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EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

It is not over-estimating but it is a fact. USA is way ahead of every other country in terms of R&D and academia. That is something 'extra' way ahead! Though that is not good for anyone one not even USA.

that is why US research and advance is for the benefits of human kind, not just a nation. US should be more inclusive and trusting of other countries as no other countries can really match the US.
Cheap labor does not make advance technology. Also, China is several decades behind that of the US. Look at it this way, the rest of the world is going for the silver medal as US already has the gold. US can absorb the best and brightest from the rest of the world shows the might of the US nation.

Absolutely not, the US might have the left overs from its Golden Age, in other words its education system. This is what attracts foreign students, however these students are once again retaining their links back to their country, they might study in the US but many return to their home countries. I'll make an example of Pranav Mistry, he graduated from IIT Mumbai, went to MIT in the US, his SixthSense technology is going to give a net benefit to India.

The guys in NASA, LM etc are from the previous generation. Look at your schools, your toppers are foreigners.

I'm not saying US hegemony in the scientific fields will disappear before atleast 2025-30 but it is swiftly on the decline, a lack of homegrown talent is going to be a killer. It would be foolish to think India/Europe/China/Russia cannot come up with technology that is superior to the US.

It is not over-estimating but it is a fact. USA is way ahead of every other country in terms of R&D and academia. That is something 'extra' way ahead! Though that is not good for anyone one not even USA.

All I managed to perceive from your post was that you agree with faithfulguy, the rest was incomprehensible.

Anyway: If I had a choice between Communist China and Democratic America, I would choose America. However your country is stagnating, people are no longer trying to improve their lot, your public education is a joke. I was talking to an old friend from India who went to the US on Facebook, he's doing a Mathematics course in college and the work there is barely up to the level of work I did in AUSTRALIA in HIGH SCHOOL. The culture of education is disappearing and is going strong in other countries. The only difference is you have the money to fund what you have, whereas it is only recently other countries are being able to do the same.
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Absolutely not, the US might have the left overs from its Golden Age, in other words its education system. This is what attracts foreign students, however these students are once again retaining their links back to their country, they might study in the US but many return to their home countries. I'll make an example of Pranav Mistry, he graduated from IIT Mumbai, went to MIT in the US, his SixthSense technology is going to give a net benefit to India.

The guys in NASA, LM etc are from the previous generation. Look at your schools, your toppers are foreigners.

I'm not saying US hegemony in the scientific fields will disappear before atleast 2025-30 but it is swiftly on the decline, a lack of homegrown talent is going to be a killer. It would be foolish to think India/Europe/China/Russia cannot come up with technology that is superior to the US.

All I managed to perceive from your post was that you agree with faithfulguy, the rest was incomprehensible.

Anyway: If I had a choice between Communist China and Democratic America, I would choose America. However your country is stagnating, people are no longer trying to improve their lot, your public education is a joke. I was talking to an old friend from India who went to the US on Facebook, he's doing a Mathematics course in college and the work there is barely up to the level of work I did in AUSTRALIA in HIGH SCHOOL. The culture of education is disappearing and is going strong in other countries. The only difference is you have the money to fund what you have, whereas it is only recently other countries are being able to do the same.

The US economy is still much bigger than the rest and its still at least another 20-25 year before its closest rival can catch up at the current rate. So US still have more funds to close the gap. Its all about money and university research, not about K-12 education. The best 12th grader cannot do jack squat in research. So the best of China,India, Brazil and Russia come to US to contribute to US development. Another reason US will still be ahead.

Don't get me wrong, US does have a lot of social economic problems and it certainly can do much better. But so does other countries and US problems are not as bad as that of China, Russia, Brazil or India. So taking social problems into consideration, the US still come out on the top.
The US economy is still much bigger than the rest and its still at least another 20-25 year before its closest rival can catch up at the current rate. So US still have more funds to close the gap. Its all about money and university research, not about K-12 education. The best 12th grader cannot do jack squat in research. So the best of China,India, Brazil and Russia come to US to contribute to US development. Another reason US will still be ahead.

Don't get me wrong, US does have a lot of social economic problems and it certainly can do much better. But so does other countries and US problems are not as bad as that of China, Russia, Brazil or India. So taking social problems into consideration, the US still come out on the top.

20-25 years? Mmm, Chinas GDP has gone from 1.3T (~Indias current GDP) to 4.33T in 7 years 2003-10, over a tripling in total nominal GDP. What will they do in another 7 years? Another tripling? What will India do?

Your external debt it 13.77T, funds are being slashed from NASA.

How the hell is a substandard 12th grader going to become a decent scientist? The best of China, Russia and India are NOT going to the US, some of the best are, sure, but they're going for upper education, where you are still the best, not to improve your country.

The numbers of current economic migrants is waning, people are now going to the US to study and then to return home and work. All Indians I know, both in the US (family) and here in Australia (friends + family), make their money in dollars and then invest it in India. In my latest trip to India I set up a Bajaj Allianz investment account that will have about ~80% of my savings. My parents have investment accounts too. The returns for us are massive, something like the 30% even after the recession.
All I managed to perceive from your post was that you agree with faithfulguy, the rest was incomprehensible.

Anyway: If I had a choice between Communist China and Democratic America, I would choose America. However your country is stagnating, people are no longer trying to improve their lot, your public education is a joke. I was talking to an old friend from India who went to the US on Facebook, he's doing a Mathematics course in college and the work there is barely up to the level of work I did in AUSTRALIA in HIGH SCHOOL. The culture of education is disappearing and is going strong in other countries. The only difference is you have the money to fund what you have, whereas it is only recently other countries are being able to do the same.

You are talking about education system of USA or India? If USA look at the number of Nobel prizes (without foreigners of-course) and if India look at the companies recruiting from Indian freshers! :azn:
You are talking about education system of USA or India? If USA look at the number of Nobel prizes (without foreigners of-course) and if India look at the companies recruiting from Indian freshers! :azn:


Yeah the US has far, far more Nobel Prizes, but India with its substandard education system, pervasive poverty, managed to come up with people without whom much of nuclear technology wouldn't exist, radios wouldn't exist, fibreoptics wouldn't exist and so much more. Not enough? What about the fact that India discovered water on a place with incredibly little atmosphere? Do you know that this makes a Moon base viable? It makes interplanetary colonies possibly viable?

Oh did I mention none of the above recieved Nobel prizes?
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First of all, India won't be foolhardy enough to invest billions in EF Jet alone, since it has homegrown Tejas jet to feed also.

Yeah the US has far, far more Nobel Prizes, but India with its substandard education system, pervasive poverty, managed to come up with people without whom nuclear technology wouldn't exist, radios wouldn't exist, fibreglass technology wouldn't exist and so much more.

Oh did I mention none of the above recieved Nobel prizes?

You are talking about USA then? One country's technology, academia, industry and corporate reflects its science which includes mathematics. I think you know about USA's position in science.

OK now stop here, you mis-understood me. I am not a fan of USA but I said the truth and USA deserves this position.
Eurofighter chahiye ? $$ tumhara b a a p dega :rofl:

To hell with the IAF's requirements and constraints, big daddy convinced MMS, F-18 is coming soon :cheesy:

The people who want to sell and the people who want to buy it..... both may be mad! :rofl:

BTW it seems that F-18 is the possible winner. :cry: But it's EW and radar are good.
You are talking about USA then? One country's technology, academia, industry and corporate reflects its science which includes mathematics. I think you know about USA's position in science.

OK now stop here, you mis-understood me. I am not a fan of USA but I said the truth and USA deserves this position.

Yes I do know the USA has given much to science. And at the moment is at the top of the pile. But India has done its share and it has the potential to do much more.
We don't need raptors for Pakistan... Sukhois can do the job perfectly. As far as your nuclear threat is concerned.....why you guys are so desperate to commit suicide. Let me remind you what Gen Padmanabhan said about nuclear attack on India....

"The perpetrator of that particular outrage shall be punished, shall be punished so severely that the continuation of any form of fray will be doubtful,"
all i can say is you guys have delusions of grandeur. we are not talking of suicide, we are talking about a nuclear environment if u had studied the Nuclear deterrence and the nuclear strategies you would have known & as for a state acting stupid in such condition the actual reality is other way around( the one who acts so Macho:devil:), and as for some general from india saying he will do :blah: to any aggressor. Dude have the indian adversaries said that they will give cakes and flowers to any state which attacks them?:rofl:
all i can say is you guys have delusions of grandeur. we are not talking of suicide, we are talking about a nuclear environment if u had studied the Nuclear deterrence and the nuclear strategies you would have known & as for a state acting stupid in such condition the actual reality is other way around( the one who acts so Macho:devil:), and as for some general from india saying he will do :blah: to any aggressor. Dude have the indian adversaries said that they will give cakes and flowers to any state which attacks them?:rofl:

Nobody can doubt the quality and integrity of Pakistan and its schools after reading insightful comments like yours.
Yes India is so rich it can buy all the fighter jets in the world!! Buy buy buy buy yes!
er not to pop the bubble or anything but the dude said additional 300 unit sale to "asia" not "india" unless i missed something
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