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Don't blackmail me into coming to Quetta, PM tells Hazara mourners

Has everybody forgotten that the PM has a busy schedule to follow in a country full of issues that need resolving? No matter what twists and turns people try to pit in and spin this story, but he is absolutely right to promise the Hazara community a visit and to listen to their demands. At least he isn't begairat enough to politicise this tragedy and go there to do fake bereavement like other parties have done. The PM has a country to administer and so can't just go upon demand. It needs to be scheduled, security needs to me arranged etc...
Also, surely Islamically the dead should be burried ASAP and a unreasonable demand shouldn't be in the way of the people of Hazara burying their loved ones. The PM has promised them a visit and he will stick to it! You just can't hold a administration hostage like this....It makes no sense and benefits no one except the people who want to play political point scoring at the expense of the nation!

Yes, my friend, poor people, persecuted people have points to score in the political scene. Great observation.
Let me correct you.
If this was the damned Army Chief's family, he would be there within seconds, unconditionally. These are his priorities.

Are you from Turkey or UAE? I don't see any reason for using Turkish flag. Either you are using Proxy or VPN which is not allowed on the Forum or choose correct flag of your current location.

So?? Army Chief had met businessmen earlier to give guarantee on behalf of Imran Khan why not this time??

Businessmen? Politicians, foreign ministers, gone to state trips... everything. People are worth nothing to these elites, they're expirable to them, it's the bitter reality of these snakes who need to be thrown out.
Army chief/or any general doesn't come up with childish demands on media even if their family get targeted. They will never create any media circus. They rather resolve the things behind the curtains which this govt wants to do as well.

Are Hazaras lesser Pakistanis??
Are you from Turkey or UAE? I don't see any reason for using Turkish flag. Either you are using Proxy or VPN which is not allowed on the Forum or choose correct flag of your current location.


Not a place to ask but I am in UAE temporarily, and will go back to Turkey.
Maybe instead of playing detective moderator, you should pay a little more attention to the thread, and take it more seriously, no?
As a Pakistani, we feel for everyone who lost the life due to terrorism. However, it is sad to see that protests as such are hijacked by some lobby and their demands are no less than blackmailing the state. I would have chosen some different words but then again, PM seems to be in a tough situation and seems like responded to the unwarranted & illegal Terms & Conditions by particular group inside the protests.

No one will ever think whether Hazara community or anyone else should have been targeted.... this is totally inhuman and Pakistanis aren't like that but it is about time to clear out such mafias that uses such unfortunate event for their own cause. Afghan agents & sponsored groups, are currently fanning all the fire. Not to mention how Karachi's roads are blocked merely to show some muscle. I have seen the recent videos of some clerics openly threatening everyone and orders to close down market/road. Eventually, anti Pakistan proxies are busy day & night to fuel sectarian conflict in the country.

Whether Iran or anyone else; it time to send a strong & straight message to stay out of here or otherwise, there is a thing called Karma. In the meanwhile, victims shall be visited by officials to share their grief but demanding to visit specific personality is not fair. We buries our sons in uniforms, on every other day due to terrorists attack but no one protested at all. Lest not set a wrong trend to say the least. Instead, any victimized community shall work closely with State so we all can get rid of proxies at once by working together. Illogical demands & blackmailing is not going to work.

PM shouldn't be visiting given the security reasons and the few demands that makes no sense at all.

Spot on - state and state officials have no obligation to attend in person. This situation is being highjacked by other parties for their agendas which is reprehensible in itself. State should set an example; illogical demands and blackmailing would not work.
As a Pakistani, we feel for everyone who lost the life due to terrorism. However, it is sad to see that protests as such are hijacked by some lobby and their demands are no less than blackmailing the state. I would have chosen some different words but then again, PM seems to be in a tough situation and seems like responded to the unwarranted & illegal Terms & Conditions by particular group inside the protests.

No one will ever think whether Hazara community or anyone else should have been targeted.... this is totally inhuman and Pakistanis aren't like that but it is about time to clear out such mafias that uses such unfortunate event for their own cause. Afghan agents & sponsored groups, are currently fanning all the fire. Not to mention how Karachi's roads are blocked merely to show some muscle. I have seen the recent videos of some clerics openly threatening everyone and orders to close down market/road. Eventually, anti Pakistan proxies are busy day & night to fuel sectarian conflict in the country.

Whether Iran or anyone else; it time to send a strong & straight message to stay out of here or otherwise, there is a thing called Karma. In the meanwhile, victims shall be visited by officials to share their grief but demanding to visit specific personality is not fair. We buries our sons in uniforms, on every other day due to terrorists attack but no one protested at all. Lest not set a wrong trend to say the least. Instead, any victimized community shall work closely with State so we all can get rid of proxies at once by working together. Illogical demands & blackmailing is not going to work.

PM shouldn't be visiting given the security reasons and the few demands that makes no sense at all.

Why PM let others to hijack this?? If he would have visited on the very first day today no one would be able to point a finger at him.
Not a place to ask but I am in UAE temporarily, and will go back to Turkey.

Update it again when you are in Turkey. Current location is updated.

Maybe instead of playing detective moderator, you should pay a little more attention to the thread, and take it more seriously, no?

My moderation has nothing to do with you. I know what to do so no need to tell me but you must have done the right thing in first place however, I have corrected your location accordingly. Know that, I don't welcome taunts since I have been very civilized & respectful to you.

Why PM let others to hijack this?? If he would have visited on the very first day today no one would be able to point a finger at him.

Protests are held by a lobby. I would really love to see premier or anyone else visiting the grieving families but not the protesting mafia.
Spot on - state and state officials have no obligation to attend in person. This situation is being highjacked by other parties for their agendas which is reprehensible in itself. State should set an example; illogical demands and blackmailing would not work.

State must take care of people and show solidarity in-case of such unfortunate event and losses. These protesting mafias have totally different demands which have nothing to do with grieving families. May ALLAH give them sabar. I will instead, want PM or anyone else to visit families directly but visiting the protest/dharna like this is nothing less than blackmailing.
Posts of No-value/off-topic
Also, here are the blackmailers.



And here's the victim.


Courtesy of Pakistan Defence Forum
Also, here are the blackmailers.

View attachment 704737

View attachment 704738

And here's the victim.

View attachment 704739

Courtesy of Pakistan Defence Forum
and here is another truth

2013 has gone down in history as the bloodiest year so far for Karachi with 2,700 people killed and crime soaring past 40,000 reported incidents.

How many time PM of Pakistan visited these people?

They should buried they death and then do protest.
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