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E3 the day Sony obliterated Microsoft


Jun 19, 2011
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PS4 supports used games and features no online check-in


Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation 4 will not require an online-check in, and that Sony will impose no restrictions on trading in disc-based games.

Speaking during Sony's E3 2013 press conference, SCEA president Jack Tretton added that that disc-based PlayStation 4 games will be able to be traded in at retail, sold to another person, lent to friends, or just kept forever.

The news positions Sony's PlayStation 4 in direct opposition to Microsoft's Xbox One, which requires a 24-hour check-in for all games and will restrict the sale of used games to selected retailers.

"I guess that's a good thing," said Tretton.

Following the announcement, Sony released a video to YouTube called the "Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video"

PS4 supports used games and features no online check-in - News at GameSpot
Obliterated is a strong word. Microsoft redeemed themselves in my eyes, and while Sony's system is clearly the superior of the two, I don't think that Sony was leaps and bounds ahead of Microsoft.

Everything Sony did, they did from learning not to repeat Microsoft's mistakes. I can guarantee that Sony was thinking of doing exactly the same thing as Microsoft, but they changed their mind because of the negative publicity surrounding Microsoft's announcement. Hell, even the price difference ($399 PS4, $499 XO) and release month (November) were probably set to directly undermine the Xbox One.

Personally, I couldn't give two shits about the XO and PS4, I'm a PC gamer, and always will be.
Obliterated is a strong word. Microsoft redeemed themselves in my eyes, and while Sony's system is clearly the superior of the two, I don't think that Sony was leaps and bounds ahead of Microsoft.

Everything Sony did, they did from learning not to repeat Microsoft's mistakes. I can guarantee that Sony was thinking of doing exactly the same thing as Microsoft, but they changed their mind because of the negative publicity surrounding Microsoft's announcement. Hell, even the price difference ($399 PS4, $499 XO) and release month (November) were probably set to directly undermine the Xbox One.

Personally, I couldn't give two shits about the XO and PS4, I'm a PC gamer, and always will be.

No they didn't.

Microsoft shot themselves in the foot the moment they decided to put online DRM along with curbing of the used game market. Sony capitalized on their mistake.... Big time.

The Internet right now agrees that Sony has come out on top, despite X1's strong gaming line up but as device and services go, Sony came through, I am actually excited about FFXV and Destiny. And The Phantom Pain will come out on PS4 as well and that is honestly my selling point.
No they didn't.

Microsoft shot themselves in the foot the moment they decided to put online DRM along with curbing of the used game market. Sony capitalized on their mistake.... Big time.

The Internet right now agrees that Sony has come out on top, despite X1's strong gaming line up but as device and services go, Sony came through, I am actually excited about FFXV and Destiny. And The Phantom Pain will come out on PS4 as well and that is honestly my selling point.

That was the old press conference, this new one was pretty well done. Everyone was pretty much impressed by Microsoft.

The only ones that say Microsoft screwed up at E3 are sony fanboys really.

While Sony did come out on top of E3, it wasn't by much, let's be totally honest.

Again, this wasn't an obliteration, it was a loss. Microsoft can still gain a major market share, if all the games they promised for launch actually come out at launch. Ryse, TitanFall, D4, Quantum Break, etc... Ryse and TitanFall are major selling points for XO, and I'm telling you right now that people are going to overlook the DRM, just to play those games. Heck, if worse comes to worse, they can just release a new Halo game (which they are) and they'll automatically sell millions of consoles over night. Happened with Halo 2 and Halo 3.

If the games are good, the system doesn't need to be mind blowing. Remember the Dreamcast? It was technologically superior to any other console in the market at the time, it had major hype and developers were scrambling to make games for it, but it lost because a lot of those games were either bad, or they didn't have enough content.
No big fuss i don't see any big problem with Microsoft's approach. Sony did not come on top I don't know why people think they came on top people are taking GDDR5 8GB as on the top specs other than that what's on the top? Have you people even studied GDDR5? graphics will share the memory and it will be a strain on the system. If people have problem with being online once a while it does not stop your new game purchased from working and i don't know who idiot would keep his xbox offline and go online only when recharge his xb live or whatever because it has new wifi people are connected almost all the time. And what is so big fuss with privacy are you ISI that you feel you need to be under pillow or are you going to be naked playing that you fear camera should not watch you or are you going to be mullah speaking against US all the time that you are scared of camera.

Sony still lags behind miles away in providing services, They can never compete with Microsoft like Xbox Live.
- Better Controller Joypad
- Better services like XB Live
- Always More Titles
- More downloadable content
- Vast Entertainment Services with-in XB Live

Considering Microsoft History, They've always come on top for the past 12 Years. We can expect more ram, hard drive in next 12-24 months. Did you read the last minute announcement Xbox 360 Slim new design similar to XB1, another great strategy to cash in on previous generation console and I already am ready to buy it as soon as it is available and will sell my older one I bought in sales 4gb for $143 of course I paid 106 on 320gb hard drive from amazon.

Bad news sort of why do you think both Sony and Microsoft agreed to use same processor AMD Jaguar for their respective consoles why the mutual agreement well to tell you the truth there are things where both want to back each other so I let you guys think about it for sure both have secret deals.
ps4 wins big time..

How? please explain.

Title wise nope, processor wise nope, capacity wise nope because both will have cloud services as well as min 500GB and later on more capacity will be introduced we have witnessed it already in previous generation consoles. Whose cares about deisgn you are not going to have sex with console are you?. Both'll have blueray drive, Both have hdmi/usb/media card reader possibly. Both are not backward compatible so you can't play previous gen discs on PS4 and XB1. Used games problem is solved no big deal if you people take time to read it. Kinect 2.0 being online is no big fuss stop getting scared girly girls even girls are not scared. Getting online is no big problem it would not be a problem for your new/used game developed for xbox1 if you skip a day you won't be banned or you won't be forced to pay and the launch is Nov 30 so expect any new news. Again please go read on GDDR5 its not out of the world thing.
To me if i am ever going to buy a console again i'll buy PS4 just because it doesnt need any type of connectivity pljs they are launching their cloud service as well in 2014 so there wont be any major differences between xbone and PS4. LSt gen i had both PS3 and xbox360 but i sold my PS3 after plYing MGSR and Heavy Rain, i was on the green side and xbox360 was very good, but last year i turned my self in to pc gaming which is above than consoles but conzoles have exlusives i just wish kojima also releases the MGS 5 on pc as well. If i am ever going to buy a console it will be PS4 any day until microsoft allows to plAy rented game i am not concerned about connectivity but i need rented gamea. Now i M jusf waiting for haswell to arrive so i can build my new pc.
Many people's here do not understand the industry well. I worked in the gaming industry for close to 4 years now. Sony won through and through and it is not just me that says so:

Sony exploring 'many' options for PS4 pricing - PlayStation 4 News at GameSpot
PlayStation 4 is the gamer's choice for next-gen - GameSpot.com
Sony confirms PlayStation 4 is region free - News at GameSpot
PS4 E3 2013 Unveiling: Trollface Edition - GameSpot Video
Sony's Triumphant Night - GameSpot.com

And to the XBone defenders here, Do you remember the SimCity disaster that followed the online DRM??

Yes SONY won if it wasn't clear then you guys should have seen how SONY stocks sky rocketed after the show and tell of the Microsoft Xbox whatever reveal. :lol:
Xbox One looks out of date and cheap from the outside but very expensive from the inside. Playstation 4 looks nice all the way through.
Many people's here do not understand the industry well. I worked in the gaming industry for close to 4 years now. Sony won through and through and it is not just me that says so:

Sony exploring 'many' options for PS4 pricing - PlayStation 4 News at GameSpot
PlayStation 4 is the gamer's choice for next-gen - GameSpot.com
Sony confirms PlayStation 4 is region free - News at GameSpot
PS4 E3 2013 Unveiling: Trollface Edition - GameSpot Video
Sony's Triumphant Night - GameSpot.com

And to the XBone defenders here, Do you remember the SimCity disaster that followed the online DRM??


You know, your argument doesn't work when all your links point to Gamespot. The same gamespot that gave natural selection 2 **** scores based on old alpha and beta footage, because they were too lazy to actually play the game.
You know, your argument doesn't work when all your links point to Gamespot. The same gamespot that gave natural selection 2 **** scores based on old alpha and beta footage, because they were too lazy to actually play the game.

No point in educating Sony fanboys they are all gaga at PS4 design inspired by PS2 design. All internal systems are same or similar in nature to XB1. Piss4 has GDDR5 it is now proven GDDR5 has no big advantage RAM is shared by GPU/CPU where as Microsoft XB1 GPU and CPU separately uses RAM, close enough yes it would only be known once people purchase and use both consoles so Piss4 win? NO it is just lame argument by Piss4 fanboys. Processor/hardrive same, usb, hdmi, mediacard reader if any same, controllers non takes lead, design non takes lead both are fat both are ok with Piss4 goes back to PS2 and gets its inspiration where as MS focus internally and on services. XBL services is miles ahead that's where MS Wins truly. Both are not backward compatible consoles, both can play used games, both does have DRM issues. The only area where people think MS is considered at disadvantage is online checks every 24 hours it is 5 months from release so we assume MS would control this damage unlike fanboys i'll say MS needs to address this issue. What else Kinetic always on well unless you are not criminal its fine when people can post all sorts of shyt about themselves on facebook so what is the problem with kinetic why so scared. Round up let delusional celebrate we'll celebrate ours in Nov.
WTF is happening here....they are freaking game consoles. live with it. nothing is superior. Microsoft had to implement Online DRM because of pirated games on Xbox 360. Sony on the other hand has nothing to worry about when it comes to playing off Backed up games. thats why they are not bothered with DRM.
while you xbox and ps fanboys fight.. we PC players laugh at you ....:victory:
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