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Does Pakistan have any defence against foreign submarines

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This is where they caught the Indian Submarine, near Gwadar. Honestly Indians are lucky the Chinese didn't get them first because they would show no mercy.
You may need underwater drones patrolling suspected areas to detect the subs. The most promising items in this area I think are underwater-gliders. They are cheap to build and stealthy without an engine and can loiter under water for extremely long ranges.

For example a device like this has about 1500km range with no rotating engine. Just by using bouyancy of water it can loiter around stealthly. I also think that with opening solar panels inside wings to recharge itself during day time it can have unlimited range. 2 of these devices working-patrolling in pairs with passive sonars can triangulate the position of enemy submarines anywhere in my opinion



For attacking purposes India has a ballistic anti submarine weapon. They claim it to hava a range about 600km. You can however with your radars detect the ballistic trajectory and alert your subs to go away from calculated target to protect your subs against their weapon and go silent mode.

Another option is I think a cruise missile with a torpedo attached on it. It will be slower than ballistic missile and will require continious updates.

For example the one below is a rocket assisted gliding torpedo. But this can be made much longer range with a cruise missile jet engine attached below the missile. It wont be very stealthy with the engine below it but over seas there is not much air defense and it will fly pretty low so it will probably get there before being detected.


Notice the engine below the missile for this cruise missile.

Getting continious target data from underwater gliders the cruise missile would be a capable long range anti submarine weapon.
An Ohio sub can launch missiles from thousands of kms away so nobody is really prepared for that.
Yeah you are correct but yankeez also know that their military basis in whole gulf could be razed to fine sand with nukes they can never think to use their thousands kilometre ranges missiles.
Yeah you are correct but yankeez also know that their military basis in whole gulf could be razed to fine sand with nukes they can never think to use their thousands kilometre ranges missiles.

Dear Sir from intelligence agency once you nuke their base, do you think your country will be left without getting nuked in return ?
Dear Sir from intelligence agency once you nuke their base, do you think your country will be left without getting nuked in return ?
So want us to take it lying down? What would Indian government do if Western coalition was to liberate india by nuking it?
I have read on this forum that a single American ohio class submarine can level an entire country. Is Pakistan also prepared for American subs?
Can any country stop Ohio class in this world??? and Ohio is not needed to come closer to attack Pakistan they could fire their WMD in south Indian ocean or South pacific
But America is the reason Pakistan can't do anything about Israel and their evil ways. Pakistan definitely needs missiles that can strike anywhere in the world.

Pakistan has no beef with Israel and Pakistan will take no action against Israel that would be considered provocative. This has been communicated to the Israelis unofficially.

All of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is only focused towards India. This has been communicated to Israelis, Russians, Americans, European etc etc. Pakistan currently does not possess an economy that would allow it to build missiles that could be targeted anywhere in the world. We can have this conversation once Pakistan's Economy reaches the size of $4 trillion.

Can any country stop Ohio class in this world??? and Ohio is not needed to come closer to attack Pakistan they could fire their WMD in south Indian ocean or South pacific

Ballistic Missile Defence and an excellent Early Warning Surveillance (Russia and China)
There is no proof this actually happened.

Pakistan has video footage while India has words of its own navy

Surely we know who sounds more credible
1. It was entering the Pakistani water zone. It might be traveling at international open water to recharge the battery while surfaced but shoot the video for propaganda. The funniest part of the claim that any submarine will try to enter any other country zone while surfaced.
2. just for claims - I am not interested in giving my time for any discussion. ...

NOw time to come in the present topic... Thank you

Well that is incompetency of your navy that it was trying to enter our waters while being on surface

Not our problem though. May be Indian navy was trying to match incompetency of IAF who shot down its own Mi17 just few days ago
LUCKY MF :hitwall:

Us Bangladeshis have nothing but 2 Ming Class Subs and some ASW LPCs ( Although we are currently making a submarine base to host more submarines in the future)

We wanted some AW159s but since South Korea didn't want any more AW159s the whole production line closed down and I guess we didn't get it

Why don't you guys buy platforms like ATRs like PN and then get them converted to ASW MPA from third party like we are doing? That would be a very good addition to your navy and its anti submarine capabilities
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