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'Drunken row' between two friends sparked Pakistan's anti-Christian riot

Exactly. I totally agree with you. Alcohol, is just another excuse that the Wahabists will come up with, they are so predictable. The pecking order for executions is like this

1. Declare anyone who is not a Wahabi an infidel (Must die)
2. Anyone whom they don't agree with declare them a blasphemer (Must die)
3. Any social problem they can't identify and pains them, they shift the blame to Booze, or blame the upbringing of the individual. (Must die)
4. If nothing works, then call them liberal fascists and then kill them.

My friend the solution is simple for all of us. These are people who are out of control and need to be culled. The problem is these people are extremely violent and you can not have a debate with them.

Solution? Be in their blind spot and kill them en-masse, there is no need to speak. I swear if I ever find out that even any member of my family is one of these Wahabists, I'll very quietly take care of him, on a permanent basis. I don't care. One less Wahabi roaming the world makes the world a better place.

Once you said you don't hate people you hate their ideologies ... That was true or this is ??? :sad:
" The Mask of Sanity " it is only , not the real sanity , Dillinger !

So , people are literally deprived of their houses ( hard earned ) and some people will like to discuss the benefits/harmfuless of alcohol rather than condemning the accident itself ... Yes , the law is being misused to hell , I know ... It is being used to settle personal scores , get an enemy neutralized , defaming and what-not ... The common person is just too much emotional over the religon of peace ... These people have no idea how extremism is ruining the society ! Simple none ... I mentioned Taseer because he criticized the abuse of the law and called for ammendment in it ...

Your transmission is clear yaara..we have these brigades on both sides. I can understand if some person decided to bestow part of the blame on the failing LEAs in Pakistan or the general civil unrest, it provides room for these people to act upon their extremist ideology. But these people who just want to trivialize the situation would rather not look at the root cause itself- THE IDEOLOGY- THE DEMAGOGUERY! People like @Hyperion have made it so clear that they despise no individual but do rightly find offence in offensive ideas and yet people like them will be labeled as "haters".

The trivialization and deliberate or coincidental muddling just strengthens the bigots. The bigots know that as long as the populace cannot really intellectually define them, circumambulate and lay down a clear boundary around their ideologies they will also not be able to effectively muster the will to combat them let alone formulate a targeted strategy to do so. This sort of obfuscation goes a long way in allowing these brigades to operate around the world based on various pretexts.
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OKay MR.COOL the guys that Burnt the houses are obviously of deobandi Sect Because those are the only ones that Do stupid Stuff like that and the rest non Wahabi,non deobandi,non salafi people always obey the Rule of the land i.e lal masjid seige Deobandi Stuff LEJ deobandi stuff, TTP doebandi stuff
DOEBANDI every where and supported by you know who so it is very relevant to the thread weather you like it or not and if you dont simply go to a different thread

thank you come again :cheers:

How do you know they are of deobandi sect??

& read your very first post in the thread , then curse any sect.

I am not saying you to stop saying anything about the situation but you are making Oot- Pataang comments like...

deobandi started in india and all the muslims that work for the GOI are deobands
How do you know they are of deobandi sect??

& read your very first post in the thread , then curse any sect.

I am not saying you to stop saying anything about the situation but you are making Oot- Pataang comments like...

They did and what is your point they are also know as Those muslims that oppose the idea of a Muslim nation
'THank you come again':cheers:
The high of alocohol is temporary and a person comes back to senses. The high of religion however is permanenet and victims hallucinate at all times that they are right and superior to others, while being violent hypocrites most of the time.
alcohol does lead to all this.just a week back me and my friends got drunk and two of them started fighting with each other.
and now they are not on talking terms.
just that in this case,it took a violent turn,in fact a mass violence turn.
Mate, when will you stop with your "oh so righteous" attitude of yours, where "your" form of everything is so superior. I have updated the salient features on my post # 48.

Grow up, and counter my arguments with what-not, and don't deflect valid arguments with nonsense. Deflections is all what you do.

@Secur and I, are sufficient to counter any argument from ALL of you people, COMBINED.

If you stay in the realms of reason, so will I. It's not in my nature to bash any human being without reason, even then I do it surgically, wherein it stays within courteous zone.

I think you are crossing the line Hyperion
Its forbidden for us to argue with 'juhalaa' or i had indulged in a discussion with you.
Keep up your bull....suits you well...

This is the ideology which is innate in certain people. You haven't experienced them. I have.. :D

Once you said you don't hate people you hate their ideologies ... That was true or this is ??? :sad:
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The high of alocohol is temporary and a person comes back to senses. The high of religion however is permanenet and victims hallucinate at all times that they are right and superior to others, while being violent hypocrites most of the time.

true,i would prefer people to hallucinate on drugs rather than having this false pride that their religion is superior.mutual respect for every religion is a must.

when in doubt use the google as a route About finding almost every thing in world Lol
"thank you come again":cheers:

may i know your age??
see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed


Alcohol is banned in pakistan :omghaha:
They did and what is your point they are also know as Those muslims that oppose the idea of a Muslim nation
'THank you come again':cheers:

You are really talking nonsense ...

Those who oppose the idea of Muslim nation were not immortals & are not living in this time .. you are talking about 66 years back history.

Now don`t come back... please.:wave:
Alcohol is banned in pakistan :omghaha:

beta siraf muslmanoo kay liya or doosroon kay pass license hai aur voo loog muslimanoo ko bechtay hein, tum pakistan mein rehtay ho tum hain pata nahi is cheez ka meray jigar janii
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