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DZKK: Three massive naval exercises with US and NATO kick off!


Feb 6, 2013
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It might be a first time if not decades before for US Marines to engage in a amphibious warfare drill with DZKK on Turkish soils. with USN amphibious assault ships, LHA likely.
21 Ekim 2015

1. TRIDENT JUNCTURE-2015 Tatbikatı, 21 Ekim-06 Kasım 2015 tarihleri arasında İspanya, İtalya ve Portekiz ev sahipliğinde, NATO üyesi ülkeler ve NATO ile ortaklık antlaşması olan ülkelerin iştiraki ile İspanya, İtalya ve Portekiz ile Batı ve Orta Akdeniz’de icra edilecektir.

2. Tatbikatın maksadı; “Krize Müdahale Harekâtı” kapsamında; NATO’nun imkan ve kabiliyetlerini göstermek, NATO Mukabele Kuvvetini denemek, taktik seviyede birliklerin eğitimini sağlamak ve müttefik ülkeler arasında bilgi ve tecrübe paylaşımında bulunmaktır.

3. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Tatbikat’a; TCG YILDIRIM, TCG YAVUZ, TCG SALİHREİS ve TCG GEDİZ fırkateynleri, TCG S.MEHMET PAŞA ve TCG AKÇAKOCA gemileri, TCG 18 MART denizaltısı, F-16 uçakları ve karargâh subayları ile iştirak edecektir.

Saygı ile duyurulur.

21 Ekim 2015
1. NUSRET-2015 Davet Tatbikatı; Türkiye’nin ev sahipliğinde, Türkiye’den Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetleri ile Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı yüzer ve uçar birlikleri, NATO üyesi ülkelerden unsurlar ve çok sayıda ülkeden gözlemcilerin katılımıyla 21-27 Ekim 2015 tarihleri arasında Saros Körfezi’nde icra edilecektir.

2. Tatbikatın maksadı; katılan birlik/komutanlıkların mayın harbinin planlama, icra ve kıymetlendirme konularında eğitimini sağlamak, farklı ülkelerden katılan mayın harbi unsurlarının birlikte çalışabilirliğini geliştirmektir.

3. Tatbikata;

  • a. Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri, Hava Kuvvetleri ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığından toplam 14 gemi, 6 uçak ve helikopter ile 1 Sualtı Savunma (SAS) Görev Timi,
  • b. Bulgaristan, Romanya ve Yunanistan’dan 1’er Mayın Avlama/Tarama Gemisi,
  • c. Romanya ve Yunanistan’dan Patlayıcı Maddeleri Etkisiz Hale Getirme (EOD) Timleri ve ABD’den İnsansız Sualtı Aracı Timi,
  • ç. Bahreyn, Bangladeş, Gürcistan, Katar, Kore Cumhuriyeti, Pakistan, Romanya ve Türkmenistan’dan gözlemci ve karargâh subayları katılım sağlayacaktır.
Saygı ile duyurulur

20 Ekim 2015
1. EGEMEN-2015 Fiili Amfibi Tatbikatı; Türkiye’nin ev sahipliğinde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri unsurları, İngiltere ve Kore Cumhuriyeti Deniz Kuvvetleri gözlemcileri, Türkiye’den Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetleri ile Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı unsurlarının katılımıyla, 24-28 Ekim 2015 tarihleri arasında Ege Denizi’nde icra edilecektir.

2. Tatbikatın maksadı; tatbikata katılacak ülkeler ile karşılıklı çalışabilirlik ve iş birliğini geliştirmektir.

3. Tatbikata;

  • a. Türk Deniz Kuvvetlerinden 1 fırkateyn, 2 korvet, 4 hücumbot, 1 denizaltı, 1 tank çıkarma gemisi, 6 çıkarma aracı ve yardımcı sınıf gemiler ile 2 helikopter, 1 deniz karakol uçağı, 1 arama kurtarma uçağı, 1 amfibi deniz piyade taburu, Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinden 2 F-16 savaş uçağı,
  • b. ABD Deniz Kuvvetlerinden 1 çok maksatlı amfibi hücum gemisi, 3 hava yastıklı çıkarma aracı, 1 seferi deniz piyade bölüğü, 1 hafif zırhlı araçlı keşif bölüğü, 6 Harrier savaş uçağı ve toplam 15 helikopter,
  • c. İngiltere ve Kore Cumhuriyeti’nden ikişer gözlemci iştirak edecektir.
Saygı ile duyurulur.
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is there any particular reason as to why we're focusing on mine defusal at this day and age?
. . . .
okay Sea mines, but don't you practice beach landings?
Hımm... there are 3 Naval exercises.

Neptune can explain it better but i will try.

1-) Exercise with battleships in open seas. (TRIDENT JUNCTURE-2015 )
2-) Mine exercises. (NUSRET-2015)
3-) Amphibious warfare exercises(EGEMEN-2015)

All different exercises. I explained it a bit crude. :(

What you mean with "Battleships" ?

. . . .

Bro, Mine Warfare still matters to the Navy. Few of the reasons are;

1- We control two straits and a sea that meets with blue waters through our straits, Black Sea.

2- There are still undefused seamines all over the World, and our territorial waters especially due to WW1, they pose a threat to the trade going through the straits. At local seaside news agencies, you still can sometimes see news about their defusal.

3- We do still put heavy emphasis on beach landing operations, for obvious reasons at western coast. But I don't see any reason other than it because most NATO navies have been transforming their marine forces to greater roles that of a simple amphibious warfare. Beach landing means, a lot of landing crafts, lots of crafts mean the obligation to make sure the beach and a certain measure of seaside radius have been cleared from gun positions and especially mines. Consider that you have the largest landing craft fleet in the Mediterranean and the strategic importance of our waters; that also results with having the largest Mine Layer/Sweeper Fleet within NATO, probably in top 3 over the globe :lol:. Not much of a force multiplier but they are useful battle support assets.

Back to the marines reality, maybe this exercise could be aiming to observe how a typical MEU (USMC Marine Expeditionary Unit) works.

TSK is changing its main doctrine at sea, so is the marines. With the arrival of TCG Levent and future amphibious assault ships, marines will be a division level force. Ex EGEMEN is a beginning, DZKK is forming a fully capable, flexible and mobile fleet expeditionary force.

@yugocrosrb95 we are probably relying on beach assault very much. That's why in parallel to landing units, we have to maintain a mine warfare fleet on par with them.
Lol.. Seems like squids all over the blues will have their asses sweat :lol:.
They put another planned major drill with USN into announcement board.

23 Ekim 2015
1. DOĞU AKDENİZ-2015 Davet Tatbikatı; Türkiye’nin ev sahipliğinde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Deniz Kuvvetleri unsurları ile Türkiye’den Deniz, Hava Kuvvetleri ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı unsurlarının katılımıyla, NATO’nun Orta ve Batı Akdeniz’de icra etmekte olduğu TRIDENT JUCTURE-2015 Tatbikatı ile bağlantılı olarak 18 Ekim-6 Kasım 2015 tarihleri arasında Batı/Orta/Doğu Akdeniz’de icra edilecektir.

2. Tatbikat’ın maksadı;

a. Katılan kuvvetlere başta temel harp nevileri olmak üzere deniz harekâtının gerektirdiği diğer alanlara yönelik eğitim fırsatı sunmak,

b. Karargâh personelinin planlama ve icra yeteneklerini geliştirmek,

c. Müttefik ülkeler arasında karşılıklı çalışabilirlik ve işbirliğinin artırılmasına yardımcı olmaktır.

3. Tatbikat’a;

a. Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri, Hava Kuvvetleri ve Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığından toplam 17 gemi, 14 uçak ve helikopter ile Çok Uluslu Deniz Güvenliği Mükemmeliyet Merkezi,

b. ABD Deniz Kuvvetlerinden 1 muhrip ve 2 deniz karakol uçağı iştirak edecektir.
is there any particular reason as to why we're focusing on mine defusal at this day and age?

To complete Neptune's answer from above, you would be very surprised my poor mate LegionnairE,
if you searched on the matter with a search engine or at a library to learn that most nations and the USN
in particular have lost a lot of expertise in mine warfare in the last couple of decades.
America has almost sent all its minesweepers to scrapyards or flea markets for instance. Part of why is
because a reduction in total number of platforms left no place for dedicated assets. Under alternative options
was found the current solution relying on aerial platforms for replacement - MH-53E / MH-60S -.

Strategic plan document : http://www.navy.mil/n85/miw_primer-june2009.pdf
US Mil-linked shorter explanation :
U.S. military enters new generation of sea mine warfare - News - Stripes

Fr-Bel-Netherlands have the current best fleets with their old Tripartite class well known to Pakistan.
Tripartite-class minehunter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ Pak = M-163 M-164 and M-166 ]
Replacement programs are being activated or pursued by other EU nations.

This short series does an OK job of explaining the conundrum too and is easy to read :
sea mines series 2015 « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

Good day all, Tay.
To complete Neptune's answer from above, you would be very surprised my poor mate LegionnairE,
if you searched on the matter with a search engine or at a library to learn that most nations and the USN
in particular have lost a lot of expertise in mine warfare in the last couple of decades.
America has almost sent all its minesweepers to scrapyards or flea markets for instance. Part of why is
because a reduction in total number of platforms left no place for dedicated assets. Under alternative options
was found the current solution relying on aerial platforms for replacement - MH-53E / MH-60S -.

Strategic plan document : http://www.navy.mil/n85/miw_primer-june2009.pdf
US Mil-linked shorter explanation :
U.S. military enters new generation of sea mine warfare - News - Stripes

Fr-Bel-Netherlands have the current best fleets with their old Tripartite class well known to Pakistan.
Tripartite-class minehunter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ Pak = M-163 M-164 and M-166 ]
Replacement programs are being activated or pursued by other EU nations.

This short series does an OK job of explaining the conundrum too and is easy to read :
sea mines series 2015 « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

Good day all, Tay.
I didn't know so meny military vessels were lost to mines

dude It's just weird

I mean you wouldn't think that'd happen with where the active sonar technology has come
If you keep your sonars on you should be able to detect mines and avoid them ...right?

even a WWII V&W destroyer shouldn't be lost to a mine.
I didn't know so meny military vessels were lost to mines

1988 USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) hit an Iranian mine and sparked Operation Preying Mantis.

FFG-58 in UAE for repairs.

Even US military still uses naval mines, but these mines are bottom-moored encapsulated torpedoes called MK60 CAPTOR mines.


When target comes in range, MK60 CAPTOR launches MK46 torpedo to attack target.

Less high-tech mine include MK62 Quickstrike.

The Mk-62 mines is a Mk-82 500-lb general purpose bomb fitted with a Fin Mk 15, Fin BSU-86/B, or Tail Section Mk 16 and dropped by either a B-52H (or a B-1B – that is also capable to drop JDAMs on naval targets) at high-speed and low altitude (around 1,000 feet). Once in the water, the mine uses an MK57 Target Detection Device (TDD) to detect a ship passing above: basically, it can detect the vessel by pressure of the ship on the water, by magnetism of the ship’s metal or vibration caused by the ship.


Mines are still a big threat. Some dropped from helicopter. Some like this MK47 launched from submarine.


Some dropped for aircraft. And some from ships. But mines are still big threat to militaries.
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