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Drinking liqour is not Haram - Federal Shariat Court

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dear batman, i ask you that in ayyat its written that through alcohol the devil makes a guy do bad things, so it means, when a person even drinks one sip, then the devil engages with him, so why you think that drinking to certain amount is not haram??please explain

How about so many other things where the Devil engages the believer? Alcohol is the same, in that it is best to stay away from it, but it is not haram.
How about so many other things where the Devil engages the believer? Alcohol is the same, in that it is best to stay away from it, but it is not haram.

what do you mean by other things??, its haram to lye, its not like lye a little and its not haram but its best to stay away

are you joking or what??
what do you mean by other things??, its haram to lye, its not like lye a little and its not haram but its best to stay away

are you joking or what??

Does not the Devil test us through money, for example?
How about so many other things where the Devil engages the believer? Alcohol is the same, in that it is best to stay away from it, but it is not haram.

According to my understanding
divine and diabolical,
love and hate,
sacred and profane
........................etc reside in you.

You cannot have one without the other. They are all complementary. You will not understand the concept of light without darkness. Temptations are nothing but your desires. In the ultimate sense nothing is sin or haram. Its all about choices you make in life which lead you to heaven or hell on earth. Life is a journey of discovery(unknown) and experience(known). Peace.
According to my understanding
divine and diabolical,
love and hate,
sacred and profane
........................etc reside in you.

You cannot have one without the other. They are all complementary. You will not understand the concept of light without darkness. Temptations are nothing but your desires. In the ultimate sense nothing is sin or haram. Its all about choices you make in life which lead you to heaven or hell on earth. Life is a journey of discovery(unknown) and experience(known). Peace.

I respect your right to have your own set of beliefs and opinions about these matters.
through money one can buy alcohol which is bad and food which is good

....................or you can be tempted to earn it by haram means, or stay with halal ways of earning it. The choice is yours, and the Devil tempts you in many ways.

But money itself is not haram. After all, Muhammad PBUH himself used to prayed to be saved from poverty.

Similarly, the Quran advises us to stay away from alcohol because it has benefits, but losses too. But it does not make it haram.
....................or you can be tempted to earn it by haram means, or stay with halal ways of earning it. The choice is yours, and the Devil tempts you in many ways.

But money itself is not haram. After all, Muhammad PBUH himself used to prayed to be saved from poverty.

Similarly, the Quran advises us to stay away from alcohol because it has benefits, but losses too. But it does not make it haram.

in ayyats its clearly the term used 'haram', so its cant be disputed whether its haram or not

drinking alcohol is haram, similarly, earning livlehood is not haram, and as you said, earning through bad sourse is haram
in ayyats its clearly the term used 'haram', so its cant be disputed whether its haram or not

drinking alcohol is haram, similarly, earning livlehood is not haram, and as you said, earning through bad sourse is haram

WRONG! IT does NOT say that, please see the relevant ayaat above in this thread.
25 pages deep talking about alcohol during Ramzan......

I don't know if it's posted or read yet, but I found this small paper and the arguments are very compelling regarding the issue of alcohol prohibition:

Prohibition of Alcohol (In The Light of The Holy Qur’an)

Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Abdul Ghani Saheb
Phulpuri (Rahmatullah Alaihi)
Compiled By

Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal Ajam Arifbillah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah
Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb
(Damat Barakaatuhum)
Special Attendant of Hazrat Phulpuri (Rahmatullah Alaihi)

Translated by:
Maulana Tameem Ahmad


This humble compiler states that about two years ago, an officer
attended the gathering of Hazrat Shah Abdul Ghani Phulpuri and he
asked him, “Some officers ask me about alcohol claiming that the word
Haraam (prohibited) regarding alcohol is not present in the Qur’an then
why do the Ulama (scholars) declare it so?” As an answer to that
question, Hazrat delivered a detailed lecture, which presented clear
evidence from the Qur’an regarding the prohibition of alcohol. Hazrat
asked me that this speech should be transcribed and published so that
our uninformed Muslim brothers who have this misconception could be
made aware as this speech was a blessing from Allah Ta`ala.
Therefore, in fulfilment of Hazrat’s request, this draft was
prepared and the officer who promised the printing and publishing of
draft kept it by him for approximately two years. Yet, due to some
circumstances, the officer was unable to print and publish it.
Nevertheless, some of my sincere friends during this period
continuously drew my attention towards the publishing of this topic but,
due to certain constraints, I was not able to start on this task. However,
when the appointed time from Allah Ta`ala comes for the completion of
any task then unforeseen ways and means develop on their own.
Yesterday, on the 26th of Ramadhan al-Mubarak 1382 AH, I
was passing Bruns Road, Karachi, accompanied by a friend who
mentioned that some of his acquaintances were discussing that alcohol
has not been declared Haraam (prohibited) anywhere in the Qur’an.
Listening to this conversation wounded my heart and made me feel
extremely regretful for my procrastination. With a wounded heart and a
strong yearning, this humble compiler went to Hazrat Phulpuri and told
him about what took place today, which had a major impact on me and
caused much restlessness along with a strong desire that I should spread
this topic regarding alcohol in the country as soon as possible. It is
hoped that those uninformed Muslims who are under this misconception
could be warned so that they may be granted the ability to repent from
the consumption of alcohol or at least have the correct knowledge so
they realize that alcohol is Haraam (prohibited) if they choose to
consume it. The benefit of this would be that their beliefs would at least

correct and the correctness of belief would eventually lead to the
hope of forgiveness after suffering the consequence of their sins in the
The object of this lecture is not to make the consumption of
alcohol continue intrepidly but the object is to save these ignorant
Muslims, who consider Haraam (prohibited) as Halaal (lawful), from
disbelief. It is a unanimous ruling in the Islamic Creed that to commit a
prohibited act knowing clearly about its prohibition is a grave sin and it
is strictly prohibited but to commit a prohibited act while considering it
lawful is an act of Kufr (disbelief) because such a person is deliberately
tampering with the Divine Law.
Hazrat Phulpuri (Rahmatullah Alaihi) then stated that it seemed
that this is the time of publishing this pamphlet because when Allah
Ta'ala, the Most Exalted, wills then such unforeseen events take place.
Hazrat also commanded that these events which became the reason and
grounds for the publishing of this pamphlet should also be written so
that Allah Ta`ala may grant the entire benefit from this pamphlet.
Humble Compiler
Muhammad Akhtar (May Allah pardon his sins)
Friday, 28th Ramadhanul Mubarak 1382 AH

Prohibition of Alcohol

“They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, in both there is great
sin, and some benefits for people. And their sin is greater than their
(Baqarah 2:219)

In this verse, Allah Ta`ala informs His bondsmen that alcohol
has more harm to it than benefit because the benefits are temporary but
there is no limit to the harms. Because when the intellect starts to
decline then so does the glory of human nature and it is due to the
intellect of humans that they are called Ashraful-Makhluqaat (Best of
all Creations). Therefore, the consumption of alcohol is as if losing this
honor and civility of humanity from your hands. This was the first verse
revealed regarding alcohol. Now if a scientist claims that the benefits of
alcohol are greater than the harms then we would call him ignorant and
unaware of reality because evidently the knowledge of the creation
cannot compete with the knowledge of the True Creator.
Allah Ta’ala states:

“And you are not given from the knowledge but a little.”
(Al-Isra 17:85)

Oh People you are given little knowledge. Allah Exalted, regarding this
knowledge claims:

“Does He not know what He created?”
(Mulk 67:14)

Daily observations are witness to the fact that the research that scientists are content with today is refuted after a few days because of the detections of some errors within. They would continue to publish the
contradiction of their previous research. On the contrary, the knowledge
of the True Creator is free from any probable error. Allah Exalted

“And you will never find a change in Allah‘s consistent practice.”
(Al-Ahzab 33:62)

For a Mu’min (believer) a mandate of the Qur’an that alcohol is ithme
kabir (a great sin) is enough to prevent him from alcohol because every
sin whether small or great is a source of Allah Ta‘ala’s disobedience,
and disobedience is a reason for His displeasure. Then how could a
Mu’min (believer) endure the displeasure of Allah? The quality of a
perfect bondsman is:

“Seeking grace from Allah, and (His) good pleasure”
(Al-Fath 48:29)

Allah Ta’ala states that Companions of Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihi
Wasallam) try to find Our Pleasure and Our Grace by searching for any
action that would please their True Cherisher all the time. The Qur’an,
while accepting the few benefits of alcohol, also expresses its abundant
harms. This is a clear evidence of the genuineness of Islam, for Islam
does not deny observations because denying established observations is
futile. After the above mentioned verse, the following verses were
revealed regarding alcohol:

O you who believe! Wine, gambling, altars and divining
arrows are *****, made up by Satan. Therefore, refrain from it, so that
you may be successful. Satan wishes only to plant enmity and malice
between you through wine and gambling, and to prevent you from the
remembrance of Allah and from Salaah. Would you, then, abstain?
(Maidah 5:90-91)

From the above mentioned verse, the following points can be

1 )

Ta’ala informs his believing bondsman that they should not adopt the
customs of the disbelievers and that alcohol, gambling, idols and arrows
of divination are foul things and satanic acts. Wine is mentioned along
with gambling, idols and divining arrows to indicate what a foul thing it
is. It is placed before the foul deeds like gambling, idols and divining
arrows so it could be noted for its extreme impure nature.

O Muslims! Ponder on the fact that the consumption of alcohol is
mentioned with idolatry so that hatred for this deed could be developed.
This deed is closer to disbelief because alcohol prevents from Salaah
(Prayer) which is the greatest ritual and symbol of Islam. When people
are this distant from Imaan (belief) then eventually this will lead them
closer to Kufr (disbelief).

2  رج س
Allah Ta`ala declared the consumption of alcohol as Rijs i.e. a defiled
and ****** act. Glory be to Allah! What a psychological treatment! After
developing the natural aversion to alcohol (by mentioning it with
gambling, idols and divining arrows), the ability has now been
developed to accept and listen to the harms of alcohol. The wisdom and
eloquence of Qur’an cannot be encompassed.

Neither does His beauty have any limit, nor do Sa`di’s
words of praise come to an end,
The seeker of water dies of thirst and the river remains as is.


Consumption of alcohol is a satanic act. O Muslims! Ponder on the fact
that we claim to be Muslims which suggests that we believe in the
Oneness of Allah Ta’ala and the Prophethood of Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam). If Allah Ta’ala is declaring a certain act to be satanic
are we scheming to prove it Halaal (lawful)? Claiming to be devoted,
but acting like a rebel! By informing us that the consumption of alcohol
is a satanic act, Allah Ta’ala illustrates how Satan disobeyed and
rebelled against Allah’s Command and became the Rejected One, then
in the same way alcohol has a similar quality. This is because the
consumption of alcohol will develop the roots of intoxication,
disobedience and rebellion inside of you, and as a result of the
continuous presage of disobediences there is a chance to become the
Rejected One just like the Satan.

4)  وْْو ہ  ب  نg فا ج

So refrain from it! O Muslims! Allah Ta’ala orders us to refrain from
the consumption of alcohol and has used the imperative command from
which the strict order of abstinence can be derived. Now every Muslim
can reflect on the clear order to refrain, for can there be any other
meaning to this? Like some ignorant Muslims believe that consuming
such an amount of alcohol that intoxicates is prohibited. Where, after
all, is the proof of such a thing in the Qur’an? Does anyone have the
right to contest the divinely revealed verses with their own opinions?


So that you may be successful. O Muslims! Allah Ta’ala proclaims that
your success is only in the abstinence from alcohol so don’t go near it.
Today, we believe that the secret of our success and prosperity is
dependent on alcohol. Muslims believe that if we adopt an Islamic code
of life, we would never be able to attain success. May Allah Exalted
grant divine guidance with His Mercy to all the Muslim leaders to ban
alcohol completely, Ameen!

6) Through alcohol, Satan develops enmity and malice amongst you. The
intellectuals of the times are united on the fact that any nation without
unity will not be able to attain glory and success. We all should try to
look deep within ourselves and wake our dozing conscience and ponder
that from which face do we claim to be the well-wishers of the nation
when Qur’an declares that consumption of alcohol is a source of
contention? Day and night the shout of, “unity, unity” is on our tongue
but as for the barrier in our unity i.e. alcohol, we are engaged in
scheming to make it lawful instead of preventing the consumption and
outlets of alcohol. Oh Allah, make the truth apparent for us and save us
from falsehood. Ameen!


Satan desires to hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and Salaah
(Prayer) through alcohol.

O Muslims! Ponder over the message the Qur’an is conveying. Do
you prefer that you are made negligent from remembrance of the
True Cherisher and Salaah (Prayer)? No Muslim would ever be
able to prefer this. Then why are we embracing the consumption of
alcohol and not restricting the promotion of alcohol outlets? The
reason for this is that we do not have enough of a connection with
the remembrance of Allah and prayer as we should. Otherwise, why
would we not abandon those things that hinder us from His
remembrance and Salaah?


Would you, then abstain? The Qur’an is making us feel extremely
repugnant to alcohol from this topic. This topic is employed by an
affectionate teacher or a father at the time when he has whole-heartedly
warned about the harms of a certain foul habit. He then says, “After you
have realized so many harms, would you then abstain?” Similarly, when
Allah Ta`ala made His bondsmen aware about the numerous harms of
alcohol such as:

a.) It is such a foul object that it is mentioned with gambling, idols
and arrows of divination and holds the first rank amongst them.
b.) It is a defiled act.
c.) Its Consumption is a satanic act.
d.) It has been ordered to refrain from its consumption.
e.) You would not be able to attain success through its
f.) Through it, Satan plans to instil enmity amongst you.
g.) Satan wishes to prevent you from the remembrance of Allah
Ta`ala and Salaah (Prayers).

After making us aware of so many evils and harms of alcohols, Allah
commands: نَْ ُ َ
ْ ُ ُ ْ
اَ ْ ْ َ َ “Would you, then abstain?"

Every Muslim could now ponder on the above-mentioned verses and
see whether they prove alcohol as Halaal (lawful) or Haraam
(prohibited)? Is one ever guided to avoid and abstain from the lawful
and permitted things? Is the Qur’an, Allah forbid, a discourse of
someone insane?

"One should weep over this type of intellect and wisdom"

In a narration of Tirmidhi, it has been mentioned when the honoured
Companions (May Allah be Pleased with them all) heard,
نَ ُ ْ  َ
ْ ُ ُ ْ
اَ ْ ْ َ َ “would you then abstain?” They immediately remarked,
 َ َ
اِ “we have abstained”. It is mentioned in another narration of
Bukhari that at that time (when this verse was revealed) the
Companions threw away all their remaining alcohol. The Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) even forbade them to drink juice in the
utensils in which alcohol used to be consumed to develop in their hearts
extreme hatred for alcohol.
Few ignorant people claimed that in the Noble Qur’an, the word
Haraam (Prohibited) is not present regarding alcohol whereas the
Qur’an proves about alcohol that:

1) It is impure.

2) It is a satanic act.

3) It is Ithm e Kabir (A grave sin).

4) Mentioned along with idolatry.

5) The imperative command, an order to refrain from alcohol.

Now the search for the word Haraam (prohibited) is purely satanic
crookedness and deceit of the lower self. For a person with a sound
intellect and a right mind, these topics of restriction and prohibition are
One day, I was reciting the Qur’an when I was inspired about the proof
of the prohibition of alcohol. I informed some of my acquaintances who
happen to be scholars about this topic and they were very pleased. The
argument was that Allah Ta’ala commands in Surah A`raaf:

Translation: Say, My Lord has prohibited only the shameful acts,
whether open or secret, and (every) sinful act, and unjust aggression.
(Aa’raf 7:33)

It should be understood with attention that this is the first case, on the
basis of the art of logic it is the minor term of a syllogism.
Now the next case which is proved by the second verse, ٌ ِ ْ  َ ٌ  إِ ْ َ ِ ْ ِ is the second case and logically the major proposition of a syllogism.
Combining both of them, we get the result that with respect to the first
case that alcohol is filed under ِّ َ  مَ رَ َّ "َ (My Lord had prohibited).

Understand the discussion above in an easier language that in one verse
Allah declares َ ْ # وَا ِْ as prohibited under َ  مَ رَ ِّ َّ "َ and then in another
verse proves that in the consumption of alcohol there is ٌ ْ ِ  َ ٌ  إِ ْ (a great sin) as in ٌ ِ ْ  َ ٌ  إِ ْ  ِ ْ ِ . Thus when Allah asserts that sins are prohibited then whichever object in which the presence of ٌ ِ ْ  َ ٌ  إِ ْ (a great sin), is stated then its prohibition can also clearly be proven to be a severe prohibition. This is such a plain argument that there is not a single ambiguity left in it. Moreover, regarding alcohol the emphasis of
nunnation in ٌ ْ ِ  َ ٌ  إِ ْ (great sin) is the proof that the consumption of
alcohol is a much severe sin than all the other great sins.

After substantiating the prohibition of alcohol (through the verses of
Holy Qur’an), to make a different interpretation of the obvious meaning
and to represent it falsely to please the inner self is a dangerous sin.
This act of impudence and disobedience is so extreme that it is feared
that it would be the cause of disbelief because it is established in
Islamic Creed that rejecting the final orders is disbelief. Such
meaningless type of interpretations employed here to make alcohol
lawful is the same as rejecting the final orders from Allah Ta’ala.
Therefore, consuming, making, aiding in the production, buying or
selling alcohol is Haraam (Prohibited). May Allah keep all of us
Muslims in His Protection and make the truth apparent for us. Ameen.

O Muslims! Today those people who are striving to make alcohol
Halaal (lawful) should consider that the blessed Prophet of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) prophesized about this occurrence
fourteen hundred years ago:

Translation: “Indeed, there will be in my Ummah such people who will
regard as permissible for themselves fornication, silk, wine and musical
instruments.” [Bukhari]

Therefore, it is an occasion to be fearful.
Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihi) says:

When He gives intoxication from the wine of His wrath,
Then the inexistent appear to become existent

May Allah Ta’ala protect our intelligence from the wrath in the
intoxication of alcohol and grant us perfect understanding. Ameen.

Link of text (where you see the Arabic parts) :

Prohibition of Alcohol in the light of the Holy Quran by Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (db)
I don't know if it's posted or read yet, but I found this small paper and the arguments are very compelling regarding the issue of alcohol prohibition:

Prohibition of Alcohol (In The Light of The Holy Qur’an)


Link of text (where you see the Arabic parts) :

Prohibition of Alcohol in the light of the Holy Quran by Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (db)

It is still only his interpretation, quite convoluted by necessity, since the Quran itself does NOT declare it haram.
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