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Does India really want to destabilize Pakistan?



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Jul 3, 2009
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While browsing Pakistani newspaper , i came across about this Article.
Its really very bold and frank and seems pro India.
The international relations are always based on the national interest of a country. All the wars are fought for economical reasons. The exceptions are there for super powers. They not only consider economics but the strategic importance as well but that also have the roots in the natural resources. The fall of USSR has removed the threat to the supremacy of the US. But at the same the US is also aware of backlash globally because of their double standards. Bush and Dick were considered the axis of devils. These perceptions of the common man were based on realities. The invasion of Iraq, the doctrine of pre emptive strike and complete disregard for UN and International Court of Justice in the Hague has proved to the world the arrogance of US administration. The Americans in this part of the world are only interested in having a safe corridor to central Asian unexplored resources. Who so ever is in Oval office it is impossible for him to ignore India as a huge market, with 600 million vibrant technically educated medical class and itself a super power in computer technology. It’s the world’s biggest democracy with a stable government and established institutions in spite of insurgency in so many states. India has the political, socio-economic and strategic depth to ensure its credibility. In addition to this; the emergence of China has increased the importance of India with global players. Now let us take our country Pakistan. What do we have to offer the global players? We have a history of instability and bumpy journey of 61 years with no institutions or Constitution and no continuity of established foreign and internal policy. The lack of all these factors has led to a politically unreliable state of Pakistan. In such state of affair the Americans are bound to trust people and invest in them to protect their global interest rather to invest in an instable state. Can we justify ourselves to criticise Americans before rectifying ourselves. The more we emphasize on it the more we are becoming a laughing stock internationally. If nuclear capability was the only way of a country’s stability and international respect USSR would never have disintegrated. In Pakistan out of four provinces there is insurgency in two the political instability apart. We, Pakistanis, have a false perception of grandeur. We have very few analysts to see the ground reality and put the priorities in proper order and virtually no one in the establishment. Mr. Ayaz Mir is one of those. His logical discussion and analysis is always a source of knowledge and wisdom. We cannot change geography. If India is our enemy or friend, we have to live with it. We went to war with India three times to capture Srinagar and hoist out flag there. We failed miserably. So it is very clear that we cannot do it and will never be able to do it. On the other hand we should ponder over policy on Kashmir. It is full of contradiction. We say that we stand for the self-determination of Kashmir. If that was the case our political parties should not have formed political parties there, except Awami National Party every political organisation has a branch there. The government of Azad Kashmir keeps on changing with the change of government in Islamabad. We feel that the world is as empty in common sense as we are. What does it convey to the world fraternity? Whatever flimsy case we had was washed by the megalomaniac president of Pakistan, Gen. Musharraf formula of administrative units there. We would have been in much stronger position if we had no manipulation in the government formation in Azad Kashmir and had no political wings of our political parties. We would have a moral edge over Indian stand. That we have lost completely. We could have a consistent stand that as a matter of principle we believe in self-determination of all nations like Palestine we extend all democratic and moral support to all those nations who have been denied of this basic human and national right. But again I must emphasize on it that this claim needed a true federation in our own country or according to resolution of Pakistan, we had a union of states with full guaranteed autonomy enshrined in our Constitution. Let me put in simple words that what is there that can tempt Kashmir to join us if there is a plebiscite tomorrow. While abroad I have not met a single Kashmiri who is of the view to join either India or Pakistan. They are demanding for free and independent Kashmir. They believe that if they are independent; their strategic position is such that they will milk three buffaloes at the same time. Pakistan, India and China. We have mishandled this problem on the first day of the creation of Pakistan. It was a real big political mistake of a person of the status of Jinnah to have arguments with the outgoing viceroy of India, on seating arrangements during oath taking ceremony of the first governor general. While he had still the power to make changes in boundaries and distribution of joint assets. Pakistan paid for this minor problem. We lost Gurdaspur and there was a lot of injustice done in distribution of assets. (Ref; the tale of two Gujraties by Dr. Sheikh, Edwina and Nehru.) We practically lost access to Kashmir. The Indian leadership was more mature as they had struggled for freedom, made the same person as the governor general of India. Bacha Khan while in jail offered his services to Liquat Ali and Khalquzzaman to allow him to discuss this issue with Indian leadership; as most of them he knew very closely; before it is late. It is surprising that he received the reply and I quote: “We got rid of one Baba we don’t want another. (Ref. faith is a battle).” These are the historical realities. We must not close our eyes that world cannot see us. The undeclared war staged by Musharraf on India without the knowledge of the elected Prime Minister exposed our nefarious designs completely. Is it necessary to have either enmity or friendship with India? If we opt for enmity then have we the resources, strategic depth and political buffering system to absorb it? If not, why to go for it? Let us be realistic. If it is in Indian national interest they will not hesitate for a second. After my long and exhaustive discussion with many Indian intellectuals, analysts; for my own clarity of mind including Mr. Bebandas Shastri; a close associate of Nehru and Indira Gandhi told me very frankly; that it is in the Indian national interest to have a stable Pakistan and there is no war like tension near their borders. I was surprised by their frankness that if they can keep China at a distance they don’t bother what they have lost. M.J.Akbar told me the same but rather added that Indira had told the same to G.M. Sayed and Late Bizenjo. Indian interest at the moment; is to compete in economical war with China and to expand her market. None of them ruled out that some religious fanatics may want it but they are a small minority. There are so many other problems, as Mr. Ayaz Mir pointed out, like water dispute and many more. Will we keep it pending till we solve out Kashmir dispute. May I ask if we continue this cold war who will be the loser? Definitely Pakistan. Let me tell a very small story to my hawkish friends. I was sent to Sialkot by the authorities of Post-Graduate Medical Institute, Peshawar; to shop around and buy surgical instruments for the institution. I was accompanied by two other consultant colleagues. I was astonished by their workmanship. They were making most of the things in small homes but where technical know-how was involved there was nothing. I asked the owner of Paradise Surgical Instruments if your children are that skilled why can’t you make these things. Look at India they are self-sufficient in making these machines. He told me if we get rid of this bloody Kashmir dispute and get an access to Indian technical know-how we can produce much better. I was surprised to see in Saudi Arabia that except the two holy cities the whole country’s electrification was done and maintained by India and the rail track which was laid down with Pak-French collaboration was maintained by Indians and the contract was 25 years. One of the high officials by name of Dr. Fatani told me that India is giving us cheap technology; what is there with Pakistan to offer. This was exactly I told Mr. Jalessi the commercial attaché. Let us see the ground realities and make a sincere effort for a viable state of Pakistan. Why we cannot listen to Mr. Ayaz Mir’s logic to put our house in order and chalk out our domestic and foreign policies based on internationally accepted norms and then criticise others. If we are strong enough and see that India is doing some thing detrimental to our national interest will we not react in the same way as others. I think we should be thankful to God Almighty that we have such a long border with India which is exploited by our leaders to keep the country intact. If we are in principle object to this myth that the US has no right to be the policeman of the world then why we should boast to be the guardians of Islamic world. It is better to look after our geographical borders. If Indians or Americans are raising fingers at us and asking to do more. Are they not justified? If we would have listened to the international body why we would have gone through such a national trauma and lost so many innocents and military personnel in action which is now going in Swat and FATA. Our tragedy is that we are cheating ourselves and blaming others. Gen: Zia and Musharraf have plunged us and poisoned the society so badly that the fingers will be pointed at us for long time to come. If both are not made accountable we as a country has to face the consequences. The danger is lying here in our home. Let us be courageous not to blame our neighbours. I know the people by name fighting a proxy war in India.

Here is the link :published in 3rd July

very bold i must say.Do such critical articles come out often or was it just this one?well it's not all that bad though.It's good to have a free press.
We see two very striking responses from friends in Pakistan. One parleys for a good relations for the sake of the both and other winds up with a tag of absolute nonsense.
I believe this divide in Pakistan is such wide that nobody knows how to bridge it.
Perhaps more time and more painful years till the fatigue sets in the animosity of people here and there. Lets wait and keep enduring for the times of change.
No one can destabilse a nation unless it allows itself to be destabilised.

Pk, to my mind is doing a fine job for itself.
I am reading this idea for pretty long before, so i just chunk some points, how a stable pakistan can hurt india (according to indian think tanks)

1. Stable Pakistan means more and more involvement in different Provence of India, including support for khalkistan, kashmir, assam, and so o on..
2. Stable Pakistan means a compitor for their growing industries like textile, rice etc.
3. Stable Pakistan means completion of Gawdar, which will surely effect indian trades, and business men of india may prefer this route for punjab dehli, which means more influence of pakistani business community in india.

I have stated three major points why india wont wanting a stable pakistan, there are many other small points as well, which i will shape in the form of an article, and post it soon (if get time).

btw i agree with the article, logically it seem an unstable pakistan might effect indian stability, but it never effected india when bangladesh came. Then how come it will effect, after all they know they can't do anything with tribal area, since pakistani security concerns, but they know very well.. this can help BLA, who is big favor of India.
I am reading this idea for pretty long before, so i just chunk some points, how a stable pakistan can hurt india (according to indian think tanks)

1. Stable Pakistan means more and more involvement in different Provence of India, including support for khalkistan, kashmir, assam, and so o on..
If the Pak policy is to interfere in Indian affairs, then yes, you are right, India should not ask for peace either.

2. Stable Pakistan means a compitor for their growing industries like textile, rice etc.
3. Stable Pakistan means completion of Gawdar, which will surely effect indian trades, and business men of india may prefer this route for punjab dehli, which means more influence of pakistani business community in india.

Here you are wrong. If Pakistan provides an easier shipping channel for Indian goods and trade moves from Delhi to Gwadar it benefits India, not hurts it. For example, if Indian goods shipped from Mumbai cost Rs 100 and shipped through Pakistan costs Rs 90, the Rs 10 profit goes to Indian manufacturers. It is true that India will lose shipping revenues, but at the same time it will gain access to Pakistani markets and possibly Afghan/Iranian ones too.

It is called comparative advantage. (Comparative advantage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) If Pakistan is better at shipping and India better at making goods, Pakistan is better off shipping Indian goods and India will make money making goods for Pakistan. Both countries will benefit from free trade even if Pakistan is better at making goods and good at shipping.

When it comes to textiles/rice, If there is South Asian peace, the biggest beneficiary would be Bangladesh because they have cheaper labour compared to both India and Pakistan.
I am reading this idea for pretty long before, so i just chunk some points, how a stable pakistan can hurt india (according to indian think tanks)

1. Stable Pakistan means more and more involvement in different Provence of India, including support for khalkistan, kashmir, assam, and so o on..
2. Stable Pakistan means a compitor for their growing industries like textile, rice etc.
3. Stable Pakistan means completion of Gawdar, which will surely effect indian trades, and business men of india may prefer this route for punjab dehli, which means more influence of pakistani business community in india.

I have stated three major points why india wont wanting a stable pakistan, there are many other small points as well, which i will shape in the form of an article, and post it soon (if get time).

btw i agree with the article, logically it seem an unstable pakistan might effect indian stability, but it never effected india when bangladesh came. Then how come it will effect, after all they know they can't do anything with tribal area, since pakistani security concerns, but they know very well.. this can help BLA, who is big favor of India.
:what: u just admitted that pak policy is to destabilize india
I shall not comment on the observations made by the author on Pakistan. It is for pakistanis to judge and legislate on their veracity. However, it is a fact that India and Pakistan as neighbours is a historical and geographical reality which can not be wished away. The two nations have to co-exist side by side. It is better that they co-exist as friends rather than enemies. India and Pakistan have much to share and give to each other. Continued mutual animosity will only result in diverting scarce resources away from developmental efforts and impede progress of both countries. It will also encourage external powers to meddle where they have no business to. The sooner the people of India and Pakistan realise this the better.
If the Pak policy is to interfere in Indian affairs, then yes, you are right, India should not ask for peace either.

ohh bhai read my previous reply. When i have to know what india wants, then i would think like india rather then pakistan. Ofcourse i don't believe on all this, i am saying what "inidan think tanks". but you have accepted due to this you can't see a stable pakistan.. so means have a motto, which this article claimed to be "MISSING".

Here you are wrong. If Pakistan provides an easier shipping channel for Indian goods and trade moves from Delhi to Gwadar it benefits India, not hurts it.

of course, it will beneficial for the importers/exporters of india/pakistan. But you are missing an point, how many people will loss the job? those transportation which previously were given inside india will now given to the pakistani transporters. ofcourse end beneficiaries would be the consumer.

When it comes to textiles/rice, If there is South Asian peace, the biggest beneficiary would be Bangladesh because they have cheaper labour compared to both India and Pakistan.

you have forgotten other aspects, manufacturing cost, textile requires some chemicals which Pakistan,india and bangladesh all import. but my point was competition, which mean reducing prices, and less profit to all countries. Also, the major benefit will reach directly to China, because Gawdar in case of Textile. who has cheap labor, manufacturing cost, and they have in-house chemical available. just the problem which they are facing is transportation, which will be solved after gawdar, but in any case, india will loss.

btw due to violence, loadshadding in pakistan, india and bangladesh are still getting benefits.
Bold power bold!!
May be it hurts. But the truth is such.
Right from the Mountbatten institution...
Well quite bold article
i am amazed at this article. Are these type of people present in pakistan? Quite amazing.
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