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DRDO successfully tests 1000 Kg Class Indigenous Guided Glide Bomb

India tests glide bomb

Navigation system takes it to the target with precision, says DRDO official
A 1000-kg “glide bomb”, designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), was successfully tested on Friday by dropping it on from a fighter-aircraft over the Bay of Bengal, off the Odisha coast. The bomb was dropped by an Indian Air Force fighter-aircraft, which took off from the Kalaikunda air base, near Kharagpur, West Bengal. The bomb, guided (repeat guided) by its on-board navigation system, glided for about 100 km before reaching the targeted area with precision. The flight of the glide bomb was monitored by radars and electro-optic systems, stationed at the DRDO’s Integrated Test Range at Balasore, Odisha. The glide bomb was tested a few times in 2013.

Ravi Gupta, DRDO spokesman, explained how glide bombs were different from conventional bombs. When conventional bombs are dropped from an aircraft, they have a free flight; they are at the mercy of the winds; and are influenced by the speed and direction of the aircraft. However, glide bombs have winglets, and navigation and guidance systems. So they are able to steer themselves and travel many scores of km, with the advantage of the height from which they are dropped. Their navigation system, said Mr. Gupta, took them to the target with precision.

In the assessment of Avinash Chander, Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister and DRDO Director-General, “The nation today has the capability to design, develop and launch heavy bombs for delivery up to 100 km away with high precision.” G. Satheesh Reddy, Director, Research Centre, Imarat (RCI), Hyderabad, said India had now become self-reliant in the area of guided precision bombs. RCI, a missile unit of the DRDO, designed and developed the avionics package and navigation system for the glide bomb.

Several DRDO laboratories including Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE), Bengaluru, Armaments Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune and Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh, with RCI as the nodal facility developed the glide bomb.

India tests glide bomb - The Hindu
Just the usual nonsense, they don't miss a chance to boast them when they didn't even achieved something.

Isn't that a bit stretch statement. They successfully tested a glide bomb for the first time. If you are making a statement on behalf of whole of mankind then offcourse its not an achievement. But for India it is indeed huge. Means in a few years we can build them on our own and pound the enemy with them without worrying about foreign sanctions. Thats a really big thing.

I know DRDO makes outlandish statements but I hope we don't get carried away and start doing the same.
what is the glide ratio
what is the altitude min from which it has to be launched to achive 100km glide ?

i think there is moe than meets the eye here - Rustom I - Aura - etc + glide bombs +PGMs coming online and fructifying simultaneously ?- coincidence or well planned projects
Dr. Avinash Chander, Scientific Advisor to RM, Secretary, Deptt. of Def. R&D & DG DRDO has congratulated all the team members including the Air force team who have contributed in the success and stated, “The nation today has capability to design, developed and launch heavy bombs for delivery up to 100 km away with high precision”.
Good! Now lets glide a bomb towards General hafiz Saeed and blow his fookin' brains out! (As if he had any, anyway!!)

Ok, seriously, I wonder what its CEP is? How much explosive? What type of on-board navigation system does it have? In general, what are its characteristics?
It's not the job of DRDO to start production and replenish IAF arsenal,it's the job of the OFB.Thank you.

Yeah. Thank you for enlightening me. They are all conected, aren't they.
I know these minor details like who is the developer & who is the manufacturer mate. Any ways, thank you for correction.

Yeah. Thank you for enlightening me. They are all conected, aren't they.
I know these minor details like who is the developer & who is the manufacturer mate. Any ways, thank you for correction.


Well,I clarified this to you because it seemed to me that you were under the impression that DRDO was boasting about this when in fact,they were just notifying the Public about this development.It's not like they never boast,they do it too much in fact,but in this particular instance it isn't the case.They even chose to hide all the details of the weapon except the range and payload which proves my points. :)
what is the glide ratio
what is the altitude min from which it has to be launched to achive 100km glide ?
i think there is moe than meets the eye here - Rustom I - Aura - etc + glide bombs +PGMs coming online and fructifying simultaneously ?- coincidence or well planned projects
For technical details we have very less details, like the release altitude, flight time, wind-age etc.
And I think it's good planning than any other conspiracy theory. But prey pls educate this common folk about some recent development in Aura and Rustom 1. If what I know is correct then we donot have much to show for.

I wonder what its CEP is? How much explosive? What type of on-board navigation system does it have? In general, what are its characteristics?
Hmm... unless stated, I am inclined to say that this glide bomb has INS rather than a EO system. So CEP will be in range of 10~20mts. If it's better than that it's good but may take up precious real estate. Also I suspect a hybrid guidance of GPS/GOLNASS/INS can be used. Explosive load can be anything in the neighborhood of 850 to 900Kg. And that is a lot. I mean fuckton lot (Yeah, that's a technical term in pyrotechnic world as is "Oh, $hit !!!") . Good enough to have a play a demolition derby on all nearby superstructures.

Well,I clarified this to you because it seemed to me that you were under the impression that DRDO was boasting about this when in fact,they were just notifying the Public about this development.It's not like they never boast,they do it too much in fact,but in this particular instance it isn't the case.They even chose to hide all the details of the weapon except the range and payload which proves my points. :)
There were a few spoilers here and there last year and before but they sealed it as tight as a moron's head !!
even i am boasting it in forums
why shouldn t they ? :D

He he he....:partay: :partay:

Well,I clarified this to you because it seemed to me that you were under the impression that DRDO was boasting about this when in fact,they were just notifying the Public about this development.It's not like they never boast,they do it too much in fact,but in this particular instance it isn't the case.They even chose to hide all the details of the weapon except the range and payload which proves my points. :)

You are right, I am not saying that they are boasting about development of the gluided bomb, but I made my point upon claim of 100% self reliance while we are still importing its equivalent.

Maybe they should adhere to time lines, imporve work culture & start delivering. :)
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