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Documentary on Karachi's coast Line (HD)


Sep 8, 2009
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The current development projects along Karachi's coast are having an adverse effect on its residents and the environment. Mangroves that are a barrier against storms and cyclones, and nurseries for migratory birds, fish and crustaceans are being cut down by the timber mafia with abandon. Industrial and domestic sewage by the city's 18 million inhabitants is released untreated into the sea, causing great harm to fishing communities and coastal wetlands. And yet, grand mega projects like "Diamond Bar Island City" and "Sugar Land City" are being planned on more than 68,000 acres along the coast, while the needs of the city's original inhabitants are being neglected.
This documentary explores alternatives to haphazard development along Karachi's coastline in light of the basic principles of urban planning.
Producers: Shehri CBE and Getz Pharma Pakistan

Topics covered , city planning
The coastal areas
Land reclaim projects
Mangroves and marine life impacts
Pollution and waste in coastal areas

Discussions of the Urban projects like crecent bay , island project and other project and discussion about impact on wild life and lower income citizens

The video covers the struggle between environmentalist and city planners who want to retain the natural state vs new development projects
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Wow! What a great documentary! But it was painful to see the courageous lady Parveen Rehman, who was killed, presumably, by the land mafia a few years ago.
In the end, the message was very simple: If the crabs are affected, if the egrets are affected...then it is not worth the development. And, as Ms. Rehman says in the video, a mere $120 million can make a big difference to protect Karachi, Karachiites, and its wildlife.

Thanks for sharing.
I also wished our TV/Channels make more documentaries of this sorts this was really good quality stuff HD , good narative and to be honest , opened my eyes what is the cost of quick urban development vs what is the impact on some of the local animal life and means of life for many.

The situation with the waste sewage treatment was a major concern and the construction of illegal huts has surely ruined the landescape of beaches.


I did not knew that Karachi recieved "Sea Turtles" which are a beautiful marine creatures , we always heard about these in animal documentaries of the world and , the creature comes to our own cities back in Pakistan in Karachi ... true eye opener.

Very sad to hear about the death of Ms Rehman she appeared to be very knowlegible and cared about the eco system around the city

The movie also raises valid question ..... what if we build 1000 condos in beach front but then how can the poor see the ocean or play in its waves ?
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