You have a core problem, a gold vain of wrongness that runs through all your posts. It's the fact that you are deeply ignorant about history. not just Jewish/Israeli history, but in general. As a result your conclusions are obviously wrong. I might address the other misinformation in your post later but right now I'll just do with the part about Israel.
No one displaced Arabs from Israel, before the Jews came back to Israel the land was pretty much barren. The numbers of Jews and Arabs living in this land before the last couple of centuries was similar (the Zionist movement and the Jewish immigration started in the 19th century). Most of the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians now are decedents of immigrants into Israel, just like the most of the Jews.
I'll re post what I wrote before, since there was hardly any disputation to this in the other thread:
This is not others' land, It is the Jews land. Even after the Arabs conquered this land it has never been more than a deprived province of some other greater empire. The Jews are the only existing people who have ever had a sovereign nation in this land, and they did so 3 (!) times before the establishment of Israel.
The Jews originated from the middle east and were dispersed by force.
Through the years the Jews living abroad were hoping and praying to come back to their land, Israel. They just lacked the military might to take it back from the Crusaders or the Arabs/Ottoman empire.
The name Palestine was given by the Roman as punishment to the Jews after their rebellion against Rome, it was way before the Arabs left the Arab peninsula. The name Palestine has nothing to do with Arabs historically and has everything to do with Jews. The name itself was taken from the Pilistinians, people who came to Israel from Greece and Crete, they had blue eyes and light skin, nothing to do genetically with Arabs. They left Israel before 0 AD.
The vast majority of the Jewish holly places are in the land of Israel, while the majority of the Muslim holy places are elsewhere through the Arab world. Jerusalem is the Jewish most holy place, Temple mount more specifically.
While for the Muslims it is Mecca followed by Medina, both not in Israel.
Denying the deep connection of the Jews to Israel is being completely ignorant of the history of the region and this land.
There were always Jews living in the land of Israel, even though they suffered massacres and other disasters. Before the start of the Zionist movement in the 19th century most of the land of Israel was barren and empty, few people lived here. Before the establishment of Israel both the Jews and the Arabs living here were called Palestinians, there was no such thing as Palestinians people. Most of the nowadays Palestinians are decedents of immigrants who came here in the 19th and 20th century, just like the Jews. This is very well documented, claiming otherwise is just plain lie and an attempt to rewrite history.
A compilation of many studies of both the Jewish and Arab immigration into Israel following the Zionist movement:
Free Palestine, and we will conquer the world - YouTube
Hamas minister of interior refers to the origins of many nowadays Palestinians:
Another thing, Israel was not established by European powers but by Jews. The British mandate has done as much as possible to curb the Jewish immigration to Israel while doing nothing like that to the Arab immigration. Check out the White books. The British build detention camps in Cyprus and deported there Jewish immigrants, they returned ships with Jews immigrants back to Europe:
The Third white book has severely limited Arabs to sell land to the Jews, in effect Jews could only buy land in 5% of the area:
White Paper of 1939 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Passfield white paper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SS Exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cyprus internment camps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Farthermore once Israel was established the American State Department declared an embargo on all weapons and war material to both Jews and Arabs in Palestine. For example:
a "Skymaster" plane chartered from the U.S. to help in ferrying weapons to Palestine from Europe was forced by the FBI to return to the USA.
In contrast the major Arab armies who invaded the newly born Jewish state were British equipped, trained and supplied. The Syrian army was French-equipped.