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dollar at 2 years low - 96 rupee = 1$

Okay, tell me how many years has Pakistan ever posted a trade surplus on an annual basis? You are in denial of the fact that Pakistan is growing poorer and poorer as times passes by, in relative terms to other countries. Yes, the situation is that bad and growing worse. Denying it won't make it go away unfortunately. Menu koi faraq nahi painda, tussi nahi manna tey na manno. :D

We need not have a trade surplus, genius. WTH are remittances for?

We have a strong internal economy that does not follow the ups and downs of world economy. We can improve export-oriented component of our economy, but not without fixing our energy woes.

Pakistan would not turn itself around in 2 or 3 years. It would take time. But when it does happen you would notice. Keep spreading pessimism - works wonders for those stomach ulcers.


Many people lost foreign currency accounts. So did my family. NS was rightly blamed for the fiasco. Not so much for having frozen FC accounts, as for manipulation and seeming carelessness.

We have moved on sir, I suggest you do too. It is not 1998 today. A lot has happened since then.
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Many people lost foreign currency accounts. So did my family. NS was rightly blamed for the fiasco. Not so much for having frozen FC accounts, as for manipulation and seeming carelessness.

We have moved on sir, I suggest you do too. It is not 1998 today. A lot has happened since then.

Not going to forget once a thief a corrupt always is the same, NS has not changed will never change. NS is doing even more damage then he did in 98 we hope this time Army won't intervene again and let this bloody tenure complete.
Not going to forget once a thief a corrupt always is the same, NS has not changed will never change. NS is doing even more damage then he did in 98 we hope this time Army won't intervene again and let this bloody tenure complete.

Amen to that. While this tenure completes - PTI can mature itself with experience of governance. IK all the way!
india trade deficit was over 100 billion dollars that more than even adjusted for population as compared with us. same goes for current account deficit of 88 billion dollars previous yr as compared to less than a billion for us previous yr.

people wrongly think that those are the real fundamentals, they are not.
look out for investment and real gdp growth , they are real indicators. so the build up of reservess shoudnt be surprising

regarding trade deficit apart from china most of the world has negative trade
look at the super dooper USA.

fact is most of us dont understand economics.
a month ago critics were quoting dollar will fall, i disagreed and here we are.
rolling debts with new loans is standarad procedure, real issue is debt to GDP ratio , for us it isnt that bad.
do you think people in stock market and brokers are all idiots
USA negative trade for past 50 years. any body who has sound knowledge will understand that trade deficit is just one indicator of econmy.



Current account deficit widens to $2.05 billion - thenews.com.pk

Current account deficit in India likely to be $35 bn, says FM P. Chidambaram - Financial Express
Did you spend the last 10/12 years under a rock?
Just because I dont know every political game played doesnt mean I was under a rock...1 thing for sure I wasnt nor am politically active nor a freak to follow sad news followed by depressing news...

If there is a + in the news then I read it but if there is a - in the news I forget after reading it..Too many "common" people remember the -ve for me to add my name to that list...I rather add my name to the list of +ve people who are few and unique!
I think Pakistan State bank is buying dollars from open market, can anyone confirm this? To improve reserves and also keep currency rate around 97-98. Not a bad problem to have all.
Not heard, but it is a good idea ;)

Okay, tell me how many years has Pakistan ever posted a trade surplus on an annual basis? You are in denial of the fact that Pakistan is growing poorer and poorer as times passes by, in relative terms to other countries. Yes, the situation is that bad and growing worse. Denying it won't make it go away unfortunately. Menu koi faraq nahi painda, tussi nahi manna tey na manno. :D

@VCheng I would suggest you to kindly analysis Pakistan's International Trade in detail, situation is not 'as worst' as you suggest ..... Secondly BOP and CAD are more important indicators than Trade Deficit ..... kindly follow the attached tables

Import payment 4m July-2003 till Feb-2014 Tab.JPG

Export Rceipts by Commodity Jul-2003-Feb-2014 Tab.JPG

Foreign Remittances FY03 till Feb 14.JPG

Exports Receipt ===>$ 254.078 billion
Import Paymets ===>$ 350.013 billion
Trade deficit ===>$ 95.935 billion
Foreign remittance==>$ 89.857 billion
Difference ===>$ 6.078 billion (in almost Ten years)

Paterolum Group which constitute the 29% of the total import or around $100 billion is the main factor of our trade deficit, by adopting favourable policies in oil & energy sector we can not only bring trade deficit figures down, but there is the possibility of trade surplus.

(NOTE : All DATA is Gathered from SBP site)
@VCheng I would suggest you to kindly analysis Pakistan's International Trade in detail, situation is not 'as worst' as you suggest ..... Secondly BOP and CAD are more important indicators than Trade Deficit ..... kindly follow the attached tables

View attachment 24359

View attachment 24360
View attachment 24361

Exports Receipt ===>$ 254.078 billion
Import Paymets ===>$ 350.013 billion
Trade deficit ===>$ 95.935 billion
Foreign remittance==>$ 89.857 billion
Difference ===>$ 6.078 billion (in almost Ten years)

Paterolum Group which constitute the 29% of the total import or around $100 billion is the main factor of our trade deficit, by adopting favourable policies in oil & energy sector we can not only bring trade deficit figures down, but there is the possibility of trade surplus.

(NOTE : All DATA is Gathered from SBP site)

Damn if only Pakistan also had oil not to use it but export also :(
Damn if only Pakistan also had oil not to use it but export also :(

That's why we are shifting to coal and hydel power, not only will it reduce our oil bills, it will also make our exports more competitive due to reduced energy cost.
@VCheng I would suggest you to kindly analysis Pakistan's International Trade in detail, situation is not 'as worst' as you suggest ..... Secondly BOP and CAD are more important indicators than Trade Deficit ..... kindly follow the attached tables

View attachment 24359

View attachment 24360
View attachment 24361

Exports Receipt ===>$ 254.078 billion
Import Paymets ===>$ 350.013 billion
Trade deficit ===>$ 95.935 billion
Foreign remittance==>$ 89.857 billion
Difference ===>$ 6.078 billion (in almost Ten years)

Paterolum Group which constitute the 29% of the total import or around $100 billion is the main factor of our trade deficit, by adopting favourable policies in oil & energy sector we can not only bring trade deficit figures down, but there is the possibility of trade surplus.

(NOTE : All DATA is Gathered from SBP site)

The trade imbalance is indeed horrible, as your figures show. Only the crutch of remittances by expats makes up for a large portion of the deficit. Most of these untaxed remittances are spent on luxury and imported goods and drives up prices domestically.

No matter which way you spin it, the trade imbalance remains horrible. Pakistan produces much less than it consumes.
No matter which way you spin it.

I was of a belief that 'we' can discuss the issue without accusation ..... but I was wrong ....
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I was of a believe that 'we' can discuss issue without accusation ..... but I was wrong ....

Janaab kaiseee mizaaaj hain huzoor kay ? :azn:

Achaa Bhai Jaan eik baaat tou bataiiin - Is it possible to peg the Import & Export Balances with each other in that the State Bank has a policy that the Import Balance per quarter can only be as much as 90% of the Export Balance for that quarter & that this is broken down into smaller blocks in terms of the quota attributable to each industry & to different classes of importers within that industry depending on their criteria such as credit rating, size, past wealth generation within Pakistan etc.

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