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Drone attacks blessing of God: PMLN leader

Current Nawaz government in Islamabad once again made a deal with ttp promised them concession so that ttp spare them and punjab:2013

Reported by Saleem Safi

Current affairs Program

News Hour

12th November



Jang News Paper

12 November 2013

Saleem Safi column:confusionistan

Salim Safi - jirgah - confusnistan - Jang Columns


Samma News Channel

Current Affais program

News Hour

12 November 2013

Previously In 2010 Shahbaz Sharif made a similar comment to ttp so that they spare punjab

CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab


LAHORE Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that

The Taliban and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz both opposed former military dictator Pervez Musharraf and, therefore, he is surprised that this common stance has failed to stop the Taliban from carrying out terror attacks in Punjab.

“Gen Musharraf planned a bloodbath of innocent Muslims at the behest of others only to prolong his rule, but we in the PML-N opposed his policies and rejected dictation from abroad and if the Taliban are also fighting for the same cause then they should not carry out acts of terror in Punjab (where the PML-N is ruling),”

he said at a seminar held here on Sunday to commemorate the services of late Mufti Muhammad Hussain Naeemi.

The chief minister said that extremism and terrorism were the result of wrong policies of the Musharraf regime and the country was now paying a heavy price for those policies.

The chief minister claimed that the PML-N pursued policies which were not dictated from abroad and said that his party had taken a forceful stand on the Kerry-Lugar bill because it compromised sovereignty, integrity and survival of the country and it still had some reservations over the law.

He criticised US policies in the region and said it was only concerned about its own interests.

He said that although other political parties had also raised their voice against the US law it was the PML-N which had played an active role and made it a serious issue within and outside parliament.

He said that despite the passage of two years, the government had not repealed the 17th amendment and promises made in this regard had not been fulfilled.


dawn news

CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab - DAWN.COM


Jang News Paper

12 November 2013

Saleem Safi column:confusionistan

Salim Safi - jirgah - confusnistan - Jang Columns

kindly see this @[URL='https://defence.pk/members/saifullah-sani.38581/']Saifullah Sani[/URL]
So you are saying USA is bad cause they are killing Terrorist Taliban's what about the country thats well known and documented to be financing Taliban's? this is where most so called patriotic Pakistanis dont wanna talk about it.

Had the army or pak government come out and said we gave full permission to the Americans for drone use.Tell me what would have been the reaction of mullahs and Taliban's sympathizer? this way its simple hey dont blame us we have no control :smitten:

You are talking about KSA? Well I don't like any foreign country's interference into my country, whether its USA, India, KSA or any other country.

Current Nawaz government in Islamabad once again made a deal with ttp promised them concession so that ttp spare them and punjab:2013

Only PTI is evil, no one will talk about other REAL TTP sympathizers..
Current Nawaz government in Islamabad once again made a deal with ttp promised them concession so that ttp spare them and punjab:2013

Reported by Saleem Safi

Current affairs Program

News Hour

12th November



Jang News Paper

12 November 2013

Saleem Safi column:confusionistan

Salim Safi - jirgah - confusnistan - Jang Columns


Samma News Channel

Current Affais program

News Hour

12 November 2013

Previously In 2010 Shahbaz Sharif made a similar comment to ttp so that they spare punjab

CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab


LAHORE Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that

he said at a seminar held here on Sunday to commemorate the services of late Mufti Muhammad Hussain Naeemi.

The chief minister said that extremism and terrorism were the result of wrong policies of the Musharraf regime and the country was now paying a heavy price for those policies.

The chief minister claimed that the PML-N pursued policies which were not dictated from abroad and said that his party had taken a forceful stand on the Kerry-Lugar bill because it compromised sovereignty, integrity and survival of the country and it still had some reservations over the law.

He criticised US policies in the region and said it was only concerned about its own interests.

He said that although other political parties had also raised their voice against the US law it was the PML-N which had played an active role and made it a serious issue within and outside parliament.

He said that despite the passage of two years, the government had not repealed the 17th amendment and promises made in this regard had not been fulfilled.


dawn news

CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab - DAWN.COM


Jang News Paper

12 November 2013

Saleem Safi column:confusionistan

Salim Safi - jirgah - confusnistan - Jang Columns

kindly see this @Saifullah Sani
don't politicize this i can do it too
don't politicize this i can do it too

you posted article/news related to ttp and pti

i posted an article/news related to ttp and pmln

as you said both pti and pmln are they same(i think otherwise) why are you nervous when i posted something related to pmln/ttp deal then
Cant say I disagree with him. They are a double edged sword. We need to kill certain terrorists(who are not foreigners as much as we would like to hide our head in the sand and want to kiss and hug those who wish to enslave or slaughter us).However, the operators of these weapons arent versed at all with the locals nor are they aware of how to interpret the imagery they see from 20000 feet. Let us have the drones.. and we'll blast around a lot more than you do.
you posted article/news related to ttp and pti

i posted an article/news related to ttp and pmln

as you said both pti and pmln are they same(i think otherwise) why are you nervous when i posted something related to pmln/ttp deal then
who is nervous brother. PTI and PMKN both are in the favor of dialogue with TTP and in my view No negotiation with terrorists very simple.
You are talking about KSA? Well I don't like any foreign country's interference into my country, whether its USA, India, KSA or any other country

Please tell me last time Pakistanis came out in droves and protested against KSA financing terrorist Taliban in pakistan?

Americans drone fly with our permission and only kill Terrorist, Petro dollars have caused havoc to our economy and killed 1000s upon 1000s civilians and security personals. No one standing at the rally shouting anti American slogans will say a word against the real threat to Pakistan.
this is the real policy on drones.

I m not surprised at this stance. All status quo parties are amazingly on the same page when it comes to policies sourced from Washington.
even now if people don't think how big of a menace TTP barbarians are after seeing them playing soccer with severed heads, then i don't know if in this thread i'm talking to humans or animals?

if drone attacks are bad, then why don't the good people of FATA kick talibani menace out?

just as a jihadi suicide bomber point of view that a pakistani nation is all kufaar because we are supporting a system of kufaar and every one or two yr old is also wajib ul katl, then why this rule not stand on FATA?

if people in FATA are supporting or harbouring TTP barbarians, they are wajib ul katl too
The above article proves that how much 'beghairat' and 'besharm' our civil regime is!
Drone attacks are so not 'blessings',but a 'compromise',a painful compromise which we are making-It is a bloody deal,as a result of which we are paying huge price.
Just because we don't have capacity to counter better policy then drones,or our regime is not eligible enough to understand United States original designs or if does,then lacks enough guts to 'check mate,that doesn't mean that we begain to 'sugarcoat',such unwanted policy as a blessing.
May ALLAH (SWT) shower these blessings on Shariff Palace in Raiwind. Ameen!
Sir Ranger,
What to be expected from them?Our politicans are fantastic in making airy-fairy pseudo promises only,as they lack enough guts and 'steel nerves' to engineer better policies to counter insurgencies.
They made a deal with United States,a painful deal-or should I say that we are paying huge price for being United State's front line ally.Now despite of this fact that how much 'pain in the neck' this deal is bringing us,we are in no position to find a way out-I will say that it is not a deal but a labyrinth,in which our interests are fabricated with each other.Drone strikes has both merits and demerits,however... I reckon that demerits are greater!
I think Pakistan should work with US. Provide ground intel on TTP hideouts & let the drones do their job. Drones are good they kill terrorists plus no loss for P.A. there won't be any civilian life loss if someone on ground provides intel on TTP hideouts.
you think pakistan is not doing it already? lot of intel comes from pakistan which is why americans thanked you guys many times.
Problem is your agencies have their targets and americans have their targets. You wont give your assets as targets for obvious reason.
operation is going on for last 9 years no one stopped it than no one is stopping it now
Babu thats where we suffer from selective memory
Operation never went on for 9 years we had so many peace deals which the terrorists used to consolidate themselves, kill people at large scale and continued to attack forces and ordinary civilians.

they never stopped from their beheading & bombings even during the so called peace. the army was not allowed to retaliate despite suffering ambushes on their convoys.

how ba@stardiszed and mindlessly numb this Pakistani nation has become is unbelievable... the moment army retaliates after repeated attacks on itself ... people start talking about collateral damage.

the fck is 50,000 number mean? who killed them all? we made a truce with them in sawat and waziristan and they gave us public executions. they continue to kill civilians, kill soldiers and officers up to general rank and our politicians say the talks should be called off...

if our army could do half as much as Turkey or Saudi Arabian army, then this conflict would have been finished soon. problem with our army is its own population which has forgotten who is the father, who is the killer and who is a protector.

I welcome drone strikes that are the only potent weapon that has eliminated top TTP leadership.

Cant say I disagree with him. They are a double edged sword. We need to kill certain terrorists(who are not foreigners as much as we would like to hide our head in the sand and want to kiss and hug those who wish to enslave or slaughter us).However, the operators of these weapons arent versed at all with the locals nor are they aware of how to interpret the imagery they see from 20000 feet. Let us have the drones.. and we'll blast around a lot more than you do.
by the way, do we need to start eating grass once again to learn to build our own night vision equipment?
why do we need to borrow American equipment which is very limited? our best bet is locating these pests at night through IR and night vision equipment through air and engaging them.
For the record i think, understands and believe that, opposing drone strike from outside only rational If GOP and PA firmly establish their absolute rit on all areas of Pakistan including Waziristan which unfortunatley is not bcz this TTP phenomena is just like Fitn-e-Kharjia, so whomever killed these Kharjis anywherer anytime is my whole hearted support but ya there are Good drones and Bad drones simulataneously depending on the outcome of civilian casulties.
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