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Dokalam stand-off: 'Indian military can choose to return with dignity or be kicked out by China's PL

LOL, we proved one point from this exercise, they did shiver in their dhoti. LOL :lol:

I been to India and Manila, seriously speaking , they are around the same, but human waste seems to be more rampant in India, Manila is more plastic waste.

Look, this is a country who cannot even organize, coordinate and unite to clean up a drain let alone a river. This already explains alot about their organizational ability. They will be fked in a war with China. Imagine we bomb that road in Siliguri, it will take them months of political argument, responsibility pushing and blame before they would even repair it.
The word "Imagine" in your argument/ post pretty much sums up everything! Now wake us up when this imagination of yours becomes a reality because this is getting boring now!
Lol are you implying that they will take India's side if anything happen between China and India over Bhutan, it seems like India is so desperate to get help and wish to form a strong alliance against China but always be the one that got disposed with it serve no purpose: what happen to India-Soviet alliance against China? Russia today is strategically more align with China than India. Alliance means a solid relation between countries and fight for common cause, China-Pakistan can form a solid and reliable alliance against India that is for sure, we both at your door step...make bad mistake then India will have learn to practice their two fronts war theory.

Did i say they will take India's side ?

What i was saying is China & India has gone so far in this stand off that even if both decide to role back it will have implications with its neighbors border issues.

Its funny that you say so high about China-Pakistan relations, what is the use of such a relations which even after 50 years of deep sea level higher than mountain couldn't able to take Kashmir from India. atleast USSR sent its Submarine to stop US Task force during 1971 war how many soldiers China sent to Indian Northern border to protect interest of Pakistan by opening new front ?

Did India asked any country to help ? what i hear everyday is a frustrated Chinese media showing anger against CPC for not taking actions against India.

In PDF it was always said that Indian Newspapers are warmongers but in this case everything seems opposite.
So you Chinese want to kill Indians on online forums with these threat statements... a Chinese army that could not handle a Vietnamese Army that was 5% of its size is now trying to threat India... LOL

And may be by the end of it ...Chinese will claim victory by claiming ..we opened a gate... LOL

Kkk. U must be taking cocaine.

In Fact, Even if fight using sticks and stones, you all also wont win. Cos china still have much better generals and more military population(all males in china undergo basic military training)
Hehee. Chinese Media saying will support Sikkim Independence. Why not AP? Tamil Nadu? Maharashtra? Khalistan?


I guess someone is going to get fired in cheene foreign ministry to let this snowball into a shitshow.

Cant help but laugh.
Hehee. Chinese Media saying will support Sikkim Independence. Why not AP? Tamil Nadu? Maharashtra? Khalistan?


I guess someone is going to get fired in cheene foreign ministry to let this snowball into a shitshow.

Cant help but laugh.

No worries ur army gonna enlist priests to get 10,000meteor strike on PLA.

No meteors no win.

better to have hope den no hope.
No worries ur army gonna enlist priests to get meteor strike on PLA.

No meteor no win

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ad hominems. You are loosing it buddy.

On Topic:

Everyone should read art of war by Sun Tsu atleast once. This maneuver is right off it. Nothing else.

Encroach foreign territory to make them look weak. And if they resist then they would like to think it is justified to escalate situation.

This tactic is under use in over 10 countries.

This and their elaborate debt trap(Do I need to post all those again??) makes it certain that they are the new colonizing power in the block.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ad hominems. You are loosing it buddy.

On Topic:

Everyone should read art of war by Sun Tsu atleast once. This is maneuver is right off it. Nothing else.

Encroach foreign territory to make them look weak. And if they resist then they would like to think it is justified to escalate situation.

This tactic is under use in over 10 countries.

This and their elaborate debt trap(Do I need to post all those again??) makes it certain that they are the new colonizing power in the block.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ad hominems. You are loosing it buddy.

On Topic:

Everyone should read art of war by Sun Tsu atleast once. This maneuver is right off it. Nothing else.

Encroach foreign territory to make them look weak. And if they resist then they would like to think it is justified to escalate situation.

This tactic is under use in over 10 countries.

This and their elaborate debt trap(Do I need to post all those again??) makes it certain that they are the new colonizing power in the block.

Dont bother.

Better start business sell white flags and emigrate ur country
Dont bother.

Better start business sell white flags and emigrate ur country

You are just throwing fits now. Wind down. Anyways, ignore list you go.

On Topic @others:

This is a check by PLA to test IA readiness and responses. They were getting their ways for past couple of years now. This time they are rattled. India even telling them to retreat on press conference recently.
It's not necessary, conquerer doest care about the general public's opinion of the conquered land.

You people can't even conquer Kashmir. So how can you conquer a country like us?

Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka etc all these little kids come under us only.

When did Sri Lanka came under your country? We don't want to be manhandled by wankers....
You people can't even conquer Kashmir. So how can you conquer a country like us?

When did Sri Lanka came under your country? We don't want to be manhandled by wankers....

Sri Lanka was under India's thumb several times. Manhandled several times as well.
That what i am saying deprive us with cutting edge high quality Chinese products which Indians love like cell phones .......... It will hurt India where it hurts ;)

Then again china dont need anything from india
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