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Don't forget 1971, Venkaiah Naidu warns Pakistan.

And population ? :lol:

If they wanted to live separately...let them live. They Bangladeshis have also lost Pakistan...it goes both ways.

BTW Pakistan was about creation of separate areas for Muslims of the sub continent...you call it Pakistan or Bangladesh. Still B'desh is called a Muslim nation.
Dont think we have and this will be repaid with all the debt.
Akhand Bharat Jindabad



you lost them to us this why why chadi brigade still Hates Jinnah even to this day

Any more BS ? :lol:

If they wanted to live separately...let them live. They Bangladeshis have also lost Pakistan...it goes both ways

That's why you started operation searchlight ?


Any more BS ? :lol:
if you want to play this newspaper game with me I am in boy


Your IA got a bloody nose and several broken teeth in 65 and realized they didn't have the balls to face PA on the battle ground so they went covert and conspired like a typical coward. Simply put, they interfered in a sovereign country's internal affairs and and thrust their forces in. In doing so, they also planted a terrorist outfit called mukti bahini whom was recently endorsed by your PM as his boys. Thats how an outfit of rogue elements roll, not a professional army.
I wonder, why your 700,000+ strong men couldnt handle Kashmiris. 110 days of curfew and 95 deaths of innocent civilians later, IA has nothing positive to show.
You guys should be thankful to us for not interfering into your country's internal affairs, because when we did, 18 separatist movements across the county is a lot for ISI to capitalize on.



Any more BS ? :lol:

That's why you started operation searchlight ?
if you want to play this newspaper game with me I am in boy


Your IA got a bloody nose and several broken teeth in 65 and realized they didn't have the balls to face PA on the battle ground so they went covert and conspired like a typical coward.

LMAO what ? So even when you started the 1965 war, India is somehow the loser because we didn't capture Lahore ? :lol:

I wonder, why your 700,000+ strong men couldnt handle Kashmiris.

700,000 ? make that 7 million, for better propaganda purposes.

Simply put, they interfered in a sovereign country's internal affairs and and thrust their forces in.

And what exactly happened in the western front & Arabian sea ? Why did your forces lose so badly even there ?
LMAO what ? So even when you started the 1965 war, India is somehow the loser because we didn't capture Lahore ?
India lost bcoz nehru ran to UN to save his ***

700,000 ? make that 7 million, for better propaganda purposes.
1 million actually if we count police and para miltary forces

And what exactly happened in the western front & Arabian sea ? Why did your forces lose so badly even there ?
Gang Bang of bharat mata remeber how a single sub forced your entire navy to sit on their asses during whole conflict

Nah, but we can still put an orbiter around Mars.
India lost bcoz nehru ran to UN to save his ***

Wow, historical revisionism at it's best !

1 million actually if we count police and para miltary forces

Make it 10 million...
Gang Bang of bharat mata remeber how a single sub forced your entire navy to sit on their asses during whole conflict

And who did the missile attacks on Karachi, dumbass ?

Lagging behind: 2040 - Pakistan's space od[d]yssey

But Pakistan has everything from thermonuclear warheads to SSBNs...!!
Don't forget 1971-Mr. Naidu...the statement is so Ironic and paradoxical.

- Due to 1971 not forgotten, Pakistan started its nuclear programme, and got the new clear vision due to this very 1971, Naidu was right about it, Pakistan hasn't forgotten 1971.

-1971 was the reason for Pakistan seeking a robust missile programme and now armed with tactical, ballistic, cruise all sorts of missiles, including the MIRV capable Ababeel and cruise missiles with tritium tech tactical war heads....many more.

So Mr. Naidu was right that Pakistan should not forget the 1971...
:lol:, the butt-hurt occurred when someone lost half their country.

Want proof ? Just look at this thread...

Forgot about this thread, look at the whole forum. The butt-hurt exhibited by indians on PDF daily is astounding. The extreme hatred they display towards Pakistan and Muslims is a direct result of nearly a 1000 years of Islamic rule which culminated in the events of August the 14th 1947. That has not been forgotten By the indian race.

Losing bangladesh was inevitable. I accept and understand that fact. They bengalis don't even look like us. They are nearly 3000 kms away from Pakistan. So how were we ever suppose to form a nation with them long term? It has never ever been done successfully in human history and Pakistan wasn't going to change that fact.
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