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'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than America's


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than America's - Forbes
significant issues with the analysis, and the data that is presented to readers is often out of context or out of date. Because of the country’s (genuinely terrible!) experience during the 1990′s, there’s a deep tendency to view Russia as some sort of freakish outlier: a bizarre dystopia in which people “have lost the will to live” and no longer bother to reproduce. The reality is a lot more complicated, and there have been substantial changes for the better over the past decade.

With the United States the tendency is exactly the opposite: because the US hastraditionally had demographics that were much more robust than “old Europe” there’s a tendency to assume that this is still the case. In reality, though, the United States has become much less demographically “ exceptional” among developed countries, and the past few years have seen a significant (if not catostrophic) decrease in births and fertility. The Great Recession might have ended a few years ago, but its demographic consequences are, if anything, intenstifying.

The great thing about demogrpahy is that there are always hard numbers available. Rather than create a lengthy and long-winded analysis of the relevent trends I thought I would simply show two charts that put things nicely in perspective. The first shows the crude birthrate per 1,000 in Russia and the US from 2000-12 (the most recent year for which the CDC has data). Since it’s not adjusted for population composition the CBR is a rather blunt measure, but it nevertheless shows the general trend in births.

The second graph shows the total fertility rate (TFR) for Russia and the United States between 2000 and 2012. The TFR is a much more instructive measurement because itis adjusted for population composition. While the reality can sometimes be a little messy, in theory a country’s TFR will change only if there is genuine movement in childbearing patterns not if there are proportionally more young or elderly people.



The takeaway isn’t that Russia is “better” than the US nor is it that everything in Russia is great. Russia will face some very significant challenges from a population that is growing ever more elderly. The point is simply that Russia and the US have ended up in demographic situations that (while far from identical) are much moresimilar than the media narrative would ever admit. Looking purely at the numbers, it’s hard to see how one country can be a “dying bear” and the other can be lauded for its demographic exceptionalism. Reality, as always, is a lot more complicated than pithy slogans.
Well , Russia just added 2 million population last month right>>>
The birth rate amongst Americans (Whites) is low because of the degenerate culture promoted by the Zionist owned media which discourages family values/traditions and promotes extreme feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism, and sexually depraved behavior.

Women are discouraged from having and raising children. The portrayal of giving birth to and rearing children as something "oppressive" and "restricting" has instilled a mindset within the average American (White) female that having Children = bad, while on the other hand a life of having multiple jobs, indulging in obscene and promiscuous sexual acts involving multiple partners, getting drunk at clubs and parties, etc is depicted as something to "desire" and strive for.

Which has lead to many social problems, including high abortion rate amongst White Americans, drug/substance abuse, besides a low birth rate.
The birth rate amongst Americans (Whites) is low because of the degenerate culture promoted by the Zionist owned media which discourages family values/traditions and promotes extreme feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism, and sexually depraved behavior.

Only in Las Vegas! :D

(Actually, not even there. :) )
Only in Las Vegas! :D

(Actually, not even there. :) )
Homosexuality is promoted in the media and even school/educational facilities, and so are other promiscuous non procreational sexually depraved behaviors. The media, in reality tv shows like Jersey Shore, and "real house wives", careless and degenerate behavior is promoted, and such tv shows/music videos, which are a part of the "pop culture" which is targeted at the younger/youthful generations has deprived them of any sensibility, responsibility, discipline, and maturity.

Bob McDermott Steams Over Sex Ed Program, Says It Promotes A 'Homosexual Lifestyle As Positive'

Public employees teach kids ‘gay’ sex


This is not only occurring in America but also in other Western countries.
Homosexuality is promoted in the media and even school/educational facilities, and so are other promiscuous non procreational sexually depraved behaviors.

Bob McDermott Steams Over Sex Ed Program, Says It Promotes A 'Homosexual Lifestyle As Positive'

Public employees teach kids ‘gay’ sex


This is not only occurring in America but also in other Western countries.

Actually, the long term population demographics in USA are stable, more than any other major power's, including China and Russia. Surprise!
Actually, the long term population demographics in USA are stable, more than any other major power's, including China and Russia. Surprise!
How so???

Most Americans (im not talking about immigrants, btw), who are White, and a majority of which are old people, will soon be dying out, only to be replaced by immigrants, the majority of which are comprised of these people:

In 2007, Los Angeles County counted more than 1,300 gangs with over 150,000 members.
Within the City of Los Angeles by itself, there were more than 400 separate gangs and an
estimated 39,000 members of these gangs. Of these, more than half were Latino.
Source: Annual Report to Congress: Creating a Safer America, U.S. Bureau of Justice
Assistance, 2000, and Gang Reduction Strategy, City of Los Angeles, 2007.

Gang Populations - Los Angeles County

NumbersUSA: Immigration bill to bring in at least 33 million | The Daily Caller


How so???

Most Americans (im not talking about immigrants, btw), who are White, and a majority of which are old people, will soon be dying out, only to be replaced by immigrants, the majority of which are comprised of these people:

In 2007, Los Angeles County counted more than 1,300 gangs with over 150,000 members.
Within the City of Los Angeles by itself, there were more than 400 separate gangs and an
estimated 39,000 members of these gangs. Of these, more than half were Latino.
Source: Annual Report to Congress: Creating a Safer America, U.S. Bureau of Justice
Assistance, 2000, and Gang Reduction Strategy, City of Los Angeles, 2007.

Gang Populations - Los Angeles County

Well, somebody has to mow lawns! :D



Seriously, the new immigrants will change the make up of the population, no doubt, but the long term assimilation will produce the productive citizens of tomorrow, just like for previous waves of immigrants.

That is the beauty of the Great Melting Pot.
Well, somebody has to mow lawns! :D



Seriously, the new immigrants will change the make up of the population, no doubt, but the long term assimilation will produce the productive citizens of tomorrow, just like for previous waves of immigrants.

That is the beauty of the Great Melting Pot.
Sorry, but you are mistaken here my friend.

What makes you think that a people who have turned their own nation into a hotbed for drug cartels and kingpins will make this country into a "productive" society???

All of the previous immigrants were Europeans and Christians, whether they were Irish, German, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, or English, and thus they easily assimilated with one another.

But these people aren't here to "assimilate" into a "melting pot", but to reclaim territory for Mexico, and to change the demographics of the country in their own favor.

Whether you will agree on this point or not, but the fact remains that it was the Europeans who built this nation into a industrial powerhouse of innovation and productivity. From the founding fathers, to men like Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, etc. And with the death of European Americans, so to would America crumble, along with its European legacy.

No one, in particular the third world non-European immigrants, will never be able to replace the legacy of these people.

Today's America is a far cry from what it was. Neighborhoods which were once clean and safe to roam in 20-30, even 40 years ago are now infested with drugs, prostitution, gang activity, and graffiti.
Sorry, but you are mistaken here my friend.

What makes you think that a people who have turned their own nation into a hotbed for drug cartels and kingpins will make this country into a "productive" society???

All of the previous immigrants were Europeans and Christians, whether they were Irish, German, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, or English, and thus they easily assimilated with one another.

But these people aren't here to "assimilate" into a "melting pot", but to reclaim territory for Mexico, and to change the demographics of the country in their own favor.

Whether you will agree on this point or not, but the fact remains that it was the Europeans who built this nation into a industrial powerhouse of innovation and productivity. From the founding fathers, to men like Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, etc. And with the death of European Americans, so to would America crumble, along with its European legacy.

No one, in particular the third world non-European immigrants, will never be able to replace the legacy of these people.

Today's America is a far cry from what it was. Neighborhoods which were once clean and safe to roam in 20-30, even 40 years ago are now infested with drugs, prostitution, gang activity, and graffiti.

Same happening in UK.
The birth rate amongst Americans (Whites) is low because of the degenerate culture promoted by the Zionist owned media which discourages family values/traditions and promotes extreme feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism, and sexually depraved behavior.

Women are discouraged from having and raising children. The portrayal of giving birth to and rearing children as something "oppressive" and "restricting" has instilled a mindset within the average American (White) female that having Children = bad, while on the other hand a life of having multiple jobs, indulging in obscene and promiscuous sexual acts involving multiple partners, getting drunk at clubs and parties, etc is depicted as something to "desire" and strive for.

Which has lead to many social problems, including high abortion rate amongst White Americans, drug/substance abuse, besides a low birth rate.

Ibut it's not just the media [ and that includes more than the TV ]. It is primarily the educational system, beginning in Kindergaden, and the neo-con liberals emerging throughout the world just as in Pakistan,

They shout obscenities at Madrassah education, but are unaware [deliberately?] of the western models they promote in Pakistan
I think the US fertility rate is high but that is mostly due to immigrants having children in the US and not the white Americans.

True. The US we knew of as kids (my childhood late 70's and 80's) has changed massively. Latinos will be the majority group which will leading to many changes.
How so???

Most Americans (im not talking about immigrants, btw), who are White, and a majority of which are old people, will soon be dying out, only to be replaced by immigrants, the majority of which are comprised of these people:

In 2007, Los Angeles County counted more than 1,300 gangs with over 150,000 members.
Within the City of Los Angeles by itself, there were more than 400 separate gangs and an
estimated 39,000 members of these gangs. Of these, more than half were Latino.
Source: Annual Report to Congress: Creating a Safer America, U.S. Bureau of Justice
Assistance, 2000, and Gang Reduction Strategy, City of Los Angeles, 2007.

Gang Populations - Los Angeles County

NumbersUSA: Immigration bill to bring in at least 33 million | The Daily Caller



The vast majority of Americans are STILL white, and these immigrants are stuck in cities, and some states. The countryside, the vastness of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Albany, Nevada, Texas is pretty much white everywhere.

It will be more than 100 years that these immigrants will be able to achieve anything in America in population terms considering the size of the American white population, and including the still strong family values among them. They are the biggest evangelist nation on earth, new born Christians.

White Americans still have the highest proportion of babies born in wedlock, much higher than black and latinos, who are the ones to which the social problems, you mentioned, increasingly apply: obscene promiscuity, ultra feminism, substance abuse, disease etc

AIDS is rampant among blacks and Latinos, but not the Whites

And that is ample time for the White Americans to ponder and change. So, you never know, and the scare mongering could be futile.
The birth rate amongst Americans (Whites) is low because of the degenerate culture promoted by the Zionist owned media which discourages family values/traditions and promotes extreme feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism, and sexually depraved behavior.

Women are discouraged from having and raising children. The portrayal of giving birth to and rearing children as something "oppressive" and "restricting" has instilled a mindset within the average American (White) female that having Children = bad, while on the other hand a life of having multiple jobs, indulging in obscene and promiscuous sexual acts involving multiple partners, getting drunk at clubs and parties, etc is depicted as something to "desire" and strive for.

Which has lead to many social problems, including high abortion rate amongst White Americans, drug/substance abuse, besides a low birth rate.
Classic bitter second gen muslim immigrant.

That's like saying pakistan = collection of massive caves where women get decapitated for going to schools and blowing up is something that's "desired and to strive for."

Get a job, stop being a terrorist loser and make something out of your life instead of being a miserable clown. Alternatively you can head back to pakistan if you haven't already.

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