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dollar hitting 188, bloodbath at stock market crash

doesnt add up but imran khan did call for donation and gather 25 crore in a day using website website where overseas pakistanis made lot of donation and also for shaukat khanum hospital then eid.

This is the only reason for this high remittance will see this month.
Let's park this for next month and see if the remittances fall significantly compared to the same time last year :cheers:
power is power eh! standing for oneself no matter the odds that's what we were taught but how these generals became so cucks is a mystery but than the smell of green dollars is very tempting for some! That's why any training/exchange program in military domain with the west needs to be stopped!
Have you seen the Generals of Pakistan army of late, especially post Mushy's great purge of the early 2000's. Gone are the high gravitas, professional looking uber patriots and replaced with straight out of central casting of lollywood looking to shoot a movie about Lahore's bazaar-e-husn. Unkempt long hair, overweight, no verbal skills and anti-intellectual.

When you have low class people from low class backgrounds that's what happens, you are easily bought.

Pakistan’s situation is still not precarious as it’s made out to be.

Showbaz’s government is stalling on important decisions. If it goes for another 2-3 months, there will be a point of no return.

Government/Establishment buckled to US pressure (means no discounted oil/wheat from Russia). The IMF loan never came, nor did aids from UAE/Saudi, so now take a bitter pill and increase oil prices.
If no loan came from IMF, what's the point of this inglorious ghulami
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When was the last time Establishment ever paid a price for anything...

They will be fine, the country will go to hell in a handbasket.
Imagine a scenario if Showbaz comes to lumber 1 with US pre condition, to cut the defense bill by half.
Have you seen the Generals of Pakistan army of late, especially post Mushy's great purge of the early 2000's. Gone are the high gravitas, professional looking uber patriots and replaced with straight out of central casting of lollywood looking to shoot a movie about Lahore's bazaar-e-husn. Unkempt long hair, overweight, no verbal skills and anti-intellectual.

When you have low class people from low class backgrounds that's what happens, you are easily bought.

If no loan came from IMF, what's the point of this inglorious ghulami
Don't know about low class though but yeah the Pakistani generals of the past had a certain way of dress,maintaining themselves thats pretty much gone, there was a video uploaded by ispr 2-3 days ago in which bajwa visited kharian i think. one of the core commanders his name i think ends with abdul aziz , he was limping in the video or at least it looks to me like that...…. plus a lot of fat you can see on pretty much all the major generals and above even some colonels ranks have belly fat …plus soldiers with too long hairs, long untamed beards...… I don't know where all the discipline went!

WTF where would IMF bring 10b$
Secondly IMF will ask to stop gtowth in tracks when its picking up ..

Every year your suppose to pay back 15-20b$ or roll them over

China and arabs withdrew their money while others are not rolling it over

This is what happens when you topple a stable govt during time of global crisis
yeah you re right.... Pakistani are corrupts, evils and alot many things but i don't think we would have been this bad if all the governments had finished their terms. don't matter who it is, market gets worse every time there is unstability and continue that for 75 years you get the situation where you are now.... all of this is on army. For their power games they have destroyed our economy, our society`s structure and pretty much the whole country just so that one institution can be above the rest!
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Just waiting to see who goes down faster Russia or Pakistan @Norwegian
Western countries predict that war will continue till end of year. This will be a turbulent time for countries that import oil. Forget about Pakistan and think of Sri Lanka for a minute.. they just have $50 million left on their reserve and their power plants are all oil based o_O

all those noonie butt lickers on PDF (they know who they are, the few and the foolish) that were distributing sweets ...on exhange raising and stock market rally ( a very temp. increase)

now where are they?..
Western countries predict that war will continue till end of year. This will be a turbulent time for countries that import oil. Forget about Pakistan and think of Sri Lanka for a minute.. they just have $50 million left on their reserve and their power plants are all oil based o_O
they have no dam?
they have no dam?
Yes, they seem to. Looks like I've read some hyperbolic information somewhere. But fossil fuel based power generation is still more than 50% and so low reserves is terrible. Further Sri Lanka also imports many essentials like milk powder (they don't drink real milk).

Found this on wiki.

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