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Featured DRDO has successfully flight-tested Supersonic Missile assisted release of Torpedo (SMART)

It took 21 days because your submarine was sent into hiding near Iran border(after Balakot Strikes)..to preserve it ..in case Indian navy attacks. PNS SAAD was nowhere close to any of its potential targets.

Mind you, Indian navy knew the exact location of every other PN surface combatant and submarine through out the tensions.
Brain fart ...
And you got proof of that?
PNS SAAD was never detected anywhere near Indian waters.
And you have proof IN had eyes on entire PN .... the most embarrassing thing is your junk sub was detected by our P3s .... keep listening to NDTV to make your day
I know that because an analyst made that claim somewhere in 2019... and again a Sub cant stay in one area for 21 days in a row...

See ..here are the facts.

1. PNS SAAD was picked by Indian statellites ..along with rest of Pakistan Navy ships and submarines..in and around Karachi harbour after Pulwama attack.

2. PNS SAAD slipped of her moorings and crept away under the cover of darkness.

3. With all other Pakistani naval vessels accounted for. Indian Navy launched a mini search operation ..starting from Indian coast heading outwards.

4. After 21 days PNS SAAD was detected by Indian Navy in Pakistani waters near Iranian border.

Rest all are your assumptions,

That it could have visited India waters and then to back to Iranian border.(why?)

For all we know ..it could have gone to Africa and then back to Pakistani waters.

But the resonable assumption is ..it slow steamed(so it does not have to surface) all the way from Karachi to West coast of Pakistan on its AIP propulsion.. creeping up the Pakistani coast line..to stay undetected by Indian Navy.
It took 21 days because your submarine was sent into hiding near Iran border(after Balakot Strikes)

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ......

Militry Awards to PN post Palwama conflict.jpg
ISPR singing it's own praise ..that is got be a first ?

Amongst it's other claim are shooting down Indian Su 30 MKI and MM Alam shooting down 5 Indian aircrafts in 30 secs.

It is illogical..if PNS SÀAD was deployed in Indian waters..what mission did it accomplish. And if it was so successful in hiding discreetly from Indian Navy in Indian waters. Why did have to sail all the way ..up to Iran - Pakistan border.
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ISPR singing it's own praise ..that is got be a first ?

Amongst it's other claim are shooting down Indian Su 30 MKI and MM Alam shooting down 5 Indian aircrafts in 30 secs.

It is illogical..if PNS SÀAD was deployed in Indian waters..what mission did it accomplish. And if it was so successful in hiding discreetly from Indian Navy in Indian waters. Why did have to sail all the way ..up to Iran - Pakistan border.
You Indians are so delusional what about the
F16 claim?
The fake balakot kill count of 300 ?
The fake sir ge kal strike?
All you guys have is NDTV stories and Twitter propaganda... why will we ever believe something you say ? All you guys have is brain farts .... PNS Saad was spotted near IRAN after 21 days where exactly was it deployed in 20 days no one can say for sure except Indians can somehow smell it from Delhi .....
See ..here are the facts.

1. PNS SAAD was picked by Indian statellites ..along with rest of Pakistan Navy ships and submarines..in and around Karachi harbour after Pulwama attack.

2. PNS SAAD slipped of her moorings and crept away under the cover of darkness.

3. With all other Pakistani naval vessels accounted for. Indian Navy launched a mini search operation ..starting from Indian coast heading outwards.

4. After 21 days PNS SAAD was detected by Indian Navy in Pakistani waters near Iranian border.

Rest all are your assumptions,

That it could have visited India waters and then to back to Iranian border.(why?)

For all we know ..it could have gone to Africa and then back to Pakistani waters.

But the resonable assumption is ..it slow steamed(so it does not have to surface) all the way from Karachi to West coast of Pakistan on its AIP propulsion.. creeping up the Pakistani coast line..to stay undetected by Indian Navy.
Lolx high alert search operation is mini no wonder you indian andhbhakts are in denial always 🤣

And MM Alim shot down 4 indian jets in 30 second and last in next 30 seconds making up total of 5 in 60 seconds... and those 4 jets were not only shot down because of MM Alims present mind and skills but also stupidity of Indian pilots who thought MM Alim will go after single jet and not them 4... and they all didn't break formation which gave MM Alim a clear shot on 4 in a row....

As for Su30Mki ask the indian forces what was Mi17 search and Rescue doing near Border ?
Lolx high alert search operation is mini no wonder you indian andhbhakts are in denial always 🤣

And MM Alim shot down 4 indian jets in 30 second and last in next 30 seconds making up total of 5 in 60 seconds... and those 4 jets were not only shot down because of MM Alims present mind and skills but also stupidity of Indian pilots who thought MM Alim will go after single jet and not them 4... and they all didn't break formation which gave MM Alim a clear shot on 4 in a row....

As for Su30Mki ask the indian forces what was Mi17 search and Rescue doing near Border ?

Take a good look at the following graphic:


There are different methods to detect submarines while submerged:

1. Multi-mode radar
2. Sonobuoys
3. MAD

You are alluding to ASW range of OPTION # 1 but overlooking other sensor systems in your calculus - ASW range and capacity is DYNAMIC and shaped by employment tactics for the needful.

How Sonobuoys work?

Just one P8I can deploy over 100 Sonobuoys for the needful.


Indian Navy P8I fleet strength in the present = 8

They are receiving 4 more in this year.

Multiple aircraft = ASW mission made possible on a much wider scale and capacity with exchange of information in the mix.

USN Factor

Should Indian Navy feel that its ASW missions are being constrained by Pakistan Navy through relevant countermeasures and tactics, Indian Navy can reach out to USN to facilitate its ASW missions (COMCASA). Imagine this.

WE cannot be sure about that.

Real challenges will surface when a MAJOR CONFLICT will materialize and ASW missions will be in full-swing (God forbid).

Potent points. India just signed COMCASA with AuN and has an Indonesian port faciity and Reapers specialized for IN will network for P8is in co-ordination from PacCom and garcia. The threat is actually not Pak. Its China that it is aimed for
I am guessing this can be used against surface fleet as well although not preferred
I am guessing this can be used against surface fleet as well although not preferred
Surface ships can shoot down the torpedo in Velocity reduction phase (when the the torpedo has separated from the missile and is parachuting down).

Anti ship missile has a much higher chance of success against surface ships.
What type of supersonic ship based missile is capable of flying 650km while carrying a half ton light weight torpedo plus extra weight for torpedo housing? Current Brahmos doesn't fit in.

And why is the narrative saying 650km while the diagram shows "Up to 24km"? Torpedo range is stated as 11km while under water.

Indian light weight torpedo weighs just 220 kg ..has a range of 19kms and a 50 kg warhead.

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