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'Drunken row' between two friends sparked Pakistan's anti-Christian riot

@Hyperion @Secur Why is a certain poster posting incessant gibberish? Whats with the "thank you come again"? You got him in your reticle?

How does it matter whether they were intoxicated or riding high on fine Afghan maal? The point is that 2 drunken men can't burn down scores of houses but a few 100 (or whatever the actual no. is in this case) people forming up a mob and intoxicated by religious zealotry can and do burn down houses and lynch "blasphemers". People should refrain from indulging n logical fallacies and trying to prop up false equivalencies between alcohol consumption related crimes and religious hate crimes. Either that or refrain from posting.

Got him five by five ! I saw his first post trying to distract the people from the harsh reality by blaming it all on secularism and freedom of action and his flags are of a certain country which is secular itself ...

Yes , it doesn't matter since no one of them was in his right mind and none of their words can be taken as any evidence of any sort or considered reliable and if it is true , is no reason to kill a person or burn hundreds of houses ... Two people didn't burn scores of houses ! Mate , reports indicate that there were thousands of pure Muslims looting and burning properties of Christians in the name of thy Lord ... I am really saddened by this heinous act ... What is left for me to say about my countrymen ? The ideology of extremism is very deep , Dillinger and I see no remedy for it in the near future ... See , what he was replied by me on his stupid and illogical posts on how " alcohol's " the bad guy here ...

Its 72,000 virgins..not just 72 virgins...

What are you trying to say here ?
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Exactly. I totally agree with you. Alcohol, is just another excuse that the Wahabists will come up with, they are so predictable. The pecking order for executions is like this

1. Declare anyone who is not a Wahabi an infidel (Must die)
2. Anyone whom they don't agree with declare them a blasphemer (Must die)
3. Any social problem they can't identify and pains them, they shift the blame to Booze, or blame the upbringing of the individual. (Must die)
4. If nothing works, then call them liberal fascists and then kill them.
5. If they can't counter your argument and can't kill you on the spot, they will use "It's not permitted for us to speak to Juhulla", which actually translates to "I can't kill you right now, next time I shall seek my revenge" << One of the most common tactic.

My friend the solution is simple for all of us. These are people who are out of control and need to be culled. The problem is these people are extremely violent and you can not have a debate with them.

Solution? Be in their blind spot and kill them en-masse, there is no need to speak. I swear if I ever find out that even any member of my family is one of these Wahabists, I'll very quietly take care of him, on a permanent basis. I don't care. One less Wahabi roaming the world makes the world a better place.

@Hyperion @Secur Why is a certain poster posting incessant gibberish? Whats with the "thank you come again"? You got him in your reticle?

How does it matter whether they were intoxicated or riding high on fine Afghan maal? The point is that 2 drunken men can't burn down scores of houses but a few 100 (or whatever the actual no. is in this case) people forming up a mob and intoxicated by religious zealotry can and do burn down houses and lynch "blasphemers". People should refrain from indulging n logical fallacies and trying to prop up false equivalencies between alcohol consumption related crimes and religious hate crimes. Either that or refrain from posting.
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You could have said the same thing without showing your true colors. You my friend are Indian version of idiots on our side.

U may call me whatever u feel like but thats not gonna change the facts...

The fact is even after so many cases of misuse of blasphemy law in Pakistan, there is no protest by Pakistanis to remove this law even when they see people r just using it as excuse to settle personal grudges by taking the law in their hands n then defending it in the name of God n religion.

N even most of those who protest would say that let the court decide but would not say anything about abolition death peanalty in such acts. N even some of u r putting the whole blame on Alcohol.

I believe religion n believes r a personal matter n if some person doesn't believe in ur religion or even say something bad about it then also i don't think that taking that persons life is gonna help ur cause any how...
Exactly. I totally agree with you. Alcohol, is just another excuse that the Wahabists will come up with, they are so predictable. The pecking order for executions is like this

1. Declare anyone who is not a Wahabi an infidel (Must die)
2. Anyone whom they don't agree with declare them a blasphemer (Must die)
3. Any social problem they can't identify and pains them, they shift the blame to Booze, or blame the upbringing of the individual. (Must die)
4. If nothing works, then call them liberal fascists and then kill them.

My friend the solution is simple for all of us. These are people who are out of control and need to be culled. The problem is these people are extremely violent and you can not have a debate with them.

Solution? Be in their blind spot and kill them en-masse, there is no need to speak. I swear if I ever find out that even any member of my family is one of these Wahabists, I'll very quietly take care of him, on a permanent basis. I don't care. One less Wahabi roaming the world makes the world a better place.

thats crazy i did not know that wahabists/salafists are So strong in pakistan, they(government) should something about these @55holes i agree with you brother

"thank you come again":cheers:
Well there was a reason that alcohol was banned .

By the way I wonder how someone who have no problem getting drunk would get so angry about some blasphemous words that go and gather such mob and start torching people houses

On the sidenote its not good that government is going to pay for the damages . They most gather all the participants and took the money for the damages from them and be as severe as possible about this. Then next time if anybody want to do this will think twice
these wahabists/salafist are the ones that had Data darbar blown up Couple of years back and India Backs these Deobandi sect fully deobandi an offshoot of salafists originated in India

Thank you come again:cheers:
Dude, you are an enigma way beyond my comprehension. I understand the fundamental nature of higgs boson, yet can't decode people like you. Whatever. My solution fits all, that may include individuals who can't make up their mind. :D

thats crazy i did not know that wahabists/salafists are So strong in pakistan, they(government) should something about these @55holes i agree with you brother

"thank you come again":cheers:
My logic will sound stupid but it is what we have seen in History...

For Muslims...
1. Khalifa lost Ottoman empire, Lets kill Kaffir

The 1921 rebellion began as a reaction against a heavy handed crackdown on the Khilafat Movement [4] by the British authorities in the Eranad and Valluvanad taluks of Malabar. In the initial stages, a number of minor clashes took place between Khilafat volunteers and the police, but the violence soon spread across the region.[5] The Mappilas attacked and took control of police stations, British government offices, courts and government treasuries. The largely kudiyaan (tenant) Mappilas also attacked and killed jenmi (landlords) of the Hindu Nair and Brahmin Nambudiri castes. In the later stages of the uprising, Mappilas committed several atrocities against the Hindu community, who they accused of helping the police to suppress their rebellion.[2][6] Annie Besant reported that Muslim Mappilas forcibly converted many Hindus and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatise, totalling to one lakh (100,000)

2. Bhutto hanged , Lets kill Kaffir

The plight of Kashmiri Pundits

3. Election rigged by Abdullas, Let kill Kaffir

The plight of Kashmiri Pundits

4. Govt curning jamati/shibir, lets Kill Kaffir

The plight of Bangladeshi Hindus

5. Pakistan raping Bengalis , Lets kill Kaffir..

The plight of Bangladeshi Hindus

The point is, any thing happen, any thing goes wrong, Brand Kaffirs as traitor/Agent or Blasphemer and kill them...

now 6. > Drunken row among frnds..., Lets kill Kaffirs..
Got him five by five ! I saw his first post trying to distract the people from the harsh reality by blaming it all on secularism and freedom of action and his flags are of a certain country which is secular itself ...

Yes , it doesn't matter since no one of them was in his right mind and none of their words can be taken as any evidence of any sort or considered reliable and if it is true , is no reason to kill a person or burn hundreds of houses ... Two people didn't burn scores of houses ! Mate , reports indicate that there were thousands of pure Muslims looting and burning properties of Christians in the name of thy Lord ... I am really saddened by this heinous act ... What is left for me to say about my countrymen ? The ideology of extremism is very deep , Dillinger and I see no remedy for it in the near future ... See , what he was replied by me on his stupid and illogical posts on how " alcohol's " the bad guy here ...

What are you trying to say here ?

Yaara, all you can do is keep countering them no matter how many times you need to..ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Trying to change their outlook and ideology now will see you grow old, senile and toothless without any tangible results. A clear cut case of the misuse of a certain law (a law which personally I have a problem with but no place to condemn- not my beeswax) is being muddled up either through deliberate malintent and/or through deliberate "shutter over the eyes" syndrome. You brought up Taseer's case and they will argue over the no. of drunken accidents in the darned states. It takes a "gem" of a mind to see such a correlation, not within our powers to comprehend.
these wahabists/salafist are the ones that had Data darbar blown up Couple of years back and India Backs these Deobandi sect fully deobandi an offshoot of salafists originated in India

Thank you come again:cheers:

Great now you bang it on India...

Bhai tero dimaag to thikaane pe hai na... you are talking nonsense all the time ...
if you hate secularism & alcohol so much, then why are you in the u.s ? why don't you go back to your country ? i am in no way defending what sawan masih has said, i condemn it & if he has committed blasphemy then let the courts handle it . now as a common sense its well known fact that when people are drunk they are not in their senses, & whatever they say they might not actually mean it or might not even know for that matter, but what this shahid imran did was backbiting, knowing full well that in a drunk state people say many things because they are not in their normal state of mind or senses & being a drunkard himself this shahid imran guy should have known it

what a stupid answer, :toast_sign:
Dude, you are an enigma way beyond my comprehension. I understand the fundamental nature of higgs boson, yet can't decode people like you. Whatever. My solution fits all, that may include individuals who can't make up their mind. :D
?????????????????? what did i do, Is it not true what i wrote about deobandi's/wahabists/Salafists

"Thank you come again":cry:
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