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E Pluribus Unum- Puerto Rico Votes to become the 51st State


Aug 13, 2010
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United States
United States
Puerto Rico approves statehood

A slim majority of Puerto Ricans voted Tuesday to approve a non-binding referendum that would make the island the 51st U.S. state. The measure requires final approval from Congress, so it means little for Puerto Rico right now. Still, nearly 54 percent of Puerto Ricans voted for a change in the island’s relationship with the U.S. — and President Obama promised to uphold their vote in the case of a “clear majority.”
Puerto Rico is currently classified as a U.S. territory, a designation dating back to the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but cannot vote in presidential elections, and their commissioner in the House of Representatives holds limited power. According to the language on the ballot, the statehood referendum would give them “rights, benefits and responsibilities equal to those enjoyed by all other citizens of the states of the union.”
Many in Puerto Rico celebrated the news — but just as many seem skeptical that the referendum will actually pass Congress. One Spanish-language tweet points out that Washington, D.C., has long sought statehood and has yet to win it, “Washington, DC está en carrera por ser el Estado 51 antes que nosotros. Y no se lo han permitido. No olviden ese detalle.”
There is also some question as to how Americans will receive a 51st state, which could have big consequences for congressional makeup (and the design of the U.S. flag).

What the new 51 stars flag might look like

There is still quite a road ahead as they've elected a non pro-statehood governor, so there likely won't be any move to draft the legislation for Puerto Rico as a state and submit it to congress in the near future (though he could always have a change of heart), but this is a major step and getting suprisingly little news time, probably because of the elections.
I'm sure there will be parades in New York if this becomes official.
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