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Dokalam stand-off: Chinese media warns India, says be prepared for ‘all-out confrontation’

Naah, not one bit, you're free to believe it did though. Because it'd hurt you if you knew your attempt at trolling fell flat.


What was your old handle? Took you for a newbie. :lol:

I like this forum, but not too much to have multiple handles, been here for over four years, nice talking to you too :enjoy:

Top post. Bro. Couldn't have said it better.agree with everything you said from start to finish, about them!

That is just sad mocking a cancer patient going there for a treatment it's not like they are giving it for free, he is paying for it with his own money like others in this regard which in return benefiting the economy. How evil these people can get! Cancer is no joke, sados have no human feelings. The Hinduvta movement (whatever it is) has brainwashed them into be ultra-nationalistic and dislike others regardless of whatever the others are.

One thing can be visible from a mile, they are Ultra-double-standard.Some of them go around to other nations sections to troll but, but, if anyone else makes any comment on a matter regarding India then; they become agitated, anxious, concerned and even some start to cry.but when it comes to them it's okay for them to go around trolling others? Such munafiquns never seen before, something their blood proper haramis!
Wow!! you are cheerleading for the cheerleaders and that is something my friend :enjoy:
Some people are so embarrassed of their flags, they don't post them

I like this forum, but not too much to have multiple handles, been here for over four years, nice talking to you too :enjoy:

Wow!! you are cheerleading for the cheerleaders and that is something my friend :enjoy:
True Scandinavians offsprings are west bengalis as they invented Rasgulla
omg west bangli invented rasgullas? didn't know.. no keeding.
rasgullas are swadisht. :smitten:
Some people are so embarrassed of their flags, they don't post them

Damn you blew my cover :lol:

When I joined I missed that part, and I am too lazy to correct it. Every one here already knows that I am Indian, not exactly a secret lol
Areesh mere bhai, you are as brown as my a$$, aren't you from UP? or Bihar it is ? Or anyone that leaves India and lands in Pakistan automatically becomes Nordic?
My ancestors are from Gujrat, but they're descended from the Arabs. Muslims are more likely to be descendants of Arabs than not, especially in India.
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