari friend at Saidpur that during the month of December 1971 he came to Saidpur to motovate the Bihares as well as the Bengalise and said, " Me tun hare samne ser pe kafan de kar khara hau ". What ever may be the case he had a tremendous motivation capability.

@ Neazi was an experiience soldier. Initially he was in Other Ranks then joined in the Commisioned Rank. He was Captain in the Burma Front during Second World War. Soon after partition he was posted as Commanding Officer in East Pakistan . In 1965 War he was Brigadier and fought in Sialkot Sector.
@ He was too much concerned about the securities of Bihares. During the critical moments he was found inside the Bihari camps either in Muhamamdpur or Mirpur in Dhaka. At that time near about 20/25 lacs of Bihares were settled in East Pakistan.

@ Why you are talking about Bengalis only once so many Bihares are ready to serve him why only he will use the Black and ugly women of bengal ?

@ No ! yar Neazi was not that bad the way you are painting. He was a real "Sherdil" and he played well but the "Hindustanise" (Muhajir) betrayed with him. I remember, I heard from one of my Bihari friend at Saidpur that during the month of December 1971 he came to Saidpur to motovate the Bihares as well as the Bengalise and said, " Me tun hare samne ser pe kafan de kar khara hau ". What ever may be the case he had a tremendous motivation capability.

@ Neazi was an experiience soldier. Initially he was in Other Ranks then joined in the Commisioned Rank. He was Captain in the Burma Front during Second World War. Soon after partition he was posted as Commanding Officer in East Pakistan . In 1965 War he was Brigadier and fought in Sialkot Sector.

Huh.... you from Saidpur... Now make sense...

will use the Black and ugly women of bengal ?

You are reported
Eye opening facts ... How long would the PA have lasted if there was no foreign intervention ?
I do not think they would have for long after reading the heinous acts of my leaders betraying their own people ... and Just at this particular moment , i am cursing Niazi and Yahya who were busy drinking and engaging in orgies despite being the head of a Islamic state and even if not Muslims , being totally insensitive to the gravity of the situation ... I had never heard anything of that sort before ...

It had to happen one day , it is not easy to govern a country almost 2000 kms away ... But still the treachery of my leaders and their failure to integrate Bengalis to the society , their failure to give Bengalis equal rights thus stopping them from feeling a Pakistani but rather the slaves of colonial power who were being ruled from thousands of kms away and to stop forming the Govt despite the massive win that AL had in 1971 makes me sad and uncomfortable ... Ofcourse separation had been decided long by AL before but still after winning the election , they should have given a chance to form the Govt not the power hungry Bhutto ...

Debatable ! Hindsight really is a wonderful thing.
Posted on 03-03-2012 :D How did you come across it , mate ?

Dunno someone had recently posted on this thread & so I checked it out ! :oops:

Phir aaj rozaa rakhaaa ? :azn:

At any rate I think the Bangladeshis themselves exhibit a deep sense of intellectual dishonesty when they make Pakistan (West Pakistan) & more so the Punjabi to be 'evil incarnate' out to get the poor Bengali !

Were there issues ? Yes...the Bengalis weren't a bunch of idiots who rose up in protest ! Yes there were issues....there were massive issues but they should be looked at in a particular context !

Right now I haven't the figures but, if I remember correctly, when I was reading Brian Coloughley's (can't spell it) Book on the Pakistan Army, he'd quoted figures about Bengali, Punjabi & Pukhtoon Representation in the British Indian Army & those figures, well before Pakistan, were deeply...deeply skewed in favor of the Punjabis & by Pukhtoons by a factor of 4 to 1 or something & if both the Punjabis & the Pukhtoons are to be added together that factor increase to closer 8-9 to 1 ! The Brits didn't trust the Bengalis after the 1857 War & the Riots in Bengal due to the Reversal of its Partition - How could Pakistan, a country suffering from grave misgovernance, nepotism & corruption, be expected to bring parity to an ethnicity that had suffered closer to a century of institutionalized disparity.

Furthermore I've read numerous times, from independent sources, how what became East-Pakistan was just a hinterland of Calcutta where all the Jute Mills & the Progress was concentrated around Calcutta & when Calcutta was gone there wasn't a single Jute Mill in all of East-Pakistan in '47 ! Thats even worse than the disparity between Interior Sindh & Karachi or the Southern most tip of Punjab & Lahore !

Did people truly believe that these problems would be wished away painlessly without hicups ? That somehow East-Pakistan would grow about 10 dozen Jute Mills, that the Centers of Learning & other Institutions that were lost to West-Bengal & more so Calcutta would pop up out of the ground ?

The Bengali-Urdu Controversy wasn't done in Good Faith Either - No other language made sense; no other language was impartial enough to be the National Language of the Country ! And they, despite, been given the right to have Bengali as their official language in the Province (as elucidated in the Quaid's speeches) still played the ethnic & linguistic card to the detriment of Pakistan's Unity ! Imagine if the Punjabis or the Baloch or the Pukhtoons had asked that their languages be made the National Language of the country by the same token ?

At the end they've still not recognized that whatever killings we did, their Mukhti Bahini & enraged Bengali Mobs weren't exactly kind & merciful to West-Pakistani Civilians & the Biharis there ! I've heard of personal accounts, I've met people, who've lost their entire families to these Mobs ! And they have the temerity of claiming the moral high ground ? On what basis ?
Why are Bihari's victimized in Bangladesh?
Why are Bihari's victimized in Bangladesh?

confused identity of some,or perhaps a majority of them.. also they were pro-pak and pro-urdu..m sure a bd member can explain u in detail.. perhaps @BDforever :unsure:
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confused identity of some,or perhaps a majority of them.. also they were pro-pak and pro-urdu..m sure a bd member can explain u in detail.. perhaps @BDforever :unsure:

most of the bihari sided to Pakistan and helped in genocide, that is why they were underattack and still some negative views in Bangladesh about them, sorry Ayush bro. The view is changing now because the remaining beharis are now coping with us as being Bangladeshi
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Dunno someone had recently posted on this thread & so I checked it out ! :oops:

Phir aaj rozaa rakhaaa ? :azn:

At any rate I think the Bangladeshis themselves exhibit a deep sense of intellectual dishonesty when they make Pakistan (West Pakistan) & more so the Punjabi to be 'evil incarnate' out to get the poor Bengali !

Were there issues ? Yes...the Bengalis weren't a bunch of idiots who rose up in protest ! Yes there were issues....there were massive issues but they should be looked at in a particular context !

Right now I haven't the figures but, if I remember correctly, when I was reading Brian Coloughley's (can't spell it) Book on the Pakistan Army, he'd quoted figures about Bengali, Punjabi & Pukhtoon Representation in the British Indian Army & those figures, well before Pakistan, were deeply...deeply skewed in favor of the Punjabis & by Pukhtoons by a factor of 4 to 1 or something & if both the Punjabis & the Pukhtoons are to be added together that factor increase to closer 8-9 to 1 ! The Brits didn't trust the Bengalis after the 1857 War & the Riots in Bengal due to the Reversal of its Partition - How could Pakistan, a country suffering from grave misgovernance, nepotism & corruption, be expected to bring parity to an ethnicity that had suffered closer to a century of institutionalized disparity.

Furthermore I've read numerous times, from independent sources, how what became East-Pakistan was just a hinterland of Calcutta where all the Jute Mills & the Progress was concentrated around Calcutta & when Calcutta was gone there wasn't a single Jute Mill in all of East-Pakistan in '47 ! Thats even worse than the disparity between Interior Sindh & Karachi or the Southern most tip of Punjab & Lahore !

Did people truly believe that these problems would be wished away painlessly without hicups ? That somehow East-Pakistan would grow about 10 dozen Jute Mills, that the Centers of Learning & other Institutions that were lost to West-Bengal & more so Calcutta would pop up out of the ground ?

The Bengali-Urdu Controversy wasn't done in Good Faith Either - No other language made sense; no other language was impartial enough to be the National Language of the Country ! And they, despite, been given the right to have Bengali as their official language in the Province (as elucidated in the Quaid's speeches) still played the ethnic & linguistic card to the detriment of Pakistan's Unity ! Imagine if the Punjabis or the Baloch or the Pukhtoons had asked that their languages be made the National Language of the country by the same token ?

At the end they've still not recognized that whatever killings we did, their Mukhti Bahini & enraged Bengali Mobs weren't exactly kind & merciful to West-Pakistani Civilians & the Biharis there ! I've heard of personal accounts, I've met people, who've lost their entire families to these Mobs ! And they have the temerity of claiming the moral high ground ? On what basis ?

Panjabis are traitors and have been traitors repeatedly throughout history. The indian mutiny was put down using punjabi troops.

The disparity with respect of Bengalis in British Indian army as you say was due to institutional anti-bengali bias following the mutiny, this is true. Whilst you may say that pakistan years were not enough to overturn this, the fact of the matter is that institutional bias was increased to be even more anti Bangali culminating in the retarded philosophy that the defense of the east laid with the west.

The territory of BD was not the hinterland of Bengal. Whilst Culcutta was developed by the Brits and commercial activity was concentrated there the "breadbasket" of the region was what is now BD. In the 1910's the Bengal was partitioned as two separate administrative units. Whilst it might be said that there were not many jute mills in this side of border, there were not much jute production on the other side of the border to keep those jute mills alive. The economic continuity was broken through partition, that does not mean somehow what is BD was the backwoods of Bengal. The capital of bengal has shifted over times to many places. Culcutta was a British invention and as capital of the British Raj (for a period) it became the centre and developed, this does not mean other places in Bengal was irrelevant. You should do some research and find out in which city the Muslim League was born.

In terms of Bengali being the national language, why not. We were the majority in the unified Pakistan. To compare us to other communities is an insult. We are by far the largest group within the union. In so far as Urdu is concerned whilst it was lingua Franca in what is now BD it was not held with any reverence. Urdu compared to Bangla is an infantile language lacking history or sophistication. Whilst you may say that is an impolite reposte and a common language would have bought the peoples together, the fact of the matter is failure to give due consideration to Bangla - the language spoken by the majority in unified Pakistan laid the seed for the eventual breakup.

I see you are drawing equivalence between an heavily armed army butchering bengali troops in a prearranged massacre and then following up with an onslaught against unarmed civilians to the reaction by a lightly armed guerrilla force...
The disparity with respect of Bengalis in British Indian army as you say was due to institutional anti-bengali bias following the mutiny, this is true. Whilst you may say that pakistan years were not enough to overturn this, the fact of the matter is that institutional bias was increased to be even more anti Bangali culminating in the retarded philosophy that the defense of the east laid with the west.

There wasn't any more Institutional Bias, I don't have the books with me right now, but during Ayub's Reign special arrangements were made to bring the Bengalis on par with the other ethnicities hence why one actually saw 'some' Bengali Officers as opposed to that being a Non-Existent Phenomenon back in the British Times. During Ayub's Reign even Relaxations in Standards were imposed so that more & more Bengalis would join the Civil Services.

The concept of the defense of the East laying in the West was a Military Doctrine that was conceived keeping in mind our scarcity of military manpower & the potential flashpoints that existed ! Kashmir was the only place where it was envisioned that a major Battle could be fought & it proved itself right when there wasn't any movement on the Eastern Front in the '65 War !

It might not have been the best Military Policy out there as we discovered to our detriment in '71 but under the circumstance thats what was thought would be the best appropriation of scarce resources - It wasn't a part of some glorified narcissistic Anti-Bengali Bias that you make it out to be !

The territory of BD was not the hinterland of Bengal. Whilst Culcutta was developed by the Brits and commercial activity was concentrated there the "breadbasket" of the region was what is now BD. In the 1910's the Bengal was partitioned as two separate administrative units. Whilst it might be said that there were not many jute mills in this side of border, there were not much jute production on the other side of the border to keep those jute mills alive. The economic continuity was broken through partition, that does not mean somehow what is BD was the backwoods of Bengal. The capital of bengal has shifted over times to many places. Culcutta was a British invention and as capital of the British Raj (for a period) it became the centre and developed, this does not mean other places in Bengal was irrelevant. You should do some research and find out in which city the Muslim League was born.

I never said that the rest of Bengal was irrelevant simply that most of the resources, the development & the State Apparatus was concentrated there & about Calcutta, from what I've read !

There is a reason why I mentioned Interior Sindh & Karachi or Southern-Most-Areas-Of-Punjab & Lahore ! Interior Sindh isn't irrelevant & its the bread basket of Pakistan alongside most of Punjab, but it pales in comparison to Karachi & Lahore & other metropolis in the country ! Such was the case of most of East-Pakistan.

In terms of Bengali being the national language, why not. We were the majority in the unified Pakistan. To compare us to other communities is an insult. We are by far the largest group within the union. In so far as Urdu is concerned whilst it was lingua Franca in what is now BD it was not held with any reverence. Urdu compared to Bangla is an infantile language lacking history or sophistication. Whilst you may say that is an impolite reposte and a common language would have bought the peoples together, the fact of the matter is failure to give due consideration to Bangla - the language spoken by the majority in unified Pakistan laid the seed for the eventual breakup.

And its precisely because of this 'racist' attitude of yours that just because we're in the majority & our language in older than Urdu - Its our prerogative & our prerogative alone on deciding what the National Language of the country is going to be !

No other language but Urdu made sense because no other language was as Neutral as Urdu & none enjoyed the Status of Lingua Franca as Urdu did !

The Urdu-Bengali Controversy is not something that we were in the 'wrong' - You were & your blind victim mentality & continued racism is what prevents you from seeing the rationale behind selecting 'Urdu' !

I see you are drawing equivalence between an heavily armed army butchering bengali troops in a prearranged massacre and then following up with an onslaught against unarmed civilians to the reaction by a lightly armed guerrilla force...

A heavily armed Army ? You mean the few thousand who were distributed all over East-Pakistan because of a stupid policy to defend 'every inch' of East-Pakistan !

Those Lightly Armed Guerrillas weren't that lightly armed nor were they discriminate in their targets ! Nor were the Bengali Mobs any less discriminate in theirs ! Those Knights in Shinning Armour butchered countless thousands of innocent Biharis & other West-Pakistani Civilians without remorse & without pity !

If Bangladeshis are demanding an apology for the massacres - Then be ready to give one in turn !
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