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Dreaming India super power by 2020

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the greatest threat to a nation is poverty. because poverty breeds crime, terrorism, armed insurgencies and disease. it makes people lose hope. it creates unstable governments.

that is why poverty and indian defense have everything connected.

it is unrealistic for any outside power to conquer india if the poor are united. but if the poor hate the govenrment of india (which they do), it is merely a matter of toppling the corrupt government and the poor of india would welcome the liberators.
You dumb communist those who sell their mother don't kick them out(1947 when my mom wasn't even born **** YOU), you the ones who are inviting Americans to do business with your mother, sisters and now some Americans are gay so they must be pumping their rods into your and your papa's ***.

I slept with your slutty mother and you were born. Your papa was then licking my balls.

Now send your sister to me...

To the Pakistani members,

I told the moderators to take action against that indian member Mauryan who abused the Chinese girls, now see this defense forum has become a sex forum.
Hilarious thread.

Good read, nice to see people getting all worked up.
the greatest threat to a nation is poverty. because poverty breeds crime, terrorism, armed insurgencies and disease. it makes people lose hope. it creates unstable governments.

that is why poverty and indian defense have everything connected.

it is unrealistic for any outside power to conquer india if the poor are united. but if the poor hate the govenrment of india (which they do), it is merely a matter of toppling the corrupt government and the poor of india would welcome the liberators.

India elects its government regularly. We vote to choose the people who will be running the country. So our unity is out of a choice that we make and that is why we are not worried at all. We have courts to go to if we feel that we are not being treated fairly by our government.

So how does it happen in China. What did the poor people do when the Communist party members forcefully evicted the poor in Shanghai for the expo and the land was given to real estate companies by part members. I know that the communist party members and the PLA officers can live with their families in comfortable and very luxurious Shanghai now. But what permission does your communist party allow to the poor who lost their homes?

I mean like the ones in the link below?

China silences women housing rights activists ahead of Shanghai Expo, News, Amnesty International Australia - Working to Protect Human Rights

China silences women housing rights activists ahead of Shanghai Expo
1 May 2010, 02:04PM

"Better city - better life" is the theme of Expo 2010, which begins in the Chinese city of Shanghai on Saturday. Yet it is a hollow slogan for the more than 18,000 families who were evicted from their homes to pave the way for China's global technology and innovation showpiece.

Shanghai resident Jin Yuehua is one of many women activists many who have tried to campaign for the housing rights of others. But her human rights work has seen her targeted by the Chinese authorities.

Since the end of February, many activists have been under surveillance or detained to stop them from protesting or speaking to journalists in the lead up to Expo 2010. After today the security measures will increase.

“My house has had one uniformed police officer and four city level security guards monitoring it for the past month. I cannot go out to buy food or meet any friends,” Jin Yuehua told Amnesty International.

She is one of a group of women housing activists in Shanghai, most in their 50s or 60s, who have been mistreated, harassed - and in some cased jailed - for taking part in a wave of anti-eviction activism.

Jin Yuehua's dream of sending her only son to university was shattered the night her electric appliance shop in Minhang district was demolished by property developers. Her appeal against the demolition was never heard.

In 2004 she began to document the cases of people who had lost their homes and livelihoods in similar fashion and wrote petition letters to the government.

"Minhang district was the last district in Shanghai under construction. Even two weeks ago there were still people being beaten and bones being broken because people living in Minhang district refused to move out,” said Jin Yuehua.

Local government authorities harassed Jin Yuehua as a result of her activism, detaining her repeatedly or placing her under house arrest. This worsened her economic situation further, and her son eventually had to drop out of secondary school.

Expo 2010 is the largest and most expensive world fair of all time, with more than 190 countries taking part and up to 100 million people expected to visit the event.

Forced evictions began on a large scale in Shanghai in 2000. Starting from 2005, the Shanghai Expo coordinating bureau began relocating nearly 20,000 people from the central Shanghai site that it plans to use only for the six-month duration of Expo 2010. The Shanghai Expo site has displaced 18,000 households, according to its own figures.

Shen Pelan, who lives in Minhang district, has been detained nearly 100 times since 2000.

“At least 3,000 families are victims of Minhang district demolition. They are so poor that many have no place for shelter. Some rent a very small room without a toilet. I really can not stand to see people live like this and not speak out,” she told Amnesty International.

Mao Hengfeng has been repeatedly detained by the authorities for her work defending women’s reproductive rights, as well as victims of forced evictions.

She was given 18 months Re-education Through Labour on 4 March 2010 for taking part in a peaceful demonstration in support of imprisoned human rights activist Liu Xiaobo.

“What’s the point if a few of us live well and shut our mouths but the government continues to abuse other citizens creating more broken families and poverty and pushing people outside the city to give their land to the richest businessmen. Many who seek justice through law face detention and torture in custody. What we ask for is not a personal settlement, but public justice,” said Mao Hengfeng.

Duan Chunfang and her brother began petitioning the authorities after her home was demolished in 2000. They were severely beaten by police in 2006 and her brother, Duan Huimin, was sentenced to 13 months of Re-education Through Labour. He died two days after being released, allegedly because of injuries sustained through torture while in detention.

Duan Chunfang is currently serving an 18-month sentence for “obstructing official business”. She is being denied medical treatment for her deteriorating health and heart condition. Her family suspects she is being beaten in detention.

In March 2010, Shen Peilan was detained in the same police detention centre where Duan Chunfang is illegally being held.

"She is so ill. It is so cold there, freezing winds blow through her cell and she suffers from headaches and cannot open her eyes. Police have cut off all the zippers and buttons of her clothes, claiming this is to prevent her from hiding anything dangerous. How can a middle age woman who is in poor health threaten the authorities so much?" said Shen Peilan.

Amnesty International calls on the Chinese government to release the housing activists Duan Chunfang and Mao Hengfeng, and to cease the harassment of other activists including Shen Peilan and Jin Yuehua.

“The human cost and trauma of force evictions on individuals, families and communities are difficult to recover. Forced evictions most often affect marginalized groups, including women,” said Roseann Rife, Asia-Pacific Deputy Director at Amnesty International.

“New construction cannot hide the injustice of forced evictions and the harsh mistreatment of women housing rights defenders.

“Chinese authorities must ensure home-owners the protections provided for in domestic law and stop punishing activists for seeking adequate compensation and protecting rights.”
I slept with your slutty mother and you were born. Your papa was then licking my balls.

Now send your sister to me...

To the Pakistani members,

I told the moderators to take action against that indian member Mauryan who abused the Chinese girls, now see this defense forum has become a sex forum.

I never abused any specific person as you started doing, bringing everything to personal level and families, only shows you have no respect for your family members and that's the reason don't fear on saying such shitty things.

Anybody in right senses who can read all the post, will know who started personalizing things...stop anti India Bantering and I will stop Chinese girl bantering.

BTW how did you end up getting 800 GB **** when in China it's banned, hence proved Communist is China Govt Propaganda machinery, only officials in China have this much power to acquire 800 GB of ****.
As usual in every positive thread about India, chinese 50 cent troll has succeeded to derail this thread.

Now, this tread will gonna closed or deleted and many members will get ban. :hitwall:
communist is a troll from Bangladesh.He has nothing to do with either china or communism .Ignore him the first chance u get.
communist is a troll from Bangladesh.He has nothing to do with either china or communism .Ignore him the first chance u get.

No, he is a Nepali from Nepal and living in India for earning.
communism ? no we don't need.we are already liberated.we love democracy.proverty is not created by goverment.it is by the people who improved this much population.but fastest growing economy can reduce poverty soon.come on india.
below_freezing you hate indian goverment or democracy bro? i live in china and i know well about china and communism.
well china and India both are growing and yes both will be future power in the world

cant say same thing about Pakistan
new waves is posting hidden things in india but he don't know anything what his goverment is doing anh hidding.communism-full secret..no bbc and cnn in china that means what ? i think it means someone is trying to hide momething.
Dream is not what you have during sleep, which makes you not to sleep - Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.
India has more science graduates than in US, EU, or China
11 Nov 2009

With over 2.3 million students passing out of colleges annually, India has outperformed the US, Europe and Japan in having maximum number of students graduating in Maths and science. And this is not the only feather in the country's cap. According to a recent study, India also boosts of second largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world.

This data is based on the study by Ernst and Young, conducted jointly with the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assocham).

The study reveals that India ranks 17th based on this parameter, against 48th ranking for the US, 33rd for Japan and 38th for China. Germany, according to the study, ranks first, followed by Singapore and France.

"The number of science and engineering graduates is an important consideration. There are 690,000 students of science and maths graduating every year -- much higher than China, Japan, the US and Europe," said D S Rawat, secretary general of Assocham.

In China, the number of such graduates each year is 530,000, against 350,000 in Japan, 420,000 in the US and 470,000 in the EU.

Some key facts about Indian education highlighted by the study are:

* More than 2.3 million graduates every year
* Nearly 750,000 post-graduates per annum :cheers:

* Second largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world :cheers:

* Second largest number of trained doctors :cheers:

* As many as 389 universities, 14,169 colleges and 1,500 research institutions

The study states that changes in the education system were also necessary to meet the exacting demands of a knowledge economy. The exam system also needs to be overhauled to base it more on problem solving than in enhancing memorising capabilities of students. An expenditure of 3 percent of gross domestic product for research is needed to encourage innovation and to nurture original ideas and thinking.

"If higher education in India is liberalised with massive expansion of professional education and more institutions under public-private initiatives, the system can be completely transformed to acquire well established global standards," said Mr. Rawat.

India has more science graduates than in US, EU, or China
the greatest threat to a nation is poverty. because poverty breeds crime, terrorism, armed insurgencies and disease. it makes people lose hope. it creates unstable governments.

that is why poverty and indian defense have everything connected.

it is unrealistic for any outside power to conquer india if the poor are united. but if the poor hate the govenrment of india (which they do), it is merely a matter of toppling the corrupt government and the poor of india would welcome the liberators.

how do u knw knw the poor hate the govt of india??? did they phoned u?first liberate ur communist country and think abt the middle men of ur country who dont have any rights and who will get massacared if they even think of liberation..our poor people can get rid of corrupt govt coz they have FREEDOM.which doesnt exist in china
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