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Dragon's Year: A Dangerous year - Economist

India is not communist, they are actually fascist or a monarchy.

India is the world's biggest oligarchy the nation's 50-odd billionaires control a fifth of the national GDP.

The extraordinary power and influence of India's super rich has played out to the detriment of ordinary Indians who make up the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people. It poses a serious challenge to India's democracy, often claimed as the world's largest, to meet the very basic needs of its people in whose name the rulers supposedly govern the country. It also raises the specter of significant social strife which could spark a bloody revolution shaking the Indian society to its core.

Haq's Musings: India- The World's Biggest Oligarchy?
India is Democratic lol hahahha, you are wishing to be democratic only but never see it happen in your country. I pity you that your country copy china economic from A-Z but using democratic as a politic to cover your own Communist inside your head. Tell me what India Democratic is going on in India right now, Muslim got killed everyday in kashmir. Suicide bombing still going around in India, women got beat up or killed if marry to different religion. Women is enslave to men if they dont obey got killed. That is India Democratic lol hahhahah you should wish for another 10 more decades. We know china is Communist, but we can still speak out. We cannot touch politician too much, but we proud to be Communist. Not like Democratics piece of Sh9t, lying everydays on and on. Look at USA, they lying everyday and they Democratic system telling them to pointed at Socialist style day by days. Socialist style only for Communist country, not for Democratic country system why using it and lied to all citizens. India Democratics hhahahahah lol lol loll lol lol hgahahhafhdhah.
India is the largest Democratic Republic in this world. U r the largest Communist Nation in this world.
U can never speak out. Everyday a Tibetan got killed and journalists are arrested in china. those who spoke against the govt are jailed. U r feeded with crap propaganda media.

The reality is, a source told AsiaNews, the rising violence “stems from Beijing’s fear that Tibetans might no longer put up with the abuses they have endured so far. At the end of December, some 6,000 Buddhists left Tibet for India to attend the Bhodigaya, the great religious celebration led by the Dalai Lama. In so doing, they showed their love for religious freedom, and their lack of fear of China.”
Beijing stifles the news and three Tibetan demonstrations | China News Center

Against a backdrop of rapid socio-economic change and modernization, China continues to be an authoritarian one-party state that imposes sharp curbs on freedom of expression, association, and religion; openly rejects judicial independence and press freedom; and arbitrarily restricts and suppresses human rights defenders and organizations, often through extra-judicial measures.

The government also censors the internet; maintains highly repressive policies in ethnic minority areas such as Tibet, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia; systematically condones—with rare exceptions—abuses of power in the name of “social stability” ; and rejects domestic and international scrutiny of its human rights record as attempts to destabilize and impose “Western values” on the country.
Third Round of Shootings in Eastern Tibet | The China Hotline
U only get censored information.
China & Tibet: Human Rights Watch World Report 2012 | NCADC World

Look what happened in middle east. The authoritarian got. fell under an uprising & moved its path to Democracy. Yeah Democratic system is $hit?
Everyday people r moving 2 these system. Anyone heard a nation trying 2 become a communist nation. never! No one wants that failed system. Even china's achievement in fields, no ones interested in becoming the communist capitalist country like U have.

Baird said in a speech in England that he would speak out against what he saw as attacks on freedom of religion. ”In China, we see Roman Catholic priests, Christian clergy and their laity, worshipping outside of state-sanctioned boundaries, who are continually subject to raids, arrests, and detention,” he said in his prepared remarks.
Canadian Foreign Minister blasts China ahead of PM’s visit « rtyctoronto
U know why i hate china, coz Communist form of govt. suckZ.
Good luck with your communist govt. The best system in the world. rofl.

---------- Post added at 08:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 AM ----------

India is not communist, they are actually fascist or a monarchy.
India is not Communist. Thats right.
Fascist?/ Monarch? Prove it.

---------- Post added at 08:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ----------

India is the world's biggest oligarchy the nation's 50-odd billionaires control a fifth of the national GDP.

The extraordinary power and influence of India's super rich has played out to the detriment of ordinary Indians who make up the world's largest population of poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people. It poses a serious challenge to India's democracy, often claimed as the world's largest, to meet the very basic needs of its people in whose name the rulers supposedly govern the country. It also raises the specter of significant social strife which could spark a bloody revolution shaking the Indian society to its core.

Haq's Musings: India- The World's Biggest Oligarchy?
pity that u r the most terrorist nation blasting ur own ppl and causing trouble 4 its neighbors. get a life.
India is the largest Democratic Republic in this world. U r the largest Communist Nation in this world.
U can never speak out. Everyday a Tibetan got killed and journalists are arrested in china. those who spoke against the govt are jailed. U r feeded with crap propaganda media.

Beijing stifles the news and three Tibetan demonstrations | China News Center

Third Round of Shootings in Eastern Tibet | The China Hotline
U only get censored information.
China & Tibet: Human Rights Watch World Report 2012 | NCADC World

Look what happened in middle east. The authoritarian got. fell under an uprising & moved its path to Democracy. Yeah Democratic system is $hit?
Everyday people r moving 2 these system. Anyone heard a nation trying 2 become a communist nation. never! No one wants that failed system. Even china's achievement in fields, no ones interested in becoming the communist capitalist country like U have.

Canadian Foreign Minister blasts China ahead of PM’s visit « rtyctoronto
U know why i hate china, coz Communist form of govt. suckZ.
Good luck with your communist govt. The best system in the world. rofl.

---------- Post added at 08:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 AM ----------

India is not Communist. Thats right.
Fascist?/ Monarch? Prove it.

China is only Communist in name.
Middle East dictators could not adopt the CCP on the other hand has that's why they survived while the other communist fell. Democracy is ok however it's how well it is applied middle east is a bad example of democracy.

Who cares if you hate china this is PDF a drama forum where Indians Pakistani Chinese like to Rant, Chinese don't really seem to care what American's think about their country what makes you think they would care what Indians think.

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

India is the largest Democratic Republic in this world. U r the largest Communist Nation in this world.
U can never speak out. Everyday a Tibetan got killed and journalists are arrested in china. those who spoke against the govt are jailed. U r feeded with crap propaganda media.

Beijing stifles the news and three Tibetan demonstrations | China News Center

Third Round of Shootings in Eastern Tibet | The China Hotline
U only get censored information.
China & Tibet: Human Rights Watch World Report 2012 | NCADC World

Look what happened in middle east. The authoritarian got. fell under an uprising & moved its path to Democracy. Yeah Democratic system is $hit?
Everyday people r moving 2 these system. Anyone heard a nation trying 2 become a communist nation. never! No one wants that failed system. Even china's achievement in fields, no ones interested in becoming the communist capitalist country like U have.

Canadian Foreign Minister blasts China ahead of PM’s visit « rtyctoronto
U know why i hate china, coz Communist form of govt. suckZ.
Good luck with your communist govt. The best system in the world. rofl.

---------- Post added at 08:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 AM ----------

India is not Communist. Thats right.
Fascist?/ Monarch? Prove it.

---------- Post added at 08:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ----------

pity that u r the most terrorist nation blasting ur own ppl and causing trouble 4 its neighbors. get a life.

Last comment will cause a ban for you, might not want to get to frustrated your falling for his trolling.
India is the largest Democratic Republic in this world. U r the largest Communist Nation in this world.
U can never speak out. Everyday a Tibetan got killed and journalists are arrested in china. those who spoke against the govt are jailed. U r feeded with crap propaganda media.
pity that u r the most terrorist nation blasting ur own ppl and causing trouble 4 its neighbors. get a life.

Your children aren't fed at all, that's why they're dying at the rate of 6000 per day.
For whatever its worth the Economist is going to run a week long series on China. Here are the opening remarks and the link.

China: The paradox of prosperity | The Economist

Thank you for sharing out this article.

The problem of of most of current Western authors is that they write like those ancient Chinese intellectuals on the Keju exam. You first assume a conclusion, then try to grab pieces from Internet to fill the blanks. This one is no exception. First, assume things "democracy", "freedom", unions, freeing financial market are universally good so China automatically have problems without these. I thought people learned after seeing what happened to Sovien Union and Russia economically.

In addition, even if what the authores says is 100% true, it is of 0 practical value. Anyone knows that it is better for migrant workers to have access to education, medicare etc. But how? This is like saying to win a ball game, you have to focus on offense and defense. It cannot be more right but has absolutely 0 value in practice.
Laugh at NeutralCitizen, yep you're right. India is world biggest fart lying Democratic with Socialism Idealism where Communist toward to that Socialism. A Democratic countries like USA, England or other dont go to Capitialism but adopted Socialism ideology why? hahahah because Capitialism will fall and go bankcrupcy.

NeutralCitizen is India most idiot indian, compare the Middle East with China Communist when Middle East all are USA allied and hahahha. USA created the Middle East puppet, people in Middle East uses US democratic to overthrow USA puppet that making sense. So NeutralCitizen go back to India and learn more Democratic lying system.
I think people underestimate the Chinese Government. Basically it is the same government in principle since 1989, when they were stumbled and embarrassed worldwide by The Tienanmen debacles. After that, don't you think they would set up some form of crisis groups to deal with similar situations? The Chinese Government, with more than 2 decades of continuous group thinking of consensus would be in a much better position to deal with such matters than any transitional elected governments whose new leaders come in every few years with new ideas. There were many incidents in the last 5 years where they stepped in and solved matters. It is true some of their actions were not to the liking of outsiders or even to some of their own citizens. Hey, you can't please everyone.
China is a big country with a huge population, a few incidents here and there do not warrant a call of Armageddon, really.
Laugh at NeutralCitizen, yep you're right. India is world biggest fart lying Democratic with Socialism Idealism where Communist toward to that Socialism. A Democratic countries like USA, England or other dont go to Capitialism but adopted Socialism ideology why? hahahah because Capitialism will fall and go bankcrupcy.

NeutralCitizen is India most idiot indian, compare the Middle East with China Communist when Middle East all are USA allied and hahahha. USA created the Middle East puppet, people in Middle East uses US democratic to overthrow USA puppet that making sense. So NeutralCitizen go back to India and learn more Democratic lying system.
So what makes U think that NeutralCitizen is an Indian?
Any Explanations?:P
Laugh at NeutralCitizen, yep you're right. India is world biggest fart lying Democratic with Socialism Idealism where Communist toward to that Socialism. A Democratic countries like USA, England or other dont go to Capitialism but adopted Socialism ideology why? hahahah because Capitialism will fall and go bankcrupcy.

NeutralCitizen is India most idiot indian, compare the Middle East with China Communist when Middle East all are USA allied and hahahha. USA created the Middle East puppet, people in Middle East uses US democratic to overthrow USA puppet that making sense. So NeutralCitizen go back to India and learn more Democratic lying system.

It seems China Town isn't going well for you I'm not Indian.

---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

So what makes U think that NeutralCitizen is an Indian?
Any Explanations?:P

I've Pissed off Chinese, Pakistani's, Indians, and Bangladeshi's nope doesn't sound Indian to me.
It is funny how Americans and their western counterparts pick on issues such as labor costs, wages and working standards, when they themselves were struggling with such issues not so long ago. Societies take time to develop.

In order to spice up things, make them exotic, the journalist and the writers of such crap come up with ideas to mingle, say Chinese tradition, like Year of Dragon, and then term it as dangerous. For, what else can they offer their own nations? Cheeseburgers, hot dogs? Gas prices? Or perhaps the Kardashians/Justin Bieber?

Man....seriously, get a life.

Demand of higher wages, better standards are all part of a developing economy and actually a good sign. Economies adapt. Go read John Stuart Mill or Adam Smith...or even more, Das Kapital. Stop reading this Economist BS.
Of course we know that CHINA is the Dangerous threat to INDIA.


Cool yawning :P
Who relays on US for thir exports?:P
Indian economy copied ur economy. how can a democratic republic copy a communist govts economy? is our economy export oriented like urs?:P
please dont make this kind of joke again and again,
saying India is democratic is like saying North Korea is a free country
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