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dollar hitting 188, bloodbath at stock market crash

They are ready to quickly blame Sharif and say that he stole the money and ran away to London :laugh:

... so what does that show? It means that most remittances are likely family transfers :agree:
yes but what about roshan digital account? which they already placed?
yes but what about roshan digital account? which they already placed?
I'm not able to follow this. Can you please explain? :unsure:
After watching ishaq dar trousers being torn off during BBC hard talk interview, it was very clear he was unable to utter a coherent sentence let alone rescue Pakistan's economy.

For giggles and reducing your ignorance, you can watch it here:

Establishment will be paying a steep price for this debacle
They’re still almost the same, the tweet clearly says (excluding gold). Those $10 bn includes gold.
how can you be certain, no one knows how much gold pakistan have?
I'm not able to follow this. Can you please explain? :unsure:
Our reserves depleted very fast in past month and no one knows where it gone. Those who placed money in RDA taken out in huge numbers.
Our reserves depleted very fast in past month and no one knows where it gone. Those who placed money in RDA taken out in huge numbers.
This is just your speculation. It should not be confused with fact unless the SBP says so :agree:
This is just your speculation. It should not be confused with fact unless the SBP says so :agree:
No its not why dollar rate increasing then if our remittance, exports increasing in $billions?.

huge public taking out money from RDA
No its not why dollar rate increasing then if our remittance, exports increasing in $billions?.

huge public taking out money from RDA
US has increased interest. So have other developed countries and this means hot money will move back to west. Oil prices are also high and this will result in increasing expense. There could be many such reasons. Even the Indian currency has been dropping like a brick. What you do not know is just something that you do not know. We cannot assume that our suspicions are fact :agree:
US has increased interest. So have other developed countries and this means hot money will move back to west. Oil prices are also high and this will result in increasing expense. There could be many such reasons. Even the Indian currency has been dropping like a brick. What you do not know is just something that you do not know. We cannot assume that our suspicions are fact :agree:
lol oil prices are low now infact as compare to before.

what is hot money in Pakistan?
how can you be certain, no one knows how much gold pakistan have?
The reserves with state bank are counted as reserves, what average citizens have does not matter.
lol oil prices are low now infact as compare to before.

what is hot money in Pakistan?
Oil price trend in recent times has been moving up. Pakistan is not the only developing country with a weakening currency.
What are your thoughts about these points ? This analyst might be biased but his points look sensible to be as an outsider.

5 point economic plan:

1. Increase gasoline prices, remove tax exemptions/subsidies (for Rs800 billion) for the corporate sector immediately and get $10bn from the IMF.

2. Impose a financial emergency [Article 235(1)] and ask the provinces to collect at least Rs100bn through higher taxes on land and property.

3. Impose a special emergency tax of Rs.500,000 on vehicles of 1600cc or more. This can bring in at least Rs20bn. Double the electricity tariff on residential properties of 800 sq yards or more,

4. Downsize the federal govt and abolish/downsize all those divisions that handle subjects that have been transferred to the provincial governments. This can bring in Rs30bn. Cut non-combat defence spending by Rs.100bn

5. Ban ALL land allotments and make it mandatory to sell the state land by public auction only and launch a privatization programme to create an investment-friendly environment

WTF where would IMF bring 10b$
Secondly IMF will ask to stop gtowth in tracks when its picking up ..

yesterday i read that reserves were at 10 billion, wherer the hell did 4 bllion go?
Every year your suppose to pay back 15-20b$ or roll them over

China and arabs withdrew their money while others are not rolling it over

This is what happens when you topple a stable govt during time of global crisis
Donkeyleauge will follow up with the following stimulus package;
1. Buy back all the rupees on the forex market. All will be stored in the accounts of PMLN leadership based in London.
2. Money in wallets and pockets will be exchanged for Biryani plates, I mean a hot plate of Chawal is worth more than the rupee right now.

This should stabilise the ruppee.

3. To increase AD and short term growth 500,000 donkeys from Raiwand will be exported to the US under the ‘sell your bund/gand/a$$ for donkey program’ the US trade department agreed to . Jobs and a rise in living standards should come about.

4. State bank of Pakistan will raise the bank rate by 0.00001%. This is in-line with the patawari dummy guide to economic success that raising interest rates is like medicine, too much for you is actually bad for you.
Hope the patwaris rush to put all their life savings as soon as Showbaz launches the Dollar account scheme.
Oil price trend in recent times has been moving up. Pakistan is not the only developing country with a weakening currency.
doesnt add up but imran khan did call for donation and gather 25 crore in a day using website website where overseas pakistanis made lot of donation and also for shaukat khanum hospital then eid.

This is the only reason for this high remittance will see this month.
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