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Doctors reply to Aamir Khan [Satyamev Jayate]

What a waste of effort..

Truth is that Health care in India sucks...And doctors are mostly responsible for this..
What a waste of effort..

Truth is that Health care in India sucks...And doctors are mostly responsible for this..

No sir, actually the truth is, that there are a lot of ignorant buffons in India like yourself who don't bother to educate themselves about an issue and look for easy scapegoats.

Do you even ******* know how much money as % of GDP Indian govt. spends on social security and public health?And how much US and UK do?

Have you even bothered to do do some research before giving your "expert opinion" on the subject?
No sir, actually the truth is, that there are a lot of ignorant buffons in India like yourself who don't bother to educate themselves about an issue and look for easy scapegoats.

Do you even ******* know how much money as % of GDP Indian govt. spends on social security and public health?And how much US and UK do?

Have you even bothered to do do some research before giving your "expert opinion" on the subject?

So how would do you explain Govt doctors doing private practice and extorting money from poor patients for treatment that should be done free of charge.Prescribing expensive medicines after taking commissions from drug companies and getting the patient tested in particular labs, after taking cuts from the lab owners. Clearly thats all Govt's fault ..isn't it?
So how would do you explain Govt doctors doing private practice and extorting money from poor patients for treatment that should be done free of charge.Prescribing expensive medicines after taking commissions from drug companies and getting the patient tested in particular labs, after taking cuts from the lab owners. Clearly thats all Govt's fault ..isn't it?

If doctors are following illegal practices, why doesn't govt. punish them?Punish few and rest will automatically fall in line...do health care reforms.Its not my job to say how to do those reforms.My job is to treat people, and I do it well.
Stupid system like this is the reason I got out of India, and now my decision is vindicated.

You guys,by that I mean India, don't spend jack on public health, don't pay doctors money which a person of that caliber will get in any other field and then act like a friggin victim when docs try to make some moolah.Increase docs' legimate salary and take stringent action against any offenders.Its not particle physics dude.

Already I am hearing bright kids are turning away from medical stream and going for eng,mba and the likes. less kids are writing pre-med exams nowadys,competition has reduced and seats have increased.Result is that new students getting into med colleges are getting stupider every year.Do you really want a slacker who didn't study hard enough in school and is content with 20k per month to be treating you or your children?
Thats probably what ignominious airheads like you deserve.You only get what you pay for.
In India healthcare is a state subject .... And we all know ....the conditions of most of state subjects in india.....most of government hospital don't even dispense essential medicines, so doctor have to prescribe non-generic drugs ....most of academic resident(doing MD/MS) works more than 12 hours ..... So the productivity and quality is bound to be low .... It also result in medical negligence ...... India produce thousands of BAMS/BHMS/BUMS ..... But how many nurses are we producing ? Does any smart jack a### , ideally for every doctor there should be 3 nurses....but we are more concerned about indigenous system of healthcare .... They are all good, but they don't provide emergency service .....have any of you been to Ayurvedic university in Gujarat (currently one of it kind) , its infrastructure is mind-blowing sadly almost all beds are empty ....whenever any minister visit ... The hospital staff call patients to fill beds ...they are even ready to give them taxi fare ....china have less number of medical schools then India ... But produce more doctors and nurses then india ... Many of you will say the standards might not be so good , if you think so you all can check the health indices of china ....they where able to convert there medical schools into medical university by increasing the infrastructure and manpower ... In 60 years we only have 5 central government medical institute .....should as Indian we all be ashamed ....every state should have at-least one central medical university with at least 3000 bed hospital ......health is wealth , and money is not everything .....it's easy to criticises doctor .... But we get what we make .... It's not Indian doctors have failed , it's Indian system which have made them failed ..... what Mr AK did was he sold his emotions ..... The guy who even have illegitimate child with a foreigner .... Not to forget had child through surrogacy(illegal in many countries including some European too) ,a medical professor (after studying for 12 years in medical school,and treating more then 10k patients and working for more then 12 years in government hospital) might just have a bank balance of max 5 crore ..... But some page 3 star might get that much just by endorsing some cool drink (with no health benefit,actually bad for health) not to forget the one episode charge of his so called reality show ......if he really want to do something good first stop endorsing the cold drink (better endorse a fruit drink) .....people really never see the big picture ....... Just think they are smart jack a###.....if we want to be a superpower ....we should first start improving the basic fundamental infrastructure ....jai hind .....
If doctors are following illegal practices, why doesn't govt. punish them?Punish few and rest will automatically fall in line...do health care reforms.Its not my job to say how to do those reforms.My job is to treat people, and I do it well.
Stupid system like this is the reason I got out of India, and now my decision is vindicated.

Bcs in India the MCI and the doctor lobby is very strong and doctors have a habit of striking for the minutest of reasons. As we don't have enough doctors to go around, Govt turns a blind eye to illegal practices.

You guys,by that I mean India, don't spend jack on public health, don't pay doctors money which a person of that caliber will get in any other field and then act like a friggin victim when docs try to make some moolah.Increase docs' legimate salary and take stringent action against any offenders.Its not particle physics dude.

Doctors are payed very well in my place, but the govt can't match the salary offered by private hospitals.

Already I am hearing bright kids are turning away from medical stream and going for eng,mba and the likes. less kids are writing pre-med exams nowadys,competition has reduced and seats have increased.Result is that new students getting into med colleges are getting stupider every year.Do you really want a slacker who didn't study hard enough in school and is content with 20k per month to be treating you or your children?

If they are after money, its better they don't come in the medical field in the first place.

Thats probably what ignominious airheads like you deserve.You only get what you pay for.
Simple advise to you dude...Stay in US, treat Americans with the knowledge that was subsidized to you by the Indian tax payer, makes lot of money and never ever come back. We don't need ungrateful scums like you back in my country.
Bcs in India the MCI and the doctor lobby is very strong and doctors have a habit of striking for the minutest of reasons. As we don't have enough doctors to go around, Govt turns a blind eye to illegal practices.

haha!thats what I said.Do reforms.Whats your point?
Also back your claims about docs stiking for minutest for reasons.If you want to ague, make arguments, not ambiguous bs.

Doctors are payed very well in my place, but the govt can't match the salary offered by private hospitals.

Define well paid?This is just hot air.
Well paid means equivalent to what govt. pays upper-middle management guys in govt.sector enterprise.

If they are after money, its better they don't come in the medical field in the first place.

Its already happening, nobody smart is coming to medical field.Lets see the caliber of Indian doctors after 20 years, if they continue to be paid less.Its your children who 'll pay the price.Tum khud toh koi charity karte nahi ho, aur doctors se expect karte ho ki woh sabki sewa kare!!!

ISimple advise to you dude...Stay in US, treat Americans with the knowledge that was subsidized to you by the Indian tax payer, makes lot of money and never ever come back. We don't need ungrateful scums like you back in my country.

Shove your advice where the sun don't shine.If you come to an online forum, then make arguements.Don't pass friggin unasked advice to strangers who don't give a cr@p or call names ******!!!
If doctors are following illegal practices, why doesn't govt. punish them?Punish few and rest will automatically fall in line...do health care reforms.Its not my job to say how to do those reforms.My job is to treat people, and I do it well.
Stupid system like this is the reason I got out of India, and now my decision is vindicated.

You guys,by that I mean India, don't spend jack on public health, don't pay doctors money which a person of that caliber will get in any other field and then act like a friggin victim when docs try to make some moolah.Increase docs' legimate salary and take stringent action against any offenders.Its not particle physics dude.

Already I am hearing bright kids are turning away from medical stream and going for eng,mba and the likes. less kids are writing pre-med exams nowadys,competition has reduced and seats have increased.Result is that new students getting into med colleges are getting stupider every year.Do you really want a slacker who didn't study hard enough in school and is content with 20k per month to be treating you or your children?
Thats probably what ignominious airheads like you deserve.You only get what you pay for.

are u a retard or trying hard to prove .. of course the govt is equally responsible, so where that leave common people suffering from blood sucking doctors and deaf and dumb govt. blaming govt wont wont give doctors clean chit to suck blood. :coffee:
are u a retard or trying hard to prove .. of course the govt is equally responsible, so where that leave common people suffering from blood sucking doctors and deaf and dumb govt. blaming govt wont wont give doctors clean chit to suck blood. :coffee:

No, I am not a retard.But I strongly think you may be a borderline case.I was replying to jha who said that pitiful state of healthcare in India is fault of Indian doctors.Its on the top of this page in case you missed.
haha!thats what I said.Do reforms.Whats your point?
Also back your claims about docs stiking for minutest for reasons.If you want to ague, make arguments, not ambiguous bs.

This is the latest to hit Kerala:

Day-long doctors' strike in Kerala; govt hospitals affected - Indian Express

There are numerous others like this in the past also. Also don't forget the strike in Rajasthan which caused the death of around 40+ patients.

Define well paid?This is just hot air.
Well paid means equivalent to what govt. pays upper-middle management guys in govt.sector enterprise.

The Hindu : States / Kerala : Government doctors call off strike

When the newly enhanced pay scales come into effect, doctors in the entry cadre of Assistant Surgeons will receive a total pay of Rs.35,340, including DA. Doctors in the Civil Surgeon grade will get a total pay of Rs.52,874; those in the rank of Deputy Director, Rs.63,042 .

Is this not a good salary taking into account the fact that much of them completed their education in Govt colleges which is heavly subsidized.

Its already happening, nobody smart is coming to medical field.Lets see the caliber of Indian doctors after 20 years, if they continue to be paid less.Its your children who 'll pay the price.Tum khud toh koi charity karte nahi ho, aur doctors se expect karte ho ki woh sabki sewa kare!!!

Don't worry just bcs you are in US doesn't mean that Indian health sector is in free fall. Let the ones who wants to make money stay away from medical sector leaving the seats for those truly committed in serving the humanity.
Shove your advice where the sun don't shine.If you come to an online forum, then make arguements.Don't pass friggin unasked advice to strangers who don't give a cr@p or call names ******!!!

When you call names like " ignominious airheads" don't expect to be let off lightly either. We can keep the discussion civilized.
Most of the work in government medical college hospital is done by junior resident and senior resident (one become it after MD/MS, altogether 6 years post MBBS+time taken to clear post graduate entrance which is around 2years) even if they earn 50k and work 12hours for 30 days it would be Rs100/hour .....not to forget some states still pay around 22k monthly ....most attending physician and surgeon work for only 6-8 hours .... Most of the work in department is done by junior and senior resident .... They don't even have any social life .... That's why most doctor get married late ,which is around at the age of 30+(35+in some cases) , one of the reason for doctor getting married to doctors is , they don't have social life ....doctors who do private practice while working for government are mostly attending physician(it's only in few states, not all) .if you all think it's fare enough .... I think you all living your life filled with delusion .....many banned drugs are sold in India (does any one know how many drugs in India have been banned?).....most of the doctors in MCI are from non clinical branches(doctors who don't treat patients) ,even who are physician they don't practice.... And are mostly politicians champcha ,who have been placed there ... So that the private medical colleges get recognition ..... If you look at the list of doctors who have been awarded BC ROY award and padamshree most of them would be politicians champcha (with exception of few) ..... medicine is not a pure science it's more like an art ..... They all want due recognition .....
Defenitely problem is not with the Doctors. Its with the government and health policies. Here in Oman I am trying to help and Indian worker who fell from a construction site. All the doctors are Indian and They did probably 5 major surgeries including 2 in brain till now and 3 months in ICU and much more..NO ONE TO PAY since he is illegal immigrant.. just the doctors doing their job with their salaries from the local government. Indian Embassy told me that they will send him home once he is fit but please don't take him to India before that.. at least here they will try to save him. you would know he would definitely die if u send him to India. its not cos of the doctors but who would support the expenses.

We cant force doctors to do charity. its their choice.. There are many institutions/hospitals who do charity. The needy can always go there.
There are numerous others like this in the past also. Also don't forget the strike in Rajasthan which caused the death of around 40+ patients.

Only an idiot would think Rajasthan strike was for a minute reason.Or do you believe doctors should be paid less than class 4 employees as is done in Rajasthan?
Same with Kerela socialist govt. dithering on increasing salary for years-you call this minute reason?Laughable!

So once more, please tell us about those minute reasons for which evil docs go on strike.

Is this not a good salary taking into account the fact that much of them completed their education in Govt colleges which is heavly subsidized.

Nope.If you compare it with what people from iit make, its not.Don't compare doctors with sadak chhap eng college grads.

Don't worry just bcs you are in US doesn't mean that Indian health sector is in free fall. Let the ones who wants to make money stay away from medical sector leaving the seats for those truly committed in serving the humanity.

Are you a doctor?Why don't you serve humanity by slaving away the best years of your life for nothing?or do some charity.First practice what you preach.Then tell us docs about it.Otherwise you just come across as a hypocritical douche.
You seem to be living in a fool's paradise thinking people will sacrifice their lives for humanity in today's time.Maybe 1000 out of a billion will.But can a country make do with just 1k docs?

When you call names like " ignominious airheads" don't expect to be let off lightly either. We can keep the discussion civilized.

See what I said is true, you are an airhead, where as you were just trying to get even.Truth hurts.
I 've had enough of trying to educate a fool like you.Some people will never try to see a prob with other's perspective.So I am not gonna bother anymore with you simple dunce!
Only an idiot would think Rajasthan strike was for a minute reason.Or do you believe doctors should be paid less than class 4 employees as is done in Rajasthan?
Same with Kerela socialist govt. dithering on increasing salary for years-you call this minute reason?Laughable!
So once more, please tell us about those minute reasons for which evil docs go on strike.

Any source for that or you just pulled it out of your backside. As for Kerala I already showed howmuch they get paid.

Nope.If you compare it with what people from iit make, its not.Don't compare doctors with sadak chhap eng college grads.

First you said that doctors should be paid equal to upper level management and then now you are demanding that they should be paid equal to IIT.How much you need ..1 lakh per month perhaps?? Evenafter the Govt spend 40-45 lakh subsidizing your education..not gonna happen.

Are you a doctor?Why don't you serve humanity by slaving away the best years of your life for nothing?or do some charity.First practice what you preach.Then tell us docs about it.Otherwise you just come across as a hypocritical douche.
You seem to be living in a fool's paradise thinking people will sacrifice their lives for humanity in today's time.Maybe 1000 out of a billion will.But can a country make do with just 1k docs?

What charity? With Rs 35,000 per month for entry level doctors they are supposed to do their job, not charity. As I said before, let those who are after money chose other professions. There is no compulsion for them to join the medical field. Also why is that civilain docs like you who do all the whining. There are also doctors in Army, who get almost the same pay as a civilian govt doctor and they work in much harsher conditions. I don't see them complaining. Here doctors can't even serve for 1 year in rural areas as a part of their currriculum for a pay of Rs 25,000 per month.

See what I said is true, you are an airhead, where as you were just trying to get even.Truth hurts.
I 've had enough of trying to educate a fool like you.Some people will never try to see a prob with other's perspective.So I am not gonna bother anymore with you simple dunce!

And you are an ungrateful scum, who sucked Indian tax payer's money and now kissing whiteman's behind for dollars. We don't need people like yours advice on how to run our medical system.
No Zeeshn, Medical colleges have very high fees, anywhere between 25 lacks and above is what I have seen personally too in AP.

I am doing MBBS ..
I know the situation better

I had given nice explanations in previous threads

Till then read what harpoon said
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