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Does Modi know what a smart city is?

I think what they refer to is 100 cities with basic modern infra.
From a city of basic modern infra to a smart city, it takes more than time and money, but insight and strategy.

Hangzhou to build 'City Brain' with Alibaba and Foxconn

The capital of China's poorest city, Guiyang, is also very active on this notion.

Guiyang City's ambitious Wifi and Big Data dream

Smart city is supported by big data industry.
E-commerce, logistics centres, big data centres in Guiyang City

Big Data Expo 2016: Cutting-edge technology in China’s Guiyang City

Another Feel good thread by Chinese & their false flag allies
That's not a proposal. That's a three page marketing brochure. Where are the real plans? The Smart City initiative is rapidly shaping up to be yet another gimmick.
Its a 28 page pdf presentation which is supported by a over 50 page document which I have access to. Please stop posting your bullshit if you can't learn. We have definite plans, we know it will need tech and knowledge (people have to be taught to use tech, mobile revolution has helped that). We will get there don't worry.
Its a 28 page pdf presentation which is supported by a over 50 page document which I have access to. Please stop posting your bullshit if you can't learn. We have definite plans, we know it will need tech and knowledge (people have to be taught to use tech, mobile revolution has helped that). We will get there don't worry.

Then why the fock did you NOT link me to the full version of the document?

That's it? The document mentions 24/7 water and electricity supply, more buses and walk paths, CCTV cameras, solid waste management, etc. These are NOT features of a smart city. These are features of a NORMAL city.

Where are the plans for "smart" cities? What are the plans for IoT, ICT, smart grids, big data, cloud computing and semantic web platforms, and what about data security? Any plans for artificial intelligence and automation? What about driverless cars? Any plans for 5G wireless communication? What about automated metros? Who are the suppliers for these high-tech components? What companies are doing the system integration? What companies are managing the cloud infrastructure and big data analyses?

How much will all this cost, and where is the funding coming from?

By the way, a smartphone app for women to alert the police is nice, but that's not nearly enough.
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What a stupid thread.o_O Guangzhou smart city wasn't made in one day. It took planning. Don't compare India with China. As of Modi's capacity to make things work. I will give an example. There was a river in his home state where he was the Chief Minister. This is how the river looked like when he became State ChiefView attachment 343365

It was the third most polluted river in IndiaView attachment 343367

After he completed the project
View attachment 343368

And dayView attachment 343369

You can't expect changes to happen in a year or two. Be patient.

Talk less and do more.
Talk less and do more.

Good luck with that. Talking is what Indians are good at. They are the best in the world at that and not much else.

Our Indian members, please watch the video below to get an idea how China is implementing smart cities. Watch and learn because the Chinese don't talk, they just make it happen.

What a stupid thread.o_O Guangzhou smart city wasn't made in one day. It took planning. Don't compare India with China. As of Modi's capacity to make things work. I will give an example. There was a river in his home state where he was the Chief Minister. This is how the river looked like when he became State ChiefView attachment 343365

It was the third most polluted river in IndiaView attachment 343367

After he completed the project
View attachment 343368

And dayView attachment 343369

You can't expect changes to happen in a year or two. Be patient.

That's it? You are showcasing this as an example of Modi's achievements? This looks like what a small Chinese city can do on a weekend.
Surprisingly one Indian news channel has some rudimentary grasp of reality... So India might not be completely hopeless after all. By the way, when will Mumbai match Shanghai again?

you are expecting too much from a tea staler:p:D i even don't know what smart city is even i am little more educated then modi :lol:
you are expecting too much from a tea staler:p:D i even don't know what smart city is even i am little more educated then modi :lol:

That is true... The first step to building a smart city is making sure the people building it are not stupid. But that's too much to ask.
That's it? The document mentions 24/7 water and electricity supply, more buses and walk paths, CCTV cameras, solid waste management, etc. These are NOT features of a smart city. These are features of a NORMAL city.

Where are the plans for "smart" cities? What are the plans for IoT, ICT, smart grids, big data, cloud computing and semantic web platforms, and what about data security? Any plans for artificial intelligence and automation? What about driverless cars? Any plans for 5G wireless communication? What about automated metros? Who are the suppliers for these high-tech components? What companies are doing the system integration? What companies are managing the cloud infrastructure and big data analyses?

How much will all this cost, and where is the funding coming from?

By the way, a smartphone app for women to alert the police is nice, but that's not nearly enough.

You are co-relating a lot of high end tech which no city in the world employs. Is any city using automated metros and driverless cars on a massive scale (I know uber in san francisco, but it is still like user testing). In that sense there is no smart city yet.
Well it depends on perspective. We can't predict how the future will be. You know how China grows in the past 20 years. I'm not comparing it with India though. Just an example to show it is possible.

Do you not understand that China grew so fast because she planned ahead, executed those plans with persistence, and worked very hard each and every day?

China's growth is not by luck. It's not some random event like winning the lottery. There was a lot of foresight and work that went into it, and a lot of work remains to be done.

To think India could miraculously grow like China is simply absurd because all Indians do is talk, talk, and talk. It's impossible to talk a country into growing fast. I just can't be done. Wishing is not the same thing as reality.

You are co-relating a lot of high end tech which no city in the world employs. Is any city using automated metros and driverless cars on a massive scale (I know uber in san francisco, but it is still like user testing). In that sense there is no smart city yet.

You are right, there is no smart city yet. Countries around the world are trying to build them, and none has been built yet. So how does Modi propose to build 100? Where does he intend to get the money to pay for them? Where will India get the technologies that have not been developed?

This is why Modi's Smart City initiative is nothing but thunder farts, a bunch of bullshit. It's nothing but a marketing gimmick to shore up his support and prestige because Indians are too ignorant and stupid to see it. Nothing will come of it.

Remember how excited India was when Manmohan Singh announced that Mumbai was to surpass Shanghai by 2012?

This is simply yet another example of India's love of empty talk.
Do you not understand that China grew so fast because she planned ahead, executed those plans with persistence, and worked very hard each and every day?

China's growth is not by luck. It's not some random event like winning the lottery. There was a lot of foresight and work that went into it, and a lot of work remains to be done.

To think India could miraculously grow like China is simply absurd because all Indians do is talk, talk, and talk. It's impossible to talk a country into growing fast. I just can't be done. Wishing is not the same thing as reality.

You are right, there is no smart city yet. Countries around the world are trying to build them, and none has been built yet. So how does Modi propose to build 100? Where does he intend to get the money to pay for them? Where will India get the technologies that have not been developed?

This is why Modi's Smart City initiative is nothing but thunder farts, a bunch of bullshit. It's nothing but a marketing gimmick to shore up his support and prestige because Indians are too ignorant and stupid to see it. Nothing will come of it.

Remember how excited India was when Manmohan Singh announced that Mumbai was to surpass Shanghai by 2012?

This is simply yet another example of India's love of empty talk.

These are pilot projects just as there are close to 200 pilot projects in China.
It will take time but there is will be progressive levels of smartness not a single benchmark.
Wuhan to become smart city by 2020

BARCELONA, Spain – Wuhan, capital of Central China's Hubei province, aims to become a leading city in terms of applying technology to improve the lives of its citizens, the vice-mayor of the city said.

Shao Weimin, the vice-mayor of Wuhan, made the remarks during a speech to the 2012 Smart City Expo World Congress held from Nov 13 to 15 in Barcelona, Spain.

The city is among the first batch of cities in China to pilot the smart city program, it is also the first city in the world to hold an open tender to global companies for intelligent city designs.

The concept of "smart city" was initially raised by IBM, before that various names, such as digital city and intelligent city, have been used to describe using information technology to run a city more efficiently.

According to IBM, a smart city is an instrumented, interconnected, and intelligent city. While Forrester, a research and advisory firm, defines smart city as "the use of smart computing technologies to make the critical infrastructure components and services of a city—which include city administration, education, healthcare, public safety, real estate, transportation, and utilities—more intelligent, interconnected, and efficient."

Wuhan plans to finish the information technology infrastructure construction by the year 2015 and by the year 2020 a smart Wuhan will be in place, according to Shao.

The city has already launched several programs to improve citizens' lives and offer more convenience. A municipal administrative service center which provides 24-hour self-service public service has been set up. Wuhan also launched a two-dimensional code food tracing system to ensure food safety and water resource monitoring system to protect the environment, Shao told the congress.

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