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Does Pakistan need Iranian type revolution

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Only matter of time we will see the revolution. The main reason this revolution will occur because of Americans to much interference.
Soon we will see more American flags burning.
There is a limit Pakistan people will tolerate American aggression then you known what
Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. —Emerson

I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber
of the peace. —Baruch Spinoza

There are two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run,the sword is always beaten by the mind. —Napoleon

Who is going to bring it you me the day we bring a movement like that we will be slaughtered by are leaders. Plus why a revolution so they can bring another ediot and give him power. No my friend Pakistani people who are attached to there Parties are so blind that a revolution or such a movement in Pakistan will Not Suffice. We need a gap of atleast 3 generations before something good comes out of it. And we can start buy bringing the right kind of education system which will eventually spawns a new kind of breed.

For a revolution you need more than economic problems and guns; you need a philosophy. Wars are founded on a philosophy, or on efforts to destroy one. Communism, capitalism, fascism, atheism, humanism, Marxism—all are philosophies. Philosophies give birth to civilizations. They also end them.

Its all happening around people already stand against the GOP we can see example what happening in tribal area .problem is that people do n t understand..
Pakistani are tired its not only war also now people are dieing for wheat .
pakomar, I think you are confusing revolution with resistance or rebellion. Revolution replaces an existing structure with a different one. There is a significant change or reform.

Pakistanis are definitely tired of foreign interference and are resisting in greater numbers. And there certainly is rebellion against the army, the government and even the state. But that hardly qualifies as revolution.
pakomar, I think you are confusing revolution with resistance or rebellion. Revolution replaces an existing structure with a different one. There is a significant change or reform.

Pakistanis are definitely tired of foreign interference and are resisting in greater numbers. And there certainly is rebellion against the army, the government and even the state. But that hardly qualifies as revolution.

We cannot blame outsiders for our failure. We are the ones who failed yes we can blame them but everyone has a choice we had one. Blaming other will not solve this problem. People we have to wake up Pakistani awam has to wakeup.
.... And we can start buy bringing the right kind of education system which will eventually spawns a new kind of breed.

For a revolution you need more than economic problems and guns; you need a philosophy. Wars are founded on a philosophy, or on efforts to destroy one. Communism, capitalism, fascism, atheism, humanism, Marxism—all are philosophies. Philosophies give birth to civilizations. They also end them.

I just wanted to qualify the word "education" that everyone seems to agree will end all our problems. While I agree that education is needed, I think that alone is not going to solve the problem. After all it was supposedly one of the most educated nations that elected George W. Bush twice. And it is one of the most educated nation that keeps Berlusconi in power.

It is the kind of education imparted that will make the difference. Science, technology and business management will not help people make sounder judgments (although I do not believe science is value-neutral). We need moral, ethical citizens who have a clear worldview and are aware of the issues affecting them. Unfortunately conventional university degrees and certificates in Pakistan or the West do not equip citizens with those tools.
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I think we just need three or four stable democratic governments and the changes in the mindset of common people will be revolutionary. I dont believe that Pakistani people are studpid eventually they will come to right conclusion. As training of a soldier or a pilot goes step by step nations also grow and mature step by step if you try to jump stairs it will be only harmful.
There can never be a Iran type religious revolution it means more blood bath and Pakistanis are pretty much sick and tired of this .. i think we should stop copying others i.e Iran and Saudi etc ... Not that revolution is a bad thing we sure do need one but a moderate revolution ... i think there is no example available in the world .. Lets us be the first ..lets change our selves all we have to do is get rid of all these scum bags in the estalishments running this system and we are guaranteed to have a awsome Pakistan.
Iranian revolution was an Islamic revolution. Haven't Mullahs effed up this country enough?

This argument is like, "Just because America is butting into our business, we should blow up the country before America can do any damage".

Closing this thread. It's treachery to even suggest such a thing. Keep it off this forum.
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