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Dreaming India super power by 2020

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Look, you started it first.

I read before writing my first post on this thread. How Chinese were writing about India, I can bear little bit fun but I can't bear too much anti-India rhetoric. Everybody in this world has weakness that's the reason I don't get into such discussion but too much against my country and I won't sit quite.

In real life I have liked Chinese but don't how come all real badass Chinese end up on this forum.
How much you earn?

A lot my friend. I earn the most important thing which is the love of my independent and free country. Do you really want to take this forward?

My suggestion: Let the forum members talk about how Indian can grow in the future. After Independence and freedom and human rights are very important things for us and we want to discuss how to move forward in the future.

I am sure that you must be getting the message and would acccede to my request. :cheers:
@ communist and below_freezing -: you people watching bollywood movies and jumping to conclusions is hilarious! Everybody in this world is attracted to fairer skin color this is the fact, even 2 days ago CNN showed on news. So leave aside Indians, even Chinese, Japanese have preference towards fairer color girl.
Also, you keep laughing on India based on it's past and I spit on your present and future seeing Chinese girls eloping with others.
When your women are out of control, how will you ever control India, even if you control India then what's the use, you won't have babies to rule over India..plain and simple.

@Wali87 keep ur underpants wet with the numbers. Pakistan is nothing infront of India, believe it or not when it comes to progress and development and stop caring about Indian poor and destitute, have you ever helped a poor in Pakistan who wanted food and shelter?

i have never insulted indians in my posts, only show facts to those who deny them. i was not the one talking about indian girls. i only insult americans and their puppets.
i have never insulted indians in my posts, only show facts to those who deny them. i was not the one talking about indian girls. i only insult americans and their puppets.

He knows everything... he knows you did not insult india... still he will blame you.... that is DNA.
Ur awesome buddy......u mentioned it urself

glad you liked, hope i made your day. sarcasm escapes most Pakistani mind.
He knows everything... he knows you did not insult india... still he will blame you.... that is DNA.

No that has nothing to do with the DNA. He has nothing for pinoys.

Look, I found something more about the re-education. Do you do it to old people too. That too poor ladies who lost their houses?

Old Chinese Women Sent To Re-Education | Sweetness & Light

Elderly Chinese women ordered into re-education for daring to protest
August 20, 2008

Two elderly women who applied five times to demonstrate in China’s Olympic protest parks against the demolition of their homes have been ordered to serve one year of re-education through labour, a human rights group said.

It is the toughest penalty to be reported against any of those who followed up a government announcement that it would allow protests in three Beijing parks during the August 8-24 Olympics. So far, the police said they have received 77 applications and none has been approved.

Wu Dianyuan, 79, and Wang Xiuying, 77, have been petitioning the government ever since they were forcibly evicted from their homes in Beijing in 2001 as part of a series of huge renovation projects across the city.

The pair applied five times between August 5 and August 18 to the Beijing city Public Security Bureau for permission to demonstrate in the newly designated protest parks. The two women, formerly neighbours, wanted to protest against their forced eviction from their homes seven years ago. Their application was neither granted nor denied and on August 5 they were held for 10 hours for questioning by the police, the son of one of the women told Human Rights in China.

On August 17, the two elderly women each received a document from the city authorities ordering them to serve one year of re-education through labour – an administrative punishment that does not require any judicial process – from July 30 this year to July 29, 2009 for “disturbing public order”. The two would be allowed to serve their term outside a camp, but the notice restricts their movements and states that if other regulations are violated they could be moved to a camp.

Li Xuehui, son of of Mrs Wu, said: ”Wang Xiuying is almost blind and crippled. What sort of re-education through labour can she serve? But they can also be taken away at any time.” The two women had remained at home but were under observation of a neighbourhood watch group, he said…

Take my advice. Leave. I have some more thoughts that I will share about your avatar also.

Talking about AVATAR .....:rofl::rofl:
A specially dedication to the "slum dog millionaire"

Is ?Slumdog Millionaire? India?s Shame? | NowPublic News Coverage

This is a great movie and deserves all the attention it is getting. You see, the Indian government is spending millions of U.S. dollars – remember the ‘Incredible India’ campaign on CNN? – to hide exactly what this film reveals. The British director and the Indian novelist are amazing. But so are the unvarnished truths about India that come to the fore for the first time through this film.

By Sultan M. Hali

Monday, 9 February 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—British movie “Slumdog Millionaire” emerged as the big winner at the 66th Golden Globes ceremony, scooping four awards to underline its credentials ahead of next month’s Oscars.

Director Danny Boyle’s blockbuster, based on the novel Q and A by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup, bagged the awards for best drama, musical score, young actor and screenplay.

There is a great jubilation in India since the movie is set in Mumbai.

The story revolves around Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India’s “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show’s questions. Each chapter of Jamal’s increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show’s seemingly impossible quizzes.

Indian elation at the Golden Globe Awards and success at the Academy awards are misplaced.

Danny Boyle’s Indian co-director, Loveleen Tandan, may be considered bold, but the duo has exposed the real ugliness of India. This is a sample of what this film reveals: The extremist Hindu mobs lynching ghetto Muslims, the underworld kidnapping children orphaned as a result of their organized pogroms, castrating the Muslim boys, forcibly teaching them Hindu Bhajans and turning them into beggars while selling Muslim girls to brothels. All of these instances in Slumdog Millionaire depict the sordid and gory side of India, which its regular Bollywood producers hide under the sheen and glamour of “shining India”.

Muslims in India, whom the movie highlights through the central character, are downtrodden and suffer the most among its minorities. Their squalid state was exposed through a national survey.

The seven-member Sachar committee Report, headed by former Delhi High Court Chief Justice Rajindar Sachar, commissioned by Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh in March 2005, was tabled before the Indian Lok Sabha on 30 November 2006. The Sachar report reveals the appalling state of Muslims in India in the socio-economic and educational fields and concluding that their status is worse-off than the Dalits and the Adivasis (tribals). In urban areas, the report shows that Muslims mostly live in slums characterised by poor municipal infrastructure.

The salient features of the Sachar Committee report are:

· Like Slumdog’s protagonist, 94.9 per cent of Muslims are in Below Poverty Line (BPL); families in rural areas do not receive free food grains.

· While only 3.2 per cent of Muslims get subsidized loans, just 1.9 per cent of the community benefit from the Antyodaya Anna Yojana Scheme, a programme meant to prevent starvation among the poorest of poor by providing food grains at a subsidized rate.

· 60.2 per cent of Muslims do not have any land in rural areas.

· Just 2.1 per cent of Muslim farmers have tractors. With 15,25,000 tractors, India ranks No.4 after US, Japan and Italy

· A mere 1 per cent own hand pumps.

· On the educational front, the picture is equally dismal: 54.6 per cent Muslims in villages and 60 per cent in urban areas have never attended schools.

· Only 0.8 per cent of Muslims in rural areas are graduates.

· Although in urban areas, nearly 40 per cent of the Muslims now receive modern education, only 3.1 per cent of the community in urban areas is graduates. Just 1.2 per cent is post-graduates.

· Muslim population growth has slowed down as fertility has declined substantially; the growth rate for Muslims is bound to fall further and eventually reach a zero growth stage well before the end of the century.

· Muslims are altogether excluded from “sensitive” posts such as jobs in the intelligence agencies, especially the external-espionage Research & Analysis Wing, the National Security Guard and other elite protection forces. Their presence in the top national police and paramilitary agencies is nominal.

· However, there is one place where Muslims are over-represented: prisons. Muslims claim a grossly disproportionate share of prisoners, including convicts and those undergoing trials.

The study, revealed that being dressed as a Muslim was enough to create suspicion. Muslim men donning a beard and a ‘topi‘ [skull cap] are often picked up by police for interrogation from public places like parks, railway stations and markets. Muslim women wearing a face veil or full-body burqa complained of facing hostility at markets, hospitals, and schools and found it hard to get a job.

The Mumbai attacks exposed the hideous face of India. Its Hindu populace attacked Pakistani actors and sportsmen visiting India. If that were not enough, Muslim Indian movie stars and matinee idols are being targeted by the hate campaign. If ever there was a bigoted society, it is in India. On one hand, it boasts of secularism and being one of the biggest democracies in the world, on the other it is most intolerant of Muslims, Christians and other minorities. Top actors like Shabana Azmi have complained that despite entertaining Indian masses through their hard work in Indian cinema, they are not permitted to even purchase a house or property in Mumbai because of their religion.

“Slumdog Millionaire” exposes only the tip of the iceberg. India’s veneer of religious integration is but a farce as the storming of Sikh’s holiest shrine: Amritsar’s Golden Temple, massacre of Sikhs following Indira Gandhi’s assassination, razing of Babri Masjid, the organized ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Gujarat are all examples of Indian chauvinism.

The prejudice of Hindus is evident from its extremist Hindutva groups Sangh Parivar comprising Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), Akhila Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Bajrang Dal and the newly revived Abhinav Bharat. Their contention is one and the same that Hindustan is for the Hindus. The Muslims and Christians of India were originally Hindus and were forcefully converted to Islam or Christianity.

This one film, Slumdog Millionnaire, is a microscopinc dissection of Indian through the eyes of foreigners, the British, and an enlightended Indian, the writer, who together undo the work of maybe tens of expensive image creation and promotion consultants hired by New Delhi over the past few years.
And what really makes me go ROFL when a Chinese insult Indian ie south Asian DNA and a Pakistani go high on that! Stupidity at it's best. :D
And what really makes me go ROFL when a Chinese insult Indian ie south Asian DNA and a Pakistani go high on that! Stupidity at it's best. :D

They write "Middle Eastern" ethnicity on internet social websites :D
@new wave or Old wave -: I have hardly cared to read your post! stop consuming so much forum space!! go out and find a girl for urself and get laid!! u will start like humans in general!

@new wave -: you are such a fool, the father of India's nuclear program was muslim, and you posting a Pakistani biased media report that muslims are not given sensitive job, what more can be sensitive of building nuclear arsenals!!
No that has nothing to do with the DNA. He has nothing for pinoys.

Look, I found something more about the re-education. Do you do it to old people too. That too poor ladies who lost their houses?

Old Chinese Women Sent To Re-Education | Sweetness & Light

Take my advice. Leave. I have some more thoughts that I will share about your avatar also.

Talking about AVATAR .....:rofl::rofl:

Let me tell you... for two centuries British actually bastardized the Hindus... you are one of them.

British could not touch the Muslims, who were rulers.

This is the truth. It may hurt you, but its truth. Accept it.
lol, Ahmed Quraishi! :D
@new wave or Old wave -: I have hardly cared to read your post! stop consuming so much forum space!! go out and find a girl for urself and get laid!! u will start like humans in general!

Why don't you lend your sister to him for ten minutes?

You think, you only have the license to insult others.

Now... say anything... you will get appropriate reply...
A specially dedication to the "slum dog millionaire"..................

Communist Party rant.....................

This one film, Slumdog Millionnaire, is a microscopinc dissection of Indian through the eyes of foreigners, the British, and an enlightended Indian, the writer, who together undo the work of maybe tens of expensive image creation and promotion consultants hired by New Delhi over the past few years.

So you want to really talk about movies. Here read why the Communist party does not want it's people to see AVATAR.

How it the Shanghai Expo happening. So guess which movie I am going to talk about next.....

Avatar's forced evictions resonate with Chinese public | Worldfocus

You have watched the movie ‘Avatar,’ haven’t you?” a colleague asked me the other day. “I sure have,” I answered, ready to show off my knowledge of war on terror and how the movie director, James Cameron, parallels America’s invasion of Iraq with his work.

“Then you’ll probably be interested in this,” she said, passing me along a piece from a reader in mainland China. I thought I had interpreted Avatar from all kinds of perspectives, but it was not until reading the piece that I realized my ignorance (of which I am ashamed.)

For those who haven’t seen the movie, the film is set on the planet of Pandora, a resource-rich paradise that draws the greedy eyes of human beings. It is a story about how the blue-skinned aboriginals of the planet, the Na’vi, tried to protect their woodland home from armed developers who plan to seize a valuable mineral buried there.

Apparently, it’s the scene of the violent tear-down of the tree that resonated among the Chinese people. In an op-ed piece titled, “Real estate developers and law makers should all go to see Avatar,” the writer furiously attacks the large number of forced demolitions in China in recent years.

“Like the story in Avatar,” he argues, ” poor, helpless people, when facing the injustice of forced demolition, can only take extreme measures to make themselves heard or simply accept it and weep.”

He’s talking about the so-called “nail house problem” in modern China. As the name suggests, “nail houses” belong to people who defiantly resist eviction in the face of development and whose homes thus stick out like nails amid a field of debris.

While such demolition might seem common in most countries, the violent measures taken by both the authorities and the residents in China have made the confrontations painful.

Last November, a Chengdu woman doused herself in petrol and set fire to herself in protest against the government because she learned that her house is in the way of a highway project and will be torn down. The tragedy echos an earlier case. In June, 2008, a Shanghai woman threw petrol bombs at a demolition crew planning to tear down her home to build a transportation site for the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

Both cases reflect the tip of the iceberg. Although last month authorities agreed to further look into the issue of housing demolition, from the attitudes of the government officials, one can tell reform will not happen soon. When a 66-year-old villager threatened recently to jump off a building to protest his home from demolition, an official told him: “Go straight to the top floor. Don’t choose the first or second.” In fact, his words have been chosen by editors at the China Daily as one of the “Top ten quotes of the year 2009.”

Besides the corruption of government-business relations and the abuse of administrative power, the lack of “privatization” in the Chinese system is a key factor of the nail house problem. Unlike Americans or Canadians, Chinese people don’t really own their lands. In fact, they are granted 70 years of use of their house–which, in a legal sense, means that in China, ownership of the land is separated from the right to the use of the land. According to law, the State may withdraw such right anytime by offering compensation.

Since my colleague is from mainland China and can work in Taiwan only because she married to a Taiwanese, I asked her what she thinks about the issue.

“The only thing people can hope for is to get some compensation,” she said, “but really, who would want to leave home?”

Yeah. Who would want to leave home? That’s what I feel, too.
Let me tell you... for two centuries British actually bastardized the Hindus... you are one of them.

British could not touch the Muslims, who were rulers.

This is the truth. It may hurt you, but its truth. Accept it.

Communist again you are going for anti-India, I will again start with Chinese girl things, I will start posting their local area ads asking for white men and they have their pictures on those ads...you don't want to see those ads...stop this bashing of India of it's past!!
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