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Dr. Subramaniam Swamy: Annex land from Bangladesh

I haven't seen you and I still don't trust you. The same applies to the other Indians here whose every word is full of lies and idiocy. :butcher:

I have not been so pathetic for recognition as you.

I am recognised by my worth.

So. what is your case?

Lies and fantasy is your forte.

Read your own book that you publicise even below stones on the rustic roads!
About this there will be no doubt in anyone's mind after 2012. By that year, I expect a Taliban takeover in Pakistan and the Americans to flee Afghanistan. Then, Islam will confront Hinduism to ‘complete unfinished business’. Already the successor to Osama Bin Laden as the Al Qaeda leader has declared that India is the priority target for that terrorist organisation and not the USA.

Utter bullshit. Hardly worth reading. What is he, psychic?
this article was spreading through Facebook among Bangladeshis... Today someone shared this link on my wall..
Strategy: Enact a national law prohibiting conversion from Hindu religion to any other religion. Re-conversion will not be banned. Declare caste is not birth-based but code of discipline based. Welcome non-Hindus to re-convert to the caste of their choice provided they adhere to the code of discipline. Annex land from Bangladesh in proportion to the illegal migrants from that country staying in India. At present, northern one-third from Sylhet to Khulna can be annexed to re-settle the illegal migrants.

Is he threatening us? Seriously? How many Indians actually go by this garbage? Or is he becoming too old?
Secular to the core!

Summing up:

Dr Swamy's Family

Wife. Parsi
Sister in Law. Christian
Brother in Law. Jew
Son in Law Muslim

was there a point you are trying to make, as far as this thread is concerned?

by the way, isn't Bangladesh also officially a ''secular'' country?
One BD guy here ah sami was talking of BD annexing assam by pushing bd muslims to assam...Well u will have a nice response in future :lol:
was there a point you are trying to make, as far as this thread is concerned?

by the way, isn't Bangladesh also officially a ''secular'' country?

You feel there is no point being made?

How more secular can you get than that?
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