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Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

The practicality of it will become evident when the time is near.

There are a handful of countries which Pakistan needs to corner and it will require an AC to do that.

Right now an aggressive posturing Pak military is not required and if it became so will only exacerbate the situation. The foundation must be left to solidify and this will take time and consistent ecnomic growth over a 5 year period +
Well if the PN really harbours any desire to operate an ACC- which I doubt they do- then it will take more than 2 decades of 7-12% growth before Pakistan can even THINK of operating/procuring an ACC. The PN's present capital acquisitions budget is, so I'm told, ~$500 MN. An ACC is going to cost 3-5 times that amount and then an air group will be another $1-2 BN then what about escorts? The PN right now couldn't support a CBG and fulfil al its over obligations and in the future this is unlikely to change for some time.

And who are these threats that need to be taken care of with an ACC? India? Iran? America? The US is obviously not going to be scared by a solitary PN ACC, same goes for the Indians who will be operating 4-5 of their own, much larger, ACCs by this time and that leaves Iran.

It is just illogical by every measure for the PN to want to operate an ACC at anytime down the road.

Like I said- this talk is all fanboy dreaming and not at all realistic or likely.
yes it does...they sell the rest of the fleet and everything else and hold it as floating museum since they will nothave funds to sail it on the seas...
YES we need an Air Craft Carrier.

But we cannot afford it. Nor will be be able to buy one.

The one China has was scrapped from overseas (just a hull), shipped to them and took them 10-15 years to complete.

For us it will take 30 years. But we should start now.

every country with an AC has only 1 China Russia, India

U.S.A. is only one with 10-15
We don't have the money to buy aircrafts, nor we have enough manpower, nor we have enough training, and most importantly nor we have a serious threat coming from overseas.

I think we should go for more subs and build nuclear capable - sea launched missiles
We don't have the money to buy aircrafts, nor we have enough manpower, nor we have enough training, and most importantly nor we have a serious threat coming from overseas.

I think we should go for more subs and build nuclear capable - sea launched missiles

Naval version of Babur is in the pipeline.... while a nuclear sub is also under development...so are 6-7 AIP subs and 4 more improved F-22-23P... which will have HQ-16s.... and after our OPH with GENESIS combat upgrade... might see them upgraded with it aswell..
We don't have the money to buy aircrafts, nor we have enough manpower, nor we have enough training, and most importantly nor we have a serious threat coming from overseas.

I think we should go for more subs and build nuclear capable - sea launched missiles

we have the 5th largest standing military. we have more than enough man power.
Naval version of Babur is in the pipeline.... while a nuclear sub is also under development...so are 6-7 AIP subs and 4 more improved F-22-23P... which will have HQ-16s.... and after our OPH with GENESIS combat upgrade... might see them upgraded with it aswell..

Has any deal been signed yet or ur just cooking it up as usual???:azn:

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and your other sources didnt have anything about Pakistans nuclear submarine
Yes, maybe not the huge carrier that US has, but carriers a carrier about the size of Liaoning would be great.

With Pakistan's population and growth rate, Pakistan should have a naval presence in the oceans. Chinese allies should be as capable as US allies.

However, this must be preceded by economic development that would allow this.

Perfect time would be at J-31 induction time as it would allow an advance carrier ready fighter, and by that time hopefully Pakistan will have a big enough budget to allow for carriers.
Yes, maybe not the huge carrier that US has, but carriers a carrier about the size of Liaoning would be great.

With Pakistan's population and growth rate, Pakistan should have a naval presence in the oceans. Chinese allies should be as capable as US allies.

However, this must be preceded by economic development that would allow this.

Perfect time would be at J-31 induction time as it would allow an advance carrier ready fighter, and by that time hopefully Pakistan will have a big enough budget to allow for carriers.

Pakistani navy can have AC just like Chinese navy. There is no doubt about it.

The only condition is


Pakistani civilians have to be like Chinese civilians: Hardworking, humble, industrius, welcoming, and well behaved educated folks.

Hope my fellow Pakistanis get the point.

Aircraft carriers are an important part of global power projection. Without a carrier you simply cannot enforce your will around the World (unopposed aircraft can defeat most ships and submarines; if you don't have a carrier to counter this then your Navy is useless - which is why carriers are mostly tasked with protecting their fleets).

Now coming to Pakistan, the PN will be operating mostly within the confines of the Arabian Sea. It has no plans at present for global power projection or operating expeditionary forces in conflict zones. India's Naval doctrine in contrast envisages a blue water navy for power projection in the Indian Ocean and beyond, and thus the need for aircraft carriers.

The other point is the economics involved. It is not only the cost and maintenance of operating an AC but also the requirement of frigates, missiles carriers, nuclear subs, destroyers, an air wing and logistics support ships that need to be part of the Carrier Strike Force. Putting all this force together around an AC would cost billions of dollars.

Therefore, the question is: Does Pakistan really require a Carrier Strike Group when it does not conform to its naval doctrine which includes protecting its coastal areas and vital installations at home, maintaining freedom of navigation at sea, protecting its sea lanes for trade and commerce, protecting its trade corridor around the Persian Gulf, and countering piracy in conjunction with other navies?

Keeping the above in view an AC carrier group is not a viable proposition for Pakistan at the present juncture.
i dnt think because for aircraft carrier we also need carrier jet fighters for it and also defending frigates and submarines it will become too expensive for us......

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