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'Doubtful' the US can 'rescue Taiwan' from China


Nov 4, 2011
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'Doubtful' the US can 'rescue Taiwan' from China

Cognoscenti Group Founder and CEO Dr Alan Dupont says the risk of war has considerably risen from 0.5 per cent to about 25 per cent on his own estimates, especially if Taiwan was annexed by China.

"Politically, President Xi has determined this is his highest priority. He's 68 years old, so he probably has the best part of 10 years to bring about the reunification of Taiwan, by force if necessary," he said. "The balance of military power has shifted towards China in that part of the world and it's doubtful now if the United States could rescue Taiwan as it has done in the past."

'Doubtful' the US can 'rescue Taiwan' from China

Cognoscenti Group Founder and CEO Dr Alan Dupont says the risk of war has considerably risen from 0.5 per cent to about 25 per cent on his own estimates, especially if Taiwan was annexed by China.

"Politically, President Xi has determined this is his highest priority. He's 68 years old, so he probably has the best part of 10 years to bring about the reunification of Taiwan, by force if necessary," he said. "The balance of military power has shifted towards China in that part of the world and it's doubtful now if the United States could rescue Taiwan as it has done in the past."

So rich coming from these western powers. They have no shame - with constant force projection on their parts for centuries. Wars, bases, international orgs (financial, social and political), notions of Monroe Doctrine, Gunboat diplomacy, all projecting their forces and their interests for decades and years on the power of guns. France alone is responsible directly and indirectly for 57 assassinations of political leaders (many democratic leaders) in Africa in the last 5 decades. These people have no shame: I think it was Mahatir who called them "Pirates".
I prefer just giving Taiwan SAR status for 50 years or more and giving USA a lot of money since they are in a lot of debt for China to reunify with Taiwan.
'Doubtful' the US can 'rescue Taiwan' from China

Cognoscenti Group Founder and CEO Dr Alan Dupont says the risk of war has considerably risen from 0.5 per cent to about 25 per cent on his own estimates, especially if Taiwan was annexed by China.

"Politically, President Xi has determined this is his highest priority. He's 68 years old, so he probably has the best part of 10 years to bring about the reunification of Taiwan, by force if necessary," he said. "The balance of military power has shifted towards China in that part of the world and it's doubtful now if the United States could rescue Taiwan as it has done in the past."

8f there is war ...USA wont get even invovled
Just like what happened with russia annexing part of ukarine
'Doubtful' the US can 'rescue Taiwan' from China

Cognoscenti Group Founder and CEO Dr Alan Dupont says the risk of war has considerably risen from 0.5 per cent to about 25 per cent on his own estimates, especially if Taiwan was annexed by China.

"Politically, President Xi has determined this is his highest priority. He's 68 years old, so he probably has the best part of 10 years to bring about the reunification of Taiwan, by force if necessary," he said. "The balance of military power has shifted towards China in that part of the world and it's doubtful now if the United States could rescue Taiwan as it has done in the past."

Yeah Yeah..they just got funds from a Chinese investment company (CCP backed) to help them ease down pressure on their US$18 Billion deficit .... here is what Chinese demanded in return...assist with their propaganda.
Yeah Yeah..they just got funds from a Chinese investment company (CCP backed) to help them ease down pressure on their US$18 Billion deficit .... here is what Chinese demanded in return...assist with their propaganda.
So you think US can defend Taiwan?
The US won't fight in the eastern theatre at all whatsoever because it's warships and aircraft carriers are obsolete
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Yeah Yeah..they just got funds from a Chinese investment company (CCP backed) to help them ease down pressure on their US$18 Billion deficit .... here is what Chinese demanded in return...assist with their propaganda.
More like u cannot accept China is winning. Why not ask Australia alone to be the cowboy for Taiwan? I thought Australia is very brave and can took down paper tiger China easily even without US involvement? :enjoy:
The US won't fight in the eastern theatre at all whatsoever because it's warships and aircraft carriers are obsolete
Fight for Taiwan , end of world. Watch PRC China take back Taiwan. Life goes on and the world is still the world progressing for the better.

Which one will you choose?
So you think US can defend Taiwan?
it can but it wont...why would USA risk 100,000s of death and war for a small island 100 miles off coast china which it doesn't even recognizes
Once they sail close to the narrow strait separating mainland China and Taiwan, they'll become sitting ducks fully at China's mercy.
question is why would USA go for a prolong war 10,000 km off its coast for a country it doesnt recognizes

in hypothetical situation, had Taiwan been part of USA, yes USA would have gone to war and in prolong war it may or may not have won. Numbers are still in USA favour, the geography isnt though

this isnt 1960s, china is no longer a peasant country, and USA has history of not going to war with stronger countries unless directly attacked
More like u cannot accept China is winning. Why not ask Australia alone to be the cowboy for Taiwan? I thought Australia is very brave and can took down paper tiger China easily even without US involvement? :enjoy:

Fight for Taiwan , end of world. Watch PRC China take back Taiwan. Life goes on and the world is still the world progressing for the better.

Which one will you choose?
its is probably going to blood loss take over once china muster enough power ..just like what happened in hong kong ..wont even make USA headlines for more than couple of days
More like u cannot accept China is winning. Why not ask Australia alone to be the cowboy for Taiwan? I thought Australia is very brave and can took down paper tiger China easily even without US involvement? :enjoy:

Fight for Taiwan , end of world. Watch PRC China take back Taiwan. Life goes on and the world is still the world progressing for the better.

Which one will you choose?
China grow sover one Australia in GDP every single year, there's no comparison between the two ,many Chinese provinces have much bigger GDP than Australia.
it can but it wont...
US has no chance, zero, to win any conflicts this close to China, they know it very well.
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