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Donald Trump: Israel will be destroyed unless I’m elected

Israel will be destroyed unless I’m elected


New Oath of "The American presidency" before taking Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend State of Israel .
What about the rest of the world sir, he is more interested in saving the tiny biny Israel than the rest of the world.
What about the rest of the world sir, he is more interested in saving the tiny biny Israel than the rest of the world.
Specify a country from the rest of the world that he is not interested in saving
What about the rest of the world sir, he is more interested in saving the tiny biny Israel than the rest of the world.
Israel is a big votebank for American presidents; something like Muslim votebank in India.
I am sure Pakistan also has different votebanks.

Politicians.... they are all the same. :lol:
I actually want Donald to win. I know he will run out patience when he will constantly hear Israel loud mouths telling Donald what to do. He will be one tough president who will be telling Israelia what to do. He like things done his way so i wonder if Israelis will have to listen and follow trump or else consequences. He cant be controlled through lobbying or pressure tactics.
He is just a political tool of CIA. Hillary will win and she will be first female president (yay for feminists) and that she is Muslim lover (yay for Muslims, peace is restored). And America will come out great again, as usual.

Then there will be news in Indian media that Indian public shoud learn from Americans on secularism and what not :blah::blah:

Trump is not a tool of the CIA :)
Hillary is not a tool of the CIA either :)

the CIA.gov is an organisation kept loyal towards the elected President of the USA and the rest of the US government's major policy-making organisations (Congress for instance).
And while they make mistakes like any other (group of) human(s) would,
i am intensely monitored during months like these, where i have to speak up in public about the war on terror, to prevent the kinda large mistakes that led to the suffering and deaths of the innocent.
Indeed, i hate innocents dying regardless of what religion they follow.

But to get back on subject : Trump or Hillary, you'd get the same foreign policy of the USA. It's just a different style of how they appear in public, Democrats (Hillary Clinton, Obama) are more reasonable and sometimes too slow in showing aggression to prevent larger wars. Republicans (Trump) seem more aggressive in public..

Thing is, in western politics (at least), the President of a country does not work alone. I bet it's the same by the way, for the Saudi Arabian Kingdom, the Iranian Ayatollah and his religious and intelligence and military leaders..

So people *like me*, and there a lot of those, we hop from forum to forum to sometimes face to face meetings with what we call the upper-leadership(s) of a country or countries (NATO, EU).. And we either press for tougher foreign policy (as what led to the latest nuclear inspections deal between Iran and 'The West'), or we tell a leader like Trump to cool down in public or his aggressive foreign policy choice-of-words-and-intonation (intonation is how your voice sounds while speaking) could lead to damage to the USA or NATO or Israel..

Each world-political (geo-political) situation is different, and i am *far from* the only one advising Presidents..
And we all think carefully about how we put that advice to the upper leaderships of a country or countries that we advise when the balance of power is disrupted..

North-Korea went too far this week, but i did see a newspaper picture of their new Leader with a humble and thus reasonable look on his face ;)

And no, i no longer do this on a daily basis.. I aim to teach others my negotiation and advising skills, so i can work on my website software and hopefully start a family of my own and so on :)

Bye for now :)
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