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DRDO annual report revealed some next generation technology breakthroughs

Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet (SFDR) Technology for Air
Launched Tactical Missiles: The state-of-the-art air-to-
air missile powered with ‘SFDR’ propulsion technology is
a joint development project between DRDO and Russia.
The missile is designed with an advanced propulsion
system and is configured with nozzle-less booster,
thrust modulation system and boron based sustainer
to deliver specific impulse of 1000 - 1200 sec in ramjet
mode. The missile can hit the air targets in the ranges
from 70 - 340 km in the power ‘ON’ mode. During
the flight test conducted on May 30, 2018, nozzle-less
booster technology was successfully demonstrated
in the mission for the first time in the history. In the
flight tested conducted on February 8, 2019 from ITR,
Chandipur all objectives were met towards realisation
of the SFDR propulsion system consisting of nozzle less
booster, solid fuel ramjet sustainer with air intakes & fuel
controller and insulation system.
Only for India, Russian develop lots of SAMs with Ramjet in cold war like SA-6/SA-4/SA-5, especially SA-5 has range of more then a range of 300-400 km @ironman
It leap for just India Ramjet Sams was being built various Countries during the cold war (Russia/USA/UK) but main drawbacks of Ramjet Sams is/was when they expired their fuel they losses momentum/range because of their Ramjet Inlets (drag), as comparing to conventional Sams (dual Pulse Rocket) @Ashwasthama

You are clearly unaware of latest developments in Ramjet technology and why world's latest missiles like meteor uses this technology.

Impossible simply impossible, even USA/Russia/China and other developed countries haven't this range class Torpedo yet, so don't believe this tweet, and water is 25% denser than air hence lots drag impossible to achieve 650 km range, how would guide this torpedo to its target lets assume its extreme range 650 Km, from radar the answer is no radar waves bounce back to the surface of water, sonar have range of few kilometers to within the range of 100 km, latest sonars haven't a range of more then 100 km, so don't believe this nonsense tweet which is impossible to achieve with current technology even USA/Russia/ can't built this kind of Torpedo with their latest military tech @Ashwasthama
Read it again and try to educate yourself.

any news about AURA UAV , hypersonic brahmos and AMCA..???

HSDTV tested. Its technology will go in Aura.
You are clearly unaware of latest developments in Ramjet technology and why world's latest missiles like meteor uses this technology.
It old tech for superpower their SA-5 use this tech back in 60s/70 and had a range of 300-400 km, its old tech with new solutions @Ashwasthama
Read it again and try to educate yourself.
I already read it this stupid tweet which have no reliability, and are you trying to say you have a better military tech than USA/Russia, Latest/most long range torpedo for USN is ADCAP with a range of 50 km, Most long range Russian atomic tsunami torpedo that recently reveledb by Russia has a range of 100 km, so you have a better military research industries than USA/Russia @Ashwasthama o_O:what:
It old tech for superpower their SA-5 use this tech back in 60s/70 and had a range of 300-400 km, its old tech with new solutions @Ashwasthama

I already read it this stupid tweet which have no reliability, and are you trying to say you have a better military tech than USA/Russia, Latest/most long range torpedo for USN is ADCAP with a range of 50 km, Most long range Russian atomic tsunami torpedo that recently reveledb by Russia has a range of 100 km, so you have a better military research industries than USA/Russia @Ashwasthama o_O:what:

Jet engines are used in planes for decades but still tthe same planes with Innovation and higher efficiency is a path breaking
Technology. Cars uses internal combustion engine for over hundred years, still innovation and improvement in efficiency is a path breaking Technology. Similarly any innovation which multiplies the efficiency of old Technology is path-breaking. In Technology development there is hardly any totally new technologies. Most of the technological development is enhancement of old Technologies only.

The torpedo with 650 km range is a missile mounted torpedo which is released from missile 650 away.
Jet engines are used in planes for decades but still tthe same planes with Innovation and higher efficiency is a path breaking
Technology. Cars uses internal combustion engine for over hundred years, still innovation and improvement in efficiency is a path breaking Technology. Similarly any innovation which multiplies the efficiency of old Technology is path-breaking. In Technology development there is hardly any totally new technologies. Most of the technological development is enhancement of old Technologies only.

The torpedo with 650 km range is a missile mounted torpedo which is released from missile 650 away.
Don't be ridiculous If USA/Russia can't make 650 km torpedo the how can India, Please answer my above question, do you India has better defense research industry then USA/Russia, are you talking about similar system like ASROC and Russian analog on a larger scale

or you're talking about Ship to ship or ship to submarine and subs to ship torpedo if you're talking about ASROC type weapons then its ok but if you're taking about rest of the system (ship to ship/ship to subs/subs to ship) then this feat impossible to achieve @Ashwasthama
Don't be ridiculous If USA/Russia can't make 650 km torpedo the how can India, Please answer my above question, do you India has better defense research industry then USA/Russia, are you talking about similar system like ASROC and Russian analog on a larger scale

No matter how much you try to educate people, you cannot educate them.
That's the thing, several are getting into the field..


Akash System - Including it's radar, etc.


Agni (4,5)



Varunastra HWT, Shyena LWT


Rudra for IAF and IA - Including several Dhruv blocks


INS Arihant


Astra BVR






Sharang 130mm to 155mm upgrade


Kolkata class, including corvette, frigate classes. This also include it's several inducted subsystems

These are some examples. You're right, some of these are in development for some time, but each successful program development cycle keeps going down. Several off shots off of what were outdate systems are happening. All worth it.

Astra missile is a prestige project. Sincs feb 27 iaf is buying Russian missiles with longer range. Iaf will slowly choke funding.
No matter how much you try to educate people, you cannot educate them.
I trying to understand that which system you're talking about ASROC type system that fly through air and then drop some torpedo at general target area then torpedo homes to target (Ship or subs) or fire from ships/subs torpedo tube the last one is quite impossible because if its built it will not fitted in the torpedo tubes any ships and subs, and what are trying to educate me nothing , your links/tweet doesn't refer to which specific kind of weapon system this will be ASROC type system or launch from torpedo tubes from subs and ships @Ashwasthama
I trying to understand that which system you're talking about ASROC type system that fly through air and then drop some torpedo at general target area then torpedo homes to target (Ship or subs) or fire from ships/subs torpedo tube the last one is quite impossible because if its built it will not fitted in the torpedo tubes any ships and subs, and what are trying to educate me nothing , your links/tweet doesn't refer to which specific kind of weapon system this will be ASROC type system or launch from torpedo tubes from subs and ships @Ashwasthama

It is a torpedo mounted on a missile which flies at a supersonic speed and releases torpedo near target from where torpedo strata it journey towards target which may be in few kilometres from releasing point torpedo release point.
Astra missile is a prestige project. Sincs feb 27 iaf is buying Russian missiles with longer range. Iaf will slowly choke funding.

No, it's not. It's in lsp, mass batch with homemade seeker awaits. Its actually one of the most important because it can be used across all platforms without restrictions.
It is a torpedo mounted on a missile which flies at a supersonic speed and releases torpedo near target from where torpedo strata it journey towards target which may be in few kilometres from releasing point torpedo release point.

Not a new technology.

No, it's not. It's in lsp, mass batch with homemade seeker awaits. Its actually one of the most important because it can be used across all platforms without restrictions.

If you say so. Iaf need to convinced, not me. Purchase r 27 missiles recently shows IAF intention.
It is a torpedo mounted on a missile which flies at a supersonic speed and releases torpedo near target from where torpedo strata it journey towards target which may be in few kilometres from releasing point torpedo release point.
So its basically a ASROC like system might be ground launch BM of Pritivi or some other BM to equipped torpedo, or you're developing new missiles fort that system, because you have no supersonic missiles which travel 650 km
only Brahmos has that range but can't carry torpedo @Ashwasthama
It leap for just India Ramjet Sams was being built various Countries during the cold war (Russia/USA/UK) but main drawbacks of Ramjet Sams is/was when they expired their fuel they losses momentum/range because of their Ramjet Inlets (drag), as comparing to conventional Sams (dual Pulse Rocket) @Ashwasthama

Impossible simply impossible, even USA/Russia/China and other developed countries haven't this range class Torpedo yet, so don't believe this tweet, and water is 25% denser than air hence lots drag impossible to achieve 650 km range, how would guide this torpedo to its target lets assume its extreme range 650 Km, from radar the answer is no radar waves bounce back to the surface of water, sonar have range of few kilometers to within the range of 100 km, latest sonars haven't a range of more then 100 km, so don't believe this nonsense tweet which is impossible to achieve with current technology even USA/Russia/ can't built this kind of Torpedo with their latest military tech @Ashwasthama
Range of 650 is possible if torpedo is dropped at a desired point using a missile
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