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Does anyone speak Sanskrit or Farsi here?


Nov 23, 2013
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If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque). It is said, that we europeans and eastern indoaryan languages are close related in a common ancestor and some basic words are similar. I´m very interested int his and would like to ask if someone can name me the sanskrit or farsi versions of some german words so i can see how similar they are?

I would need the words for:

mother (Mutter)
father (Vater)
daughter (Tochter)
brother (Bruder)
house (Haus)
goose (Gans)
chicken (Huhn)
dog (Hund)
cat (Katze)
sun (Sonne)
rain (Regen)
earth (Erde)
water (Wasser)
wind (Wind)
fire (Feuer)

I would thank you very much!
In Sanskrit
Fire - Agni
Wind - Vayu
Earth - Prithvi
Rain - Indra
Sun - Surya
If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque). It is said, that we europeans and eastern indoaryan languages are close related in a common ancestor and some basic words are similar. I´m very interested int his and would like to ask if someone can name me the sanskrit or farsi versions of some german words so i can see how similar they are?

I would need the words for:

mother (Mutter)
father (Vater)
daughter (Tochter)
brother (Bruder)
house (Haus)
goose (Gans)
chicken (Huhn)
dog (Hund)
cat (Katze)
sun (Sonne)
rain (Regen)
earth (Erde)
water (Wasser)
wind (Wind)
fire (Feuer)

I would thank you very much!
Here are Sanskrit words

mother (Mutter) -Mata
father (Vater)- Pita
daughter (Tochter)- Putri, suta
brother (Bruder)- Bhrata
house (Haus) -Griha
goose (Gans)-
chicken (Huhn)- Kukuta
dog (Hund)- Kukur
cat (Katze)-
sun (Sonne)- Surya
rain (Regen)- Varsha
earth (Erde)- Prithvi
water (Wasser)- Jal, aap
wind (Wind)- Pavan
fire (Feuer)- Agni
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If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque).

No they are not(certainly not by linguists). They are called Indo-European. It is the languages of the Indo-European family in India that are called Indo-Aryan
If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque). It is said, that we europeans and eastern indoaryan languages are close related in a common ancestor and some basic words are similar. I´m very interested int his and would like to ask if someone can name me the sanskrit or farsi versions of some german words so i can see how similar they are?

The only Indo-Aryan language spoken in Europe is the language spoken by gypsies/Romas.
If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque). It is said, that we europeans and eastern indoaryan languages are close related in a common ancestor and some basic words are similar. I´m very interested int his and would like to ask if someone can name me the sanskrit or farsi versions of some german words so i can see how similar they are?

I would need the words for:

mother (Mutter)
father (Vater)
daughter (Tochter)
brother (Bruder)
house (Haus)
goose (Gans)
chicken (Huhn)
dog (Hund)
cat (Katze)
sun (Sonne)
rain (Regen)
earth (Erde)
water (Wasser)
wind (Wind)
fire (Feuer)

I would thank you very much!

The very first common ancestral language of all the regions you mentioned was the proto-indo-european.

Many German words have cognates in Sanskrit and many Indian languages. Pitr->Vater, Bhratr->Bruder, and so on. The word 'Navy' comes from Sanskrit "Nau" for boat/ship. The similarities are too many to be simply listed.

"Deva" in Indian languages and "Dei" in Latin and European languages come from the proto-Indo European. "Jupiter" comes from "Zeus Pater", and Zeus as well as Pater share a common root with Deva and Pitr. (Pita for father in hindi.)

This shows the branching of proto-indo-european later on. As you can see, Indo-European became Indo-European which split into Indo-Aryan and Iranic, and the Indian part changed into Vedic Sanskrit, and then to today's North Indian languages.:

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Some Examples of Indo-european language match .

From Lithuanian and Sanskrit (One of the closet )

SON: Sanskrit sunus - Lithuanian sunus

SHEEP: Sanskrit avis - Lithuanian avis

SOLE: Sanskrit padas - Lithuanian padas

MAN: Sanskrit viras - Lithuanian vyras

SMOKE: Sanskrit dhumas - Lithuanian dumas

Sanskrit aswa (horse)- Lith. asva;
Sanskrit antaras (second)- Lith. antras;
Sanskrit viras (man)- Lith. vyras;

Lithuanian proverb: Dievas davė dantis; Dievas duos ir duonos

Sanskrit: Devas adadā t datas; Devas dā t (or dadāt) api dhā nā s.

Some names as well are similar if not the same:

Hindi: Arun
Lith :Arunas
Hindi: Udita (pronounced Oo di taa)
Lith : Judita (pronounced You di taa)

Devidas common to both;

Hindi :Sangeeta
Lith : Sigita

Hindi :Seema
Lith :Sima
Sanskrit: vŕk-as tiśthati
Lithuanian: vilk-as stóvi

Sanskrit: vŕk-asya mātā
Lithuanian: vilk-o mótina

Sanskrit: dá-dāti vrk-āya
Lithuanian: dúoda vilk-ui

Sanskrit: paśyati vrk-am
Lithuanian: mãto vilk-ą

5. Sanskrit: as-mi 'I am'
Lithuanian: es-ù(older es-mi)

6. Sanskrit: asi 'thou art'
Some Examples of Indo-european language match .

From Lithuanian and Sanskrit (One of the closet )

SON: Sanskrit sunus - Lithuanian sunus

SHEEP: Sanskrit avis - Lithuanian avis

SOLE: Sanskrit padas - Lithuanian padas

MAN: Sanskrit viras - Lithuanian vyras

SMOKE: Sanskrit dhumas - Lithuanian dumas

Sanskrit aswa (horse)- Lith. asva;
Sanskrit antaras (second)- Lith. antras;
Sanskrit viras (man)- Lith. vyras;

Lithuanian proverb: Dievas davė dantis; Dievas duos ir duonos

Sanskrit: Devas adadā t datas; Devas dā t (or dadāt) api dhā nā s.
Some names as well are similar if not the same:

Hindi: Arun
Lith :Arunas
Hindi: Udita (pronounced Oo di taa)
Lith : Judita (pronounced You di taa)

Devidas common to both;

Hindi :Sangeeta
Lith : Sigita

Hindi :Seema
Lith :Sima
Sanskrit: vŕk-as tiśthati
Lithuanian: vilk-as stóvi

Sanskrit: vŕk-asya mātā
Lithuanian: vilk-o mótina

Sanskrit: dá-dāti vrk-āya
Lithuanian: dúoda vilk-ui

Sanskrit: paśyati vrk-am
Lithuanian: mãto vilk-ą

5. Sanskrit: as-mi 'I am'
Lithuanian: es-ù(older es-mi)

6. Sanskrit: asi 'thou art'

Those aren't commonly used words in Sanskrit language, infact many of us hadn't heard about most of the words you wrote.
Those aren't commonly used words in Sanskrit language, infact many of us hadn't heard about most of the words you wrote.

Are you Phd, in Sanskrit :azn:? Coz the guy who has written and compiled these are Phd, in Sanskrit in JLU Delhi.

Even i didn't get some of these. Lol, i barely passed my sanskrit in School. :lol:
Are you Phd, in Sanskrit :azn:? Coz the guy who has written and compiled these are Phd, in Sanskrit in JLU Delhi.

Even i didn't get some of these. Lol, i barely passed my sanskrit in School. :lol:

I am no phd, usual cbse Sanskrit but did you study the word putra or sunus in school. :mad::mad:
Those aren't commonly used words in Sanskrit language, infact many of us hadn't heard about most of the words you wrote.
actually as a odia i can attest that i have used many of those word in my odia exams and many of those we speak in day to day use. in sanskrit i was very bad.
I am no phd, usual cbse Sanskrit but did you study the word putra or sunus in school. :mad::mad:

actually i really don't remember :cheesy: But if these scholars are saying then it has to be true. You know this word synonyms :lol: This is the trick i guess.

I have no doubts on Lithuanian words as i have got them checked by Lithuanian. Lithuania is small pretty silent with beautiful women :partay:
If so, please help me. German and Italian as well as all other european language are called indo aryan languages (beside basque). It is said, that we europeans and eastern indoaryan languages are close related in a common ancestor and some basic words are similar. I´m very interested int his and would like to ask if someone can name me the sanskrit or farsi versions of some german words so i can see how similar they are?

I would need the words for:

mother (Mutter)
father (Vater)
daughter (Tochter)
brother (Bruder)
house (Haus)
goose (Gans)
chicken (Huhn)
dog (Hund)
cat (Katze)
sun (Sonne)
rain (Regen)
earth (Erde)
water (Wasser)
wind (Wind)
fire (Feuer)

I would thank you very much!
cat-marjara, bidala
rest are already answered.
i know a gypsy word "auri" means "go out" or "outside". I heard "auri jan" too.

Does it ring any bells or sound familiar?
i know a gypsy word "auri" means "go out" or "outside". I heard "auri jan" too.

Does it ring any bells or sound familiar?

i think you have been kicked out multiple times :lol:

On Serious note never heard such word. Could possibly be tribal language as what i have read that these people were tribal. Many tribal languages in India has no resemblance to Sanskrit or Hindi.

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