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dollar hitting 188, bloodbath at stock market crash

Given the way things are going right now, IK should stop calling for early elections & just enjoy watching this circus collapse on its own. Prime talking material against PDM.

we don’t care about the stock market. what we’re mocking is their incompetence & hypocrisy since they said they removed IK b/c of devaluation, inflation & stock market performance. We were the ones trying to educate these morons on macroeconomic principles but they wouldn’t listen.
Thats is spot on. I also think imran khan now should enjoy and sit back becuase even go for boycott next election if reserves goes too down.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Pakistanis have been fooled 10 times.... Biggest fools in history.

If you expect a miracle from the same tested bunch of corrupt criminals.... Lol.... Just take a guess who's the fool..

Exactly... Perhaps Imran Khan's removal is a blessing in disguise. Let this piece of rotten corpse drown. Let it burn down. Total economic meltdown like Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.

Overseas Pakistani should stop sending any remittances or investing another penny in the corrupt establishment's DHA!...
Pakistani rupee to 500/1

Overseas Pakistani don’t trust imported government. Also, majority of them don’t want to invest in Pakistan because our laws are unable to protect their investments.

Thats is spot on. I also think imran khan now should enjoy and sit back becuase even go for boycott next election if reserves goes too down.

This will teach a lesson to establishment.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Pakistanis have been fooled 10 times.... Biggest fools in history.

If you expect a miracle from the same tested bunch of corrupt criminals.... Lol.... Just take a guess who's the fool..
Your views in this thread are very over the top. More anti-Pakistani than anything else. It is more rational to just allow this government to do what they think is best and then choose the people whom you think is best next election. Order, not anarchy is the answer. :cheers:
Muftah is asking Pakistanis to invest in PSX.

I am really interested. Can we short the damn index?

They are all just paid media inflated traitors. There presence is the reason why we are left so behind, how much has Bangladesh or our regional rival has progressed over the past couple of decades.

Just loot and plunder, deceit and lies.

The perfect tools for the Americans.
Your views in this thread are very over the top. More anti-Pakistani than anything else. It is more rational to just allow this government to do what they think is best and then choose the people whom you think is best next election. Order, not anarchy is the answer. :cheers:

No, look at my close to 10 years of posts. I am still the most patriotic. But I am not a blind Patriot. The destruction of Pakistan by corrupt politicians, corrupt judiciary, corrupt media, and corrupt civil society has to stop. This is my protest.

I will never accept this imported government.

From the ashes it should be rebuilt.
No, look at my close to 10 years of posts. I am still the most patriotic. But I am not a blind Patriot. The destruction of Pakistan by corrupt politicians, corrupt judiciary, corrupt media, and corrupt civil society has to stop. This is my protest.

I will never accept this imported government.

From the ashes it should be rebuilt.
So you burn Pakistan to the ground now with massive debt. Let Imran take over and spend the next 10 years (that he may have left in Politics) to rebuild and bring the country up to its current level economically. Then let anti-incumbency bring back another dynasty to replace PTI. Sounds like a plan :disagree:
A lot of doom and gloom here because of domestic political partisanship :disagree:

Most likely scenario is fuel subsidy roll back, IMF program continuation and support from strategic alliances to get out of immediate crisis. Long term solutions will be more interesting and we have to see what ideas the government has in its bag :agree:
Fuel subsidies if rolled back, will bring a new set of inflation in second and third orders consequences. What's happening in Srilanka would give a pause to PM of any developing nation. This govt should have gone ahead with energy subsidies removal on first day. People were hopeful then and reaction would have been relatively muted . Their honeymoon period is gone. And Imran Khan is rallying his supporters rather successfully. Govt would be afraid,Very afraid in taking sensible economic decisions.
Fuel subsidies if rolled back, will bring a new set of inflation in second and third orders consequences. What's happening in Srilanka would give a pause to PM of any developing nation. This govt should have gone ahead with energy subsidies removal on first day. People were hopeful then and reaction would have been relatively muted . Their honeymoon period is gone. And Imran Khan is rallying his supporters rather successfully. Govt would be afraid,Very afraid in taking sensible economic decisions.
Shahbaz will bite the bullet. He has to or else Pakistan will go bust. His patriotic act will get him punished :butcher:

EDIT: US can ask IMF to give leniency for Pakistan?
When Imran khan was in power, imranistan blamed it on inflation and Covid-19; even khan was clueless too.

This situation is no different unfortunately. So iMF will force Pakistan government to raise the prices high? Not good.

The only solution is to have oil refineries which we don’t have.
Shahbaz will bite the bullet. He has to or else Pakistan will go bust. His patriotic act will get him punished :butcher:

EDIT: US can ask IMF to give leniency for Pakistan?
Let's see ... 🍿 🍿
I think you missed my point. I'm saying that the Americans do not want Pakistan to collapse because it will allow us to start from scratch, and essentially get stronger independently over time. It will be a rough first few years. But eventually we will get through it, without the shackles of debt. Such a Pakistan - a strong, independent Pakistan - is too dangerous for them.

So to prevent a fresh start, they do not want us to default and collapse. Instead, they just want us to remain unstable, because that allows them to manipulate us through lending agencies, and through the manipulation of the political system. For them an unstable, teetering on the edge, but not quite collapsed Pakistan is the best case scenario.

I hope I've made my point clear.

The Americans have created a perfect formula for Pakistan. Insert the IMF injection to keep it barely alive. Disallow Pakistan from conducting trade and business with Iran, Russia and even China through threats of sanctions. Luckily we have people like Bajwa and beggars cannot be choosers who prostrate infront of red, white and blue.

Currencies of developing countries are in free fall, so are stock exchanges. INR is at all time low. There is nothing exceptional about Pak's situation.


It was exceptional not so long ago when Western and US media were implying that Imran Khan's government was the root cause of Pakistani economic woes. In fact according to US analysis Khan lost power due to bad economic indicators which was his own doing. Now we are being told that Showbaz isn't at fault because others are also in the same boat. You understand what a bad story this is?
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When Imran khan was in power, imranistan blamed it on inflation and Covid-19; even khan was clueless too.

This situation is no different unfortunately. So iMF will force Pakistan government to raise the prices high? Not good.

The only solution is to have oil refineries which we don’t have.

Stop this nonsense. When Imran Khan was in power the same economic conditions existed as they do today. That is just a fact.

The funny thing is that you guys can't hide behind Imran Khan did this or that. What policies do you have in place to improve the economic situation? That is what a common Pakistani is asking.

I am going to eat my popcorn as remittances dwindle and Showbaz is pressured to take ruthlessly unpopular decisions. When it is election time Showbaz and PDM team has nowhere to hide.
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