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dollar at 2 years low - 96 rupee = 1$

Continued from last post .... as I could not post more videos etc

The Solution:
Bicycles in Japan (1km - 5km commute)

  • All high school students ride bicycle in Japan
  • Other school children they walk mostly

Pakistan can make 100% bicycles in Pakistan " Made in Pakistan" , no oil needed yearly

Horse Carrige Ride 5km - 10 km range

Note Healthy people can also ride bicycle for 10 km easily 30 minutes age 20-40

Pakistan produces , animals in farms , horses , donkeys etc for good quality middle tier traveling solution , again " Made in Pakistan" , no oil needed yearly

Metro Bus in ALL cities Mandatory 10km - 30 km range

> This is something Government can establish in All Major Cities (DOABLE)

These Big Three kill Pakistani Economy , and create dependency on OIL
  • Ban Cars (Private status symbol)
  • Ban Illegal Motor Bikes (Terrorism's number 1 choice for crimes)
  • Ban Illegal buses (Hazard on road , and also oil/Petrol Guzzlers)

Force people to Ride Metro Bus , Horse carriages, Bicycles or Taxi

  • Put a high (INSURANCE + Toll) Charge on private cars
  • Pakistan is in Oil Slavery , because some where people have stated
    you all must drive , you all must have motor bike ... and you all must buy petrol
We are slaves to Oil

Phase1 (2 year):
  • Develop Metro Strategy all major cities
  • Bicycle Rentals outside of Metro Stations
  • Licensed carriages (Horse)
  • Provide incentive to Employers on Corporate Taxes to ask employees to Take Metro Bus give corporations tax break if their employees take Metro Bus / Train to work

Phase 2 (Ban Cars , Motor Bikes, Rickshaw , Illegal Buses) , 1 year
  • Introduce , Tolls on Streets
  • Mandatory Insurance , and hike up rates 500%
  • Make it law drive with out insurance your car is confiscated
Phase 3: Introduced Circular Railways using Pakistan Railway Assets
Last edited:
Continued from last post .... as I could not post more videos etc

The Solution:
Bicycles in Japan (1km - 5km commute)

  • All high school students ride bicycle in Japan
  • Other school children they walk mostly

Pakistan can make 100% bicycles in Pakistan " Made in Pakistan" , no oil needed yearly

Horse Carrige Ride 5km - 10 km range

Note Healthy people can also ride bicycle for 10 km easily 30 minutes age 20-40

Pakistan produces , animals in farms , horses , donkeys etc for good quality middle tier traveling solution , again " Made in Pakistan" , no oil needed yearly

Metro Bus in ALL cities Mandatory 10km - 30 km range

> This is something Government can establish in All Major Cities (DOABLE)

These Big Three kill Pakistani Economy , and create dependency on OIL
  • Ban Cars (Private status symbol)
  • Ban Illegal Motor Bikes (Terrorism's number 1 choice for crimes)
  • Ban Illegal buses (Hazard on road , and also oil/Petrol Guzzlers)

Force people to Ride Metro Bus , Horse carriages, Bicycles or Taxi

  • Put a high (INSURANCE + Toll) Charge on private cars
  • Pakistan is in Oil Slavery , because some where people have stated
    you all must drive , you all must have motor bike ... and you all must buy petrol
We are slaves to Oil

Phase1 (2 year):
  • Develop Metro Strategy all major cities
  • Bicycle Rentals outside of Metro Stations
  • Licensed carriages (Horse)
  • Provide incentive to Employers on Corporate Taxes to ask employees to Take Metro Bus give corporations tax break if their employees take Metro Bus / Train to work

Phase 2 (Ban Cars , Motor Bikes, Rickshaw , Illegal Buses) , 1 year
  • Introduce , Tolls on Streets
  • Mandatory Insurance , and hike up rates 500%
  • Make it law drive with out insurance your car is confiscated
Phase 3: Introduced Circular Railways using Pakistan Railway Assets
china did that before 1990. then removed it in the 90s.
check out its position before 90 and after 90s.
solution lies in educating masses and improving econmy not banning cars.
govt can however ake measure to decrease oil consumption.
for example converting all furnance oil power plats to coal and converting railway to electricity, moving all oil through railway. the railway estimates that 8% of oil is just consumed in moving oil to major depot centres from ports.
So much for all the joy and happiness! :rolleyes:

And people had a problem with Musharraf holding it at 60 Rs! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Inflation, every currency in the world is on the same boat.
Inflation, every currency in the world is on the same boat.
Yes but for many where inflation occurs it is followed by increase in salary (not always but mostly) in Pakistan inflation is followed by debts to be paid by the poor who dont even have enough to feed themselves! Shame on everyone for what they are leaving for their next generation...It is really disgusting how politicians loot Pakistan and then leave nothing behind for the future generation...and to top it up they push their offspring jao aur loot lao...abhi payt nai phata!

1 US Dollar equals
96.03 Pakistani Rupee

Might slip below 96 to 95 within 2 days
Yes but for many where inflation occurs it is followed by increase in salary (not always but mostly) in Pakistan inflation is followed by debts to be paid by the poor who dont even have enough to feed themselves! Shame on everyone for what they are leaving for their next generation...It is really disgusting how politicians loot Pakistan and then leave nothing behind for the future generation...and to top it up they push their offspring jao aur loot lao...abhi payt nai phata!
Actually, that's not completely true. The US, Canada, and even in Europe, salary increase has barely reflected increased inflation, so instead of negating the affects of inflation, the governments of those nations turned them into negatives.
Actually, that's not completely true. The US, Canada, and even in Europe, salary increase has barely reflected increased inflation, so instead of negating the affects of inflation, the governments of those nations turned them into negatives.
And given incentives or ways to combat the inflation to balance it off?
Current Account to GDP - Countries - List

india current account is 4 times worse and most of countries other than oil producing have negative currrent account.

Pakistan Current Account to GDP | Actual Data | Forecasts | Calendar

in last 10 year our current account was positive for four years,one of the reason for rapid foreign reserves growth before 2008, so what went wrong ?
answer is oil.govt was relying on oil for electricity and oil prices increased four times.

now compare this with india(or any other country in the region)

India Current Account to GDP | Actual Data | Forecasts | Calendar

so basically our indicator are not as bad as any country in our region, howvever short term indicators are not good but that can be corrected by govt 2-3 years like tax to gdp ratio, budget deficit and foreign reserves. it isnt something that cant be corrected in few years with good policies.

so increase in foreign reserves should nt be surprising. problem is that our media paint every news as very bad, if we simply increase tax to gdp ratio and solve our electricity problem by shifting to coal and using immense gift of hydro power we can easily turn the ables n 3-4 years.

a slight increase in exports and decrease in oil imports by shfting to coal and improving railway will do the trick regarding to current account deficit, as its very low just less than 2 billion dollars.
if pakistan shifts to coal it can safe upto 6 billion dollars annually in oil imports. same goes by mobilizing railway we can safe upto 10-20 percent oil imports. by solving electricity problem govt can gain 10% of exports

Govt drags feet on cost-effective coal-fired power projects - thenews.com.pk
Just checked its 95.96 now :cheesy: Damn its going down fast. And with 3g/4g, not to forget another gift if $1.5 billion. It may even get below 90, this can be bad for exports. Anyway government should look to increase reserves.
I was expecting it to decrease to 95 probably in june.But now i am sure by june it will indeed fall to below 92 or somewhere close to 90.

are we really heading toward 80/1$ next year?

1 US Dollar equals
95.98 Pakistani Rupee

PTA refutes Reuters report about finance minister’s disappointment over bidding process.

Overwhelming response from existing telcos for all offered spectrum licences: PTA chief – The Express Tribune

The finance ministry said in February that Pakistan would sell both the 3G and the more advanced 4G LTE spectrum. Selling just 3G licences could raise $2 billion, and bundling them with 4G spectrum could generate between $4 billion and $5 billion, finance minister Ishaq Dar had estimated.

A government-commissioned study by Plum Consulting estimates the 3G spectrum auction would raise Pakistan's gross domestic product by $8 billion and indirectly create up to 900,000 new jobs.

PTA dispels reports of dismal response to 3G, 4G auction - DAWN.COM

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