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Dozens of Myanmar troops killed fighting northern rebels

Ehemm, how about the update of the recent conflict? @Aung Zaya any progress about peace deal between Gov and rebels? And are the rebels grunt has accept the peace deal accordingly?

There may be no peace between us.. Coz they attacked the refugee who flew the Red Cross flag yesterday. While they were returning to their home.. 2 injured.. Army has to clear that area again.. In previous days they fired military and public hospitals 3 times... So No peace discussion.. Just only 2 option for them.. Submission of arms or got destroyed completely.. I will post some pic of that incidents.. I gonna go to work right now...

What if Myanmar consider several of Kokang as terrorists ?

We separately know who is civilian and who is rebels according to our Intel units.. Every army of the whole world must protest civilians and clear the terror upon civilians... Yeah... We will follow that way... :D
I did post some fact here. Hoping your govt to be rational and use patience to convince all minorities. Learn from your close neighbor Thailand how their govt treat minority ethnic. There are millions of ethnic Chinese in Thailand, they learn Thai language, they love the country, make contribution and loyal to Thailand. Why? Because Thailand govt always treat them equally and consider them as the same nationality. It's not hard to understand it.

From Burma to Myanmar, you govt use too many force, the racist is terrible. I don't want to post bloody photos here, check the photos followings. Tell me the old woman at almost 70 year old is an armed rebel, she is so kindly face, just like my grandmother. Look at her foot, bullet cut off her toes!

I don't know how your govt educate your guys. I know something about Myanmar's ancient history, British colony history, and independent again and Panlong agreement. Please let the painful colony history go, killing your country's minority can't show how powerful Burmese it is. Treat them well, they will repay your benefits. In China, there are also minorities such as Shan (Thai), Wa, Kachin ( Jingpo), different peoples treat each other equally and peacefully. If your country can't find a good method, I prefer again you guys learn from Thailand whose size, population, area is similar.

That's all. If you still consider me as troll, just please. Your attitude just hurt yourselves.

Let me explain some history a little bit.
Myanmar case is a little bit more difficult than Thailand.
If you see the map of Thailand. It is actually a vast plain of the size of current Thailand. That means one authority central control over vast plain is easier militarily, than Myanmar.

Burma race just quite recently triumpted over the other race rivalry, the Mon people, just 200 years ago, just before the British came. So central burma authority over large plane of central burma is just relatively new establishment. Those "minorities" are actually vassal states to ancient Burma, with their own King, and Kingdoms. Eventhough Thailand, Siam back then, was the same, the geography of Thailand, and because Thailand has been independence nation state for long time, make it much easier militarily to control current Thailand.

With British rules, the power of British was actually concentrate on Burma's heart land. Those minorities are left de facto independence, but theoritically Britsh protectorates.

Now with China Ledo road here came a new player. Thailand know this people as the Kuomintang 93 regimen. Here the advance distrillation to Heroine became possible. With new drug based power came new warlords. KuomingTang 93 regimen fought in North Myanmar so long that the Kuomingtang has no power in China anymore! Now CPP was trying to destroy this regimen and equipped the Wa for destroying 93 regimen.

Oh... It's not easy for Myanmar. Where is the justice? Why minority must accept Myanmar authority when they can still fight and hope for independence? Who could say what is right and what is wrong for a group of people to establish a nation state, or be a minority in larger nation? These questions I have no answer.
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This violence is startling to all the investors in Myanmar. Japan, definitely, does not want such fighting to continue --- as it jeopardizes our investments in the country. Failure to stop this can jeopardize further Japanese capital into Myanmar.
That is terrible! I have not been paying attention this is regional conflict. Has Beijing state it's position or concerns?

China Hua Chunying issue something like this

Urging both sides to "exercise restraint", Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in Beijing that more fighting "will have an impact on the stability of the China-Myanmar border areas and the security on the Chinese side of the border".

Hua said China respects Myanmar's "territorial integrity" and vowed it "will not allow any organisation or individual to carry out activities undermining China-Myanmar relations... (from) within Chinese territory."

Death toll rises in Myanmar unrest, China warns of instability - Channel NewsAsia
Let me explain some history a little bit.
Myanmar case is a little bit more difficult than Thailand.
If you see the map of Thailand. It is actually a vast plain of the size of current Thailand. That means one authority central control over vast plain is easier militarily, than Myanmar.

Burma race just quite recently triumpted over the other race rivalry, the Mon people, just 200 years ago, just before the British came. So central burma authority over large plane of central burma is just relatively new establishment. Those "minorities" are actually vassal states to ancient Burma, with their own King, and Kingdoms. Eventhough Thailand, Siam back then, was the same, the geography of Thailand, and because Thailand has been independence nation state for long time, make it much easier militarily to control current Thailand.

With British rules, the power of British was actually concentrate on Burma's heart land. Those minorities are left de facto independence, but theoritically Britsh protectorates.

Now with China Ledo road here came a new player. Thailand know this people as the Kuomintang 93 regimen. Here the advance distrillation to Heroine became possible. With new drug based power came new warlords. KuomingTang 93 regimen fought in North Myanmar so long that the Kuomingtang has no power in China anymore! Now CPP was trying to destroy this regimen and equipped the Wa for destroying 93 regimen.

Oh... It's not easy for Myanmar. Where is the justice? Why minority must accept Myanmar authority when they can still fight and hope for independence? Who could say what is right and what is wrong for a group of people to establish a nation state, or be a minority in larger nation? These questions I have no answer.
Taiwan? Taiwan was a Chinese province under the Qing dynasty, ceded to Japan, and then returned to China under ROC via treaty. There is no similarities between the two.

It is unfortunate that Thai Somsak has more sympathy towards Chinese habitant in Kokang than PRC Zsari. Zsari is proud that PRC land is lost and very happy to see Chinese wipe out by alien invaders Barmese.

Eventually I got this feeling even USA PDF, Russian PDF and even Indian PDF are going to express sympathy on Kokang. Meanwhile PDF PRC will keep harping Barmese to kill criminals there.

Even alien are more nationalistic than you guys.

The pervertness of some PDF PRC can only be comparable to shit in toilet.
That is terrible! I have not been paying attention this is regional conflict. Has Beijing state it's position or concerns?

Also, what does the ethnic Chinese there really want? Flee or stay & struggle?

Obviously Beijing would accept any refugees as they did many times before, but the official non interventionist policy will prevent any active position.
I invite all PDF members to enjoy the freak show of PDF PRC, behaving diametrically different with anyone on earth. Com'on PDF PRC below is something you guy want to cheer.

Women got murdered. CHEER

Grandmother toe heck off

Com'on say she is criminal and she derserve it

@Lux de Veritas ,

I counsel you to remove these pictures. It is against forum rules to post graphic pictures, I appreciate your activity here and would not want you to be banned for this. So, please, remove it.
Let me explain some history a little bit.
Myanmar case is a little bit more difficult than Thailand.
If you see the map of Thailand. It is actually a vast plain of the size of current Thailand. That means one authority central control over vast plain is easier militarily, than Myanmar.

Burma race just quite recently triumpted over the other race rivalry, the Mon people, just 200 years ago, just before the British came. So central burma authority over large plane of central burma is just relatively new establishment. Those "minorities" are actually vassal states to ancient Burma, with their own King, and Kingdoms. Eventhough Thailand, Siam back then, was the same, the geography of Thailand, and because Thailand has been independence nation state for long time, make it much easier militarily to control current Thailand.

With British rules, the power of British was actually concentrate on Burma's heart land. Those minorities are left de facto independence, but theoritically Britsh protectorates.

Now with China Ledo road here came a new player. Thailand know this people as the Kuomintang 93 regimen. Here the advance distrillation to Heroine became possible. With new drug based power came new warlords. KuomingTang 93 regimen fought in North Myanmar so long that the Kuomingtang has no power in China anymore! Now CPP was trying to destroy this regimen and equipped the Wa for destroying 93 regimen.

Oh... It's not easy for Myanmar. Where is the justice? Why minority must accept Myanmar authority when they can still fight and hope for independence? Who could say what is right and what is wrong for a group of people to establish a nation state, or be a minority in larger nation? These questions I have no answer.

Thanks for the detailed education. I knew more or less something about all China's neighbors. Since it's not easy for Myanmar, it's better to negotiate with minorities more patiently. Myanmar was a combined country by British, not wholly by themselves, so when British left, Burmese should find their own way to manage the country. Asia nowadays has lots of problems which are due to colony history, such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.( Because the three countries were combined by French, so Vietnamese also want to do it, but they forget they lack the ability. =No offence, just my own opinion=).

I agree China is a new comer. Since 1886 China and UK signed the Treaty of Burma, China had limited connections with Burma for a long time till WWII. When China confirm the border with Burma in 1961, China already showed great kindness to them. In the border agreement, we gave up the claims of Kokang, though the residents are Chinese. But the govt attacked Kokang people again and again because of their internal politics changes, it really made me feel angry and sad.

Right now my emotion is complicated, I don't know what to say, period. I just hope they manage the country well, stop killing the same people with me. I am not nationalist, I just feel sad.
I invite all PDF members to enjoy the freak show of PDF PRC, behaving diametrically different with anyone on earth. Com'on PDF PRC below is something you guy want to cheer.

Women got murdered. CHEER

Picture remove

Grandmother toe heck off

Com'on say she is criminal and she derserve it

picture remove
then anyone can proof that army troops shot them... dude..?
1)that's unstable state and urban-war are happening everywhere in Leikei.. they may be blocked in the war zone and shot accidentally...
2) they may be fired by Kokang rebels.. there are many possibilities to be like that... Coz they also attacked the small police station and killed 1 police officer and 6 KOKENG POLICES.... and they also fired the civilians and Red Cross Volunteers..

Thanks for the detailed education. I knew more or less something about all China's neighbors. Since it's not easy for Myanmar, it's better to negotiate with minorities more patiently. Myanmar was a combined country by British, not wholly by themselves, so when British left, Burmese should find their own way to manage the country. Asia nowadays has lots of problems which are due to colony history, such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.( Because the three countries were combined by French, so Vietnamese also want to do it, but they forget they lack the ability. =No offence, just my own opinion=).

I agree China is a new comer. Since 1886 China and UK signed the Treaty of Burma, China had limited connections with Burma for a long time till WWII. When China confirm the border with Burma in 1961, China already showed great kindness to them. In the border agreement, we gave up the claims of Kokang, though the residents are Chinese. But the govt attacked Kokang people again and again because of their internal politics changes, it really made me feel angry and sad.

Right now my emotion is complicated, I don't know what to say, period. I just hope they mahnage the country well, stop killing the same people with me. I am not nationalist, I just feel sad.

That is right. Myanmar is not unlike India, due to British Imperialism. So breaking apart is the most natural remedy for Myanmar. Lux is a good man, and I even have reservation regarding breaking India apart as it will cause much bloodshed.

The anexation of Kokang to Myanmar is due to naked British violent that so one PDF PRC celebrate ecstastically and even insinuate that Chinese move that. Migration is evil in PRC Zsari mind and hence Kokang deserve to get shit.

then anyone can proof that army troops shot them... dude..?
1)that's unstable state and urban-war are happening everywhere in Leikei.. they may be blocked in the war zone and shot accidentally...
2) they may be fired by Kokang rebels.. there are many possibilities to be like that... Coz they also attacked the small police station and killed 1 police officer and 6 KOKENG POLICES.... and they also fired the civilians and Red Cross Volunteers..


I know the difficulties of Myanmar. I am NOT asking PRC to intervene.

But I hate the attitude of some PDF PRC.

We must be human.

I do not even accuse victim being criminal, not even when white man, Christian, blacks, Hindus or Muslims get killed.

PDF PRC can just keep quiet. Or they can say something like RIP. Their condescension towards Kokang is what I despise.

I am very sad. I get sad when someone die.

In some aspect, you Barmese guys bring this to yourselves. Its time to go back to the ideas of General Aung Sang.

You guys promise the minorities the right to secede and eat it back.


Suu Kyi has called for the convention of a second "Panglong Conference," in reference to an agreement that her father Aung San, who led Myanmar's fight for freedom from colonial Britain, signed with representatives of the Shan, Kachin and Chin peoples at the small market town of Panglong on February 12, 1947. The agreement paved the way for a new federal constitution, which was adopted in September of that year and declared independence on January 4, 1948.

Aung San was assassinated by a political rival in July 1947, but his Panglong agreement was honored in the constitution. Chapter Ten of that charter even granted the Shan and Karenni States the right to secede from the Union after a 10-year period of independence. Other ethnic states were not granted that right but the Panglong agreement stipulated that "full autonomy in internal administration for the Frontier Areas is accepted in principle.
That is right. Myanmar is not unlike India, due to British Imperialism. So breaking apart is the most natural remedy for Myanmar. Lux is a good man, and I even have reservation regarding breaking India apart as it will cause much bloodshed.

The anexation of Kokang to Myanmar is due to naked British violent that so one PDF PRC celebrate ecstastically and even insinuate that Chinese move that. Migration is evil in PRC Zsari mind and hence Kokang deserve to get shit.

I know the difficulties of Myanmar. I am NOT asking PRC to intervene.

But I hate the attitude of some PDF PRC.

We must be human.

I do not even accuse victim being criminal, not even when white man, Christian, blacks, Hindus or Muslims get killed.

PDF PRC can just keep quiet. Or they can say something like RIP. Their condescension towards Kokang is what I despise.


Federalization is the only long term solution to this situation.




This reminds me of the legacy of the Great King Bayinnaung Kyawhtin Nawrahta, the continuity of the Burmese Empire was only secured through constant warfare to subdue the vassal states. In a way, this Overlord-Vassal relationship has retained itself through the centuries.

In my view, Federalization is the only key -- if Myanmar wants to retain its territorial integrity. A prerequisite to that is a comprehensive structural reform. Because the way I see it --- there is a potential powder keg situation here. And it is bad. Real bad.
China Hua Chunying issue something like this

Urging both sides to "exercise restraint", Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in Beijing that more fighting "will have an impact on the stability of the China-Myanmar border areas and the security on the Chinese side of the border".

Hua said China respects Myanmar's "territorial integrity" and vowed it "will not allow any organisation or individual to carry out activities undermining China-Myanmar relations... (from) within Chinese territory."

Death toll rises in Myanmar unrest, China warns of instability - Channel NewsAsia

It is unfortunate that Thai Somsak has more sympathy towards Chinese habitant in Kokang than PRC Zsari. Zsari is proud that PRC land is lost and very happy to see Chinese wipe out by alien invaders Barmese.

Eventually I got this feeling even USA PDF, Russian PDF and even Indian PDF are going to express sympathy on Kokang. Meanwhile PDF PRC will keep harping Barmese to kill criminals there.

Even alien are more nationalistic than you guys.

The pervertness of some PDF PRC can only be comparable to shit in toilet.
Hey! dude. You are putting your words into my mouth. I never said I sympathy to whom in this ethnic conflict in Myanmar. In fact, I hate all armed drug traffickers/manufacturers regardless of nationality.
This violence is startling to all the investors in Myanmar. Japan, definitely, does not want such fighting to continue --- as it jeopardizes our investments in the country. Failure to stop this can jeopardize further Japanese capital into Myanmar.

NO.. Leikkei is a small city which is just a few km from China border.. and it will not be affected to mainland and it's interests... and we got fully control on the region and need maxium 2 days to be finished... :D
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