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EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

Yes not at the moment, but also remember that UK threaten to pull out of the F-35 project and carry on with the EF because US was not giving proper rights for the upgradition and installment of the software until very recently

True but did they pull out and if you analyse why you would know why.

ALready apart from the US, eurpoe is developing their own next generation BVRAAM

That is what I am trying to point out, European aerospace industry will always work on niche areas where they can afford .

What makes you think that Europe cannot go for their own 5th generation or perhaps make the EF into a true 5th generation jet?

Because it is already too late mate, it is not even in their planning stage let alone development, f 22 took good two decades, by the time european together consider development of fifth generation aircraft it will be good one decade over let alone development and testing pahase.

You see Europeans are smart, why reinvent the whole wheel when they get it for free that is why their future endevours are on sixth gen aircrafts ie UCAVs such as Dssault Neuron.

What i meant was that EF has almost everything that relates it to a 5th generation.

No where close to fifth gen aircraft all the tech in EF will only make it best in 4'5 generation class of fighters.

It has stealth capabilities,

The RCS values quoted are absurd, they are for vanilla plane not including armaments, why do you think F35 and any other stealth aircrafts have internal weapons bay.

all it needs is an AESA radar to make it on par with the F/A-35
No where close ammm mate. F35's current AESA is an evolution of the AESA employed by F22 so by the time EFcomes up with good AESA f35 would have evolved significantly.

I'm keeping in mind the F/A-35 vs the EF.

I dont think it is fair to compare both in first place . EF will play the airdominance role while F35 will play the lead strike role, that said f35 will be way better then EF .However I think EF will remain the best 4.5 gen aircraft built except maybe for Rafale.
The Eurofighter consortium foresees substantial growth opportunities
on the world market, with India playing a crucial role. “We evaluate the global demand for combat aircraft in the next 20 years at around 800 units. For Eurofighter Typhoon we target 300 additional export contracts, with Asia representing a substantial part of these orders”, says Enzo Casolini, CEO of Eurofighter GmbH, adding “Given the developments already planned and the further upgrades we are studying, Eurofighter Typhoon will remain the most modern combat aircraft available on the global market for a long time.”

Bernhard Gerwert, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH and CEO of Military Air Systems, a Business Unit of EADS Defence & Security (DS), underlines “We are well positioned in the ongoing tender for the acquisition of 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) because the Eurofighter Typhoon is the ideal answer to the threats that India faces. The aircraft’s outstanding operational performance coupled with low life-cycle costs and a tailor-made industrial partnership offer make the Eurofighter Typhoon a key contender in India’s competition.”

More than 700 orders and over 200 deliveries to the four European core customers as well as to Austria and Saudi Arabia prove that Eurofighter Typhoon is a mature international weapons programme. The signature of the Tranche 3 A contract by Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain in July 2009 reiterated the strong commitment of its core customers. “This milestone secures production continuity for years to come, and forthcoming upgrades will further enhance the aircrafts’ operational performance”, says Gerwert, adding “Now we are keen to phase India into the Eurofighter programme as a true industrial partner. By co-developing cutting edge future capabilities with us, India could play a key role in tapping the plane’s tremendous built-in growth potential. As a production and development partner for future enhancements, India could also customize the Eurofighter Typhoon to its specific requirements.”

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After 2020 no one has dare to challenge india!... so that we can keep concentrating only towards the growth path. cheers
After 2020 no one has dare to challenge india!... so that we can keep concentrating only towards the growth path. cheers

No one? Of course you mean no one except the US. Dont you? I can bet you that US is ready to take on anyone. I'm not supporting US to be belligerant. When if it comes to capability, US have the capability. However, US seek friendship with India.:usflag:
After 2020 no one has dare to challenge india!... so that we can keep concentrating only towards the growth path. cheers

Only having 300 Eurofighters, do u think that India will be a superpower..........funny.

China has still more 4th and 4.5th jets in China's fleet 2009 then India's fleet of 2020.......

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker 70 units
Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G 100+ units
Shenyang J-11 100+ units
J - 10A/B 150 + units

Total 4th and 4.5th jets in 2009 400+

And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers each

Only having 300 Eurofighters, do u think that India will be a superpower..........funny.

China has still more 4th and 4.5th jets in China's fleet 2009 then India's fleet of 2020.......

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker 70 units
Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G 100+ units
Shenyang J-11 100+ units
J - 10A/B 150 + units

Total 4th and 4.5th jets in 2009 400+

And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers each


India will not have only 300 euro fighters.....:hitwall:

India will have around 300 Sukhoi 30MKI..which is the best of its generation

india is looking towards 250 sukhoi 5th genration airdraft...

it will have atleast 1 or 2 squadrons of TEJAS....MIG29's and lot of different planes...India will not be a power to be taken easily..
Only having 300 Eurofighters, do u think that India will be a superpower..........funny.

China has still more 4th and 4.5th jets in China's fleet 2009 then India's fleet of 2020.......

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker 70 units
Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G 100+ units
Shenyang J-11 100+ units
J - 10A/B 150 + units

Total 4th and 4.5th jets in 2009 400+

And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers each


By 2020, India will have
5 Gen -
At least 20 PAKFA

4.5 Gen -
280 Sukhoi 30mki.
80 Tejas

4 Gen -

100 Mig 29(IAF +IN)
50 Mirages

By the way how many 4 and 4.5 Gen. a/c Pakistan will be having?

All Pakistani feels PLAAF will come to their help in case of war. Please come out of this delusion, international relations are based on mutual interests. No body will come to help you in long and dengerous war with India. Stop relaying on others to protect your nation.
Only having 300 Eurofighters, do u think that India will be a superpower..........funny.

China has still more 4th and 4.5th jets in China's fleet 2009 then India's fleet of 2020.......

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker 70 units
Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G 100+ units
Shenyang J-11 100+ units
J - 10A/B 150 + units

Total 4th and 4.5th jets in 2009 400+

And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers each


FYI:300 additional orders already bid is 126-200 +300=450 + or 500 got it? :tongue:
By 2020, India will have
5 Gen -
At least 20 PAKFA

4.5 Gen -
280 Sukhoi 30mki.
80 Tejas

4 Gen -

100 Mig 29(IAF +IN)
50 Mirages

By the way how many 4 and 4.5 Gen. a/c Pakistan will be having?

All Pakistani feels PLAAF will come to their help in case of war. Please come out of this delusion, international relations are based on mutual interests. No body will come to help you in long and dengerous war with India. Stop relaying on others to protect your nation.

Only 80 Tejas?

Also please note that China and India will never go to war with each other. We both have too much to lose.

Pakistan doesn't have anything to lose and much to gain, (national unity etc against a common enemy etc)
Only having 300 Eurofighters, do u think that India will be a superpower..........funny.

China has still more 4th and 4.5th jets in China's fleet 2009 then India's fleet of 2020.......

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker 70 units
Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G 100+ units
Shenyang J-11 100+ units
J - 10A/B 150 + units

Total 4th and 4.5th jets in 2009 400+

And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers each

Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers :pdf:

This will be the best joke of the year! :cry:

OMG he's the most wanted day dreamer:woot:
Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers :pdf:

This will be the best joke of the year! :cry:

OMG he's the most wanted day dreamer:woot:

Maybe he means China and Pakistan together will have 500 4.5gen fighters, which is believable.
And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers "each"

tat guy says "each" 500
W8ing too see these birds... how beautiful if india flies 450+ typhoon in sky

No one? Of course you mean no one except the US. Dont you? I can bet you that US is ready to take on anyone. I'm not supporting US to be belligerant. When if it comes to capability, US have the capability. However, US seek friendship with India.:usflag:

Why u always bring US into all this. US is India's friend. Being a China supporter u always tries to take away search lights from China and derail the thread. His, comments are in connection with India's enemy not friends like Russia, USA etc.
Only having 300 Eurofighters, do u think that India will be a superpower..........funny.

China has still more 4th and 4.5th jets in China's fleet 2009 then India's fleet of 2020.......

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker 70 units
Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G 100+ units
Shenyang J-11 100+ units
J - 10A/B 150 + units

Total 4th and 4.5th jets in 2009 400+

And one more thing till 2020 China and Pak would be having 500 + 4.5th gen fighers each


You were going fine till your last sentence.. So you are expecting 100 jets manufactured per year and half of them being dispatched to Pakistan...:azn:

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