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Dozens of Myanmar troops killed fighting northern rebels

Hey! dude. You are putting your words into my mouth. I never said I sympathy to whom in this ethnic conflict in Myanmar. In fact, I hate all armed drug traffickers/manufacturers regardless of nationality.

Oh... It's not easy for Myanmar. Where is the justice? Why minority must accept Myanmar authority when they can still fight and hope for independence? Who could say what is right and what is wrong for a group of people to establish a nation state, or be a minority in larger nation? These questions I have no answer

Sorry, I take it wrongly.
NO.. Leikkei is a small city which is just a few km from China border.. and it will not be affected to mainland and it's interests... and we got fully control on the region and need maxium 2 days to be finished... :D

Nevertheless, my friend, I do hope that the Government in Myanmar considers structural reform and puts an end to these armed groups throughout the country. Just a friendly analysis, and one that is in the best interest of Myanmar and all her relevant partners (ehem, Japan et al). :)
Oh... It's not easy for Myanmar. Where is the justice? Why minority must accept Myanmar authority when they can still fight and hope for independence? Who could say what is right and what is wrong for a group of people to establish a nation state, or be a minority in larger nation? These questions I have no answer

Sorry, I take it wrongly.
I am talking about Theory of Nation State for the whole world. Thailand has her own share of the same problem. So as China, India, Japan, US, etc. For Myanmar, in particular, I am talking about many minority groups.
Nevertheless, my friend, I do hope that the Government in Myanmar considers structural reform and puts an end to these armed groups throughout the country. Just a friendly analysis, and one that is in the best interest of Myanmar and all her relevant partners (ehem, Japan et al). :)

Me too. My vision is Aung San Suu Kyi vision also-- federation. This is her father General Aung San vision.

So I am align to good Burmese.

And many Burmese support Aung San, and they will support my idea.
NO.. Leikkei is a small city which is just a few km from China border.. and it will not be affected to mainland and it's interests... and we got fully control on the region and need maxium 2 days to be finished... :D
I know the difficulties of Myanmar. I am NOT asking PRC to intervene.

But I hate the attitude of some PDF PRC.

We must be human.

I do not even accuse victim being criminal, not even when white man, Christian, blacks, Hindus or Muslims get killed.

PDF PRC can just keep quiet. Or they can say something like RIP. Their condescension towards Kokang is what I despise.

Seriously you have some issues, always making a scene and twisting the picture based on some random comments, and most of all lack understanding. First of all only few people would make such comments which you happily to further build up your prejudice. For decades when talking about southeast border communities mostly they are talking about on mainland is the drug issue (which is by far not mere propaganda), in fact there are actual bloody conflicts going on up until today between drug gangs across the border and PRC law enforcement, with locals being caught inbetween, the image of those border communities (especially those chinese speaking) was already ruined. Many chinese do have little trust in oversea groups - one of the old way of thinking dates far in the past (天朝弃民), but this made oversea chinese more self reliant, careful to adapt and resilent. (while the connection still undeniable) Also if anything PRC is infact closer to oversea communities than any chinese states in history, in term of influence and support.

While many(if not most) young emotional but insensitive people will give all those hot steams from time to time, often paying no attention to the feeling of oversea groups ( which is also the case on contrary), but at the very least as sanctuary there will be no real opposition ever in time of need.
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Me too. My vision is Aung San Suu Kyi vision also-- federation. This is her father General Aung San vision.

So I am align to good Burmese.

And many Burmese support Aung San, and they will support my idea.

Myanmar can learn quite a lot from her eastern neighbor, Thailand. Thailand is rather similar to the Burma in that there is an emphasis on centralized power (Rangoon vs Bangkok) , there are a plethora of ethnic minorities in both countries: Myanmar has the Kachin, Wa, Chin, Karen, Rohingya whereas Thailand has the Lao, Thai Surin, Thai Malay, Hmong, Mon.

Yet there is a dichotomy between the two. Thailand , aside from its issue with islamic separatists in Songkhla and Pattani, is largely seamless. The reason for this is because under the rule of the late Thai Prime Minister Phibunsongkram (and his successors) implemented a policy of 'Thai-ification' and subsequent Nationalist policies that focused on building a Thai National Identity. This Thai national identity transcends ethnic lines; a Thai Issan, Thai Surin, Thai Mon, Thai Malay, Thai Chinese were as Thai as the pure Siamese. This policy was enforced by the influence of the Thai monarchy , and thus we have a strong nationalist character in Thailand.

Burma can learn from this policy.
Federalization is the only long term solution to this situation.


This reminds me of the legacy of the Great King Bayinnaung Kyawhtin Nawrahta, the continuity of the Burmese Empire was only secured through constant warfare to subdue the vassal states. In a way, this Overlord-Vassal relationship has retained itself through the centuries.

In my view, Federalization is the only key -- if Myanmar wants to retain its territorial integrity. A prerequisite to that is a comprehensive structural reform. Because the way I see it --- there is a potential powder keg situation here. And it is bad. Real bad.

that's what i said... bro Now we and KNU , the main and strongest rebels in the region , to take the a series of discussions in federalism in these a few days involving most of rebels groups..and most fact has been agreed.. some are left and may be to watch 2015 election.. and agree to take part in discussion.. we invited / still inviting to involve all groups..
then anyone can proof that army troops shot them... dude..?
1)that's unstable state and urban-war are happening everywhere in Leikei.. they may be blocked in the war zone and shot accidentally...
2) they may be fired by Kokang rebels.. there are many possibilities to be like that... Coz they also attacked the small police station and killed 1 police officer and 6 KOKENG POLICES.... and they also fired the civilians and Red Cross Volunteers..


No more senseless excuses please.

The Panglong Agreement is so great, why not to put it into effect step by step. You guys always just want to use forces to conquer them. The policy has been done for 50 years, obviously it doesn't work. Why not change mind and return to the right way.

Myanmar continue this situation time and time again, I am pessimistic afraid the WWIII would happen in the country someday. Do you know how many times China have received Burmese refugees? Kokang Han people, Wa people, Muslim Rohingya people etc. China govt always show the highest sincerity to support Myanmar, provide a peaceful international condition to your country to solve problem, but get limited trust, please remember we don't owe you anything. Do you know when China govt agreed to invest 8 billion USD in your country? 3 month later, open fire again. We have advised to all our neighboring nations, keep difference in mind, work together. So that the whole Asia, especially East, South, South East Asia could develop and rise together. I am just a common person, but development can benefits to everyone.
that's what i said... bro Now we and KNU , the main and strongest rebels in the region , to take the a series of discussions in federalism in these a few days involving most of rebels groups..and most fact has been agreed.. some are left and may be to watch 2015 election.. and agree to take part in discussion.. we invited / still inviting to involve all groups..

And that is the step in the right direction.
And that is the step in the right direction.

:D Yeah.. we back on right track.. toward the golden future with our brother tribes.. Kachin , Kayar , Karen , Chin , Mon , Rakhine , Shan.... :D

BTW. I'm also a Chinese who live in Myanmar.. but do love our land., Myanmar...
:D Yeah.. we back on right track.. toward the golden future with our brother tribes.. Kachin , Kayar , Karen , Chin , Mon , Rakhine , Shan.... :D

BTW. I'm also a Chinese who live in Myanmar.. but do love our land., Myanmar...

Excellent. This type of mentality is what will guarantee Myanmar's future success ! Glory unto Myanmar and to All people in Myanmar !

We Japanese will stand behind Myanmar and be there to give a lending hand. Ever have we wanted to see the rise and success of our Southeast Asian brothers... :)
Myanmar can learn quite a lot from her eastern neighbor, Thailand. Thailand is rather similar to the Burma in that there is an emphasis on centralized power (Rangoon vs Bangkok) , there are a plethora of ethnic minorities in both countries: Myanmar has the Kachin, Wa, Chin, Karen, Rohingya whereas Thailand has the Lao, Thai Surin, Thai Malay, Hmong, Mon.

Yet there is a dichotomy between the two. Thailand , aside from its issue with islamic separatists in Songkhla and Pattani, is largely seamless. The reason for this is because under the rule of the late Thai Prime Minister Phibunsongkram (and his successors) implemented a policy of 'Thai-ification' and subsequent Nationalist policies that focused on building a Thai National Identity. This Thai national identity transcends ethnic lines; a Thai Issan, Thai Surin, Thai Mon, Thai Malay, Thai Chinese were as Thai as the pure Siamese. This policy was enforced by the influence of the Thai monarchy , and thus we have a strong nationalist character in Thailand.

Burma can learn from this policy.

have been tried.. bro.. no work.. they want to stand uniquely coz most of them has own regime in their time... they're afraid of disappearing their own culture by doing them... we understood the feelings of them.. So we tried another ways since ..
And that is the step in the right direction.

Are you Japanese? Please ask more Japanese try to push you govt to apologize for the WWII crime.

Do you know why Asian countries always prefer to extremely nationalism and use forces to solve problem? Because the colony painful remember is still reminding, the WWII pain is still reminding, no warlord try to apologize for Asian nations.

Japan was once leader of Asia, Japan invade vast area of Asia, Japan has the necessary to do it. In this case, it can soothe the historical emotion and hate, Asia can really work together.

Remove War Criminals out of temple, please. This is a horrible example respect war criminals who were judged by international military tribunal.
Are you Japanese? Please ask more Japanese try to push you govt to apologize for the WWII crime.

Do you know why Asian countries always prefer to extremely nationalism and use forces to solve problem? Because the colony painful remember is still reminding, the WWII pain is still reminding, no warlord try to apologize for Asian nations.

Japan was once leader of Asia, Japan invade vast area of Asia, Japan has the necessary to do it. In this case, it can soothe the historical emotion and hate, Asia can really work together.

Remove War Criminals out of temple, please. This is a horrible example respect war criminals who were judged by international military tribunal.

Yes I am Japanese. However, I will not entertain a discussion about Japan in this thread. Please stick to the subject matter , my dear Zhongguoren friend. :)

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