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Do you think soniya gandhi can run india??


Its time we get rid of this Gandhi dynasty ASAP. They've been there for 60 some years. They are failed to get corruption out, failed to take bold steps except Mrs Indira Gandhi. Come on, you have to give others chance to realise how wrong they are. Had Mr Vajpayee not been the PM, we would have never got the nuclear capacity.

Please welcome "The" Modi.

Its time we get rid of this Gandhi dynasty ASAP. They've been there for 60 some years. They are failed to get corruption out, failed to take bold steps except Mrs Indira Gandhi. Come on, you have to give others chance to realise how wrong they are. Had Mr Vajpayee not been the PM, we would have never got the nuclear capacity.

Please welcome "The" Modi.

They have succeeded not to let corruption out.

Rest of all is perfect!!!
What's this? Why this ranting? If India decided that it doesn't want anyone, there will be no chance for that person. Conversely, if India decides that it wants someone, no amount of ranting by those opposed will make an iota of difference.
I don't understand how they still have the shame to come open and ask for vote. The new scandal has come for Mumbai Congress Chief Kripashanky Singh. The decision of people of Maharashtra is beyond me who keep on voting for this thieves for parliament.
I don't understand how they still have the shame to come open and ask for vote. The new scandal has come for Mumbai Congress Chief Kripashanky Singh. The decision of people of Maharashtra is beyond me who keep on voting for this thieves for parliament.
Muslim arakshan,jat arakshan,dali arakshan,caste politics...:hitwall:
but i think the people have understood what CONgress is up to.
I don't understand how they still have the shame to come open and ask for vote.

The same way the BJP has the gumption to talk about corruption after the Karnataka fiasco. The same way by which the BJP opposes a US-India nuclear deal worked out by MMS when they were willing to settle for less when they were in power, the same way the BJP can talk morality when its MLA's are caught watching **** in the assembly, the same way the BJP can induct in U.P., a man kicked out by Mayawati (of all persons; oh the irony!) & then talk about corruption of the Congress. Yeah, they all have tough skin, that's why they are in politics.

The decision of people of Maharashtra is beyond me who keep on voting for this thieves for parliament.

Just imagine, how poorly they must think of the alternative (the Shiv Sena-BJP combine) that they are willing to vote for the "thieves".
The same way the BJP has the gumption to talk about corruption after the Karnataka fiasco. The same way by which the BJP opposes a US-India nuclear deal worked out by MMS when they were willing to settle for less when they were in power, the same way the BJP can talk morality when its MLA's are caught watching **** in the assembly, the same way the BJP can induct in U.P., a man kicked out by Mayawati (of all persons; oh the irony!) & then talk about corruption of the Congress. Yeah, they all have tough skin, that's why they are in politics.

Yes. BJP is also no saint. But I want to repeat what is happening in same BJP of Gujarat.
And you can't blame BJP for all the corruption. In the end all the politicians are pathetic. All I'm saying is we should select less pathetic people. And I will go for BJP any day for this same reason. At least they wont keep Kasab alive for this long. And that should be enough reason.

Just imagine, how poorly they must think of the alternative (the Shiv Sena-BJP combine) that they are willing to vote for the "thieves".
I addressed it above. Everyone is pathetic but we should select the lesser ones. I'm not sure how you guys still love The Congress.
The same way the BJP has the gumption to talk about corruption after the Karnataka fiasco. The same way by which the BJP opposes a US-India nuclear deal worked out by MMS when they were willing to settle for less when they were in power, the same way the BJP can talk morality when its MLA's are caught watching **** in the assembly, the same way the BJP can induct in U.P., a man kicked out by Mayawati (of all persons; oh the irony!) & then talk about corruption of the Congress. Yeah, they all have tough skin, that's why they are in politics.

Just imagine, how poorly they must think of the alternative (the Shiv Sena-BJP combine) that they are willing to vote for the "thieves".
CWG+2G(Biggest ever in India,or probably Asia,or probably world!?)+Adarsh+Kripashankar+Illegal mining in Goa+ infinity.
Its not about BJP being pure..but its about the party which is less corrupt.
BJP=less corrupt,congress=leader in corruption.
No one is saying that BJP is free of corruption,but it certainly is a better choice than Con gress!:hang2:

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ----------

It can't be a bigger shame that the Supreme Court has cancelled 122 licenses provided illegally by the central government!
And then yesterday only supreme courts judgement on Ramlila maidan fiasco...Con Gress gonna die!:cheesy:
It can't be a bigger shame that the Supreme Court has cancelled 122 licenses provided illegally by the central government!
And then yesterday only supreme courts judgement on Ramlila maidan fiasco...Con Gress gonna die!:cheesy:
Its actually good that it happened. That was a tight slap on ConGrass and its supporters.
Yes. BJP is also no saint. But I want to repeat what is happening in same BJP of Gujarat.
And you can't blame BJP for all the corruption. In the end all the politicians are pathetic. All I'm saying is we should select less pathetic people. And I will go for BJP any day for this same reason. At least they wont keep Kasab alive for this long. And that should be enough reason.

Once you acknowledge that it is a decision of the "lesser evil" then you must surely understand that not all people agree with your definition of the lesser evil.

As for Kasab, you are wrong. The BJP can't & wouldn't have done anything different. The case is still in the Judicial system, no government has any power to interfere.

I addressed it above. Everyone is pathetic but we should select the lesser ones. I'm not sure how you guys still love The Congress

I, personally have no particular love for the Congress. Nor do I have any for the BJP. I have learnt that post Vajpayee, the BJP is not particularly different from the Congress & is in some manners, worse! I have no illusions,unlike you. Unlike some here, no party owns my loyalty. That is only reserved for my country, not for this or the other party. You would be well advised to understand that not one everyone who is disillusioned with the BJP is necessarily in love with the Congress or any other. Also, unlike you, I have a fairly decent understanding of Indian politics to realise that Modi is no saviour, something that his fans are yet to grasp. So, we are left with no saviors, only with our broken illusions. That, Sir, is the truth!
CWG+2G(Biggest ever in India,or probably Asia,or probably world!?)+Adarsh+Kripashankar+Illegal mining in Goa+ infinity.
Its not about BJP being pure..but its about the party which is less corrupt.
BJP=less corrupt,congress=leader in corruption.
No one is saying that BJP is free of corruption,but it certainly is a better choice than Con gress!:hang2:

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ----------

It can't be a bigger shame that the Supreme Court has cancelled 122 licenses provided illegally by the central government!
And then yesterday only supreme courts judgement on Ramlila maidan fiasco...Con Gress gonna die!:cheesy:

This is the answer? You actually think that the BJP would be less corrupt? Try Karnataka for size, the illegal mining scam is incredibly massive, probably the biggest scam of any state in independent India. You actually think that they will be less corrupt by choice? If you have any idea of history, you would know that Vajpayee brought in Arun Shourie into the telecom ministry because Pramod Mahajan was doing what Raja did later. The only difference was that during the NDA's time, the telecom sector was not as developed as it became later. The money available was comparatively less. Raja was from the DMK, a party that was a part of the NDA earlier. Corruption is not party specific, did you actually think the top leaders of the BJP did not know about the Reddy brothers when they were using their money to purchase MLA's & run the party? You think Sushma Swaraj did not know when she was calling them her sons? You are being incredibly naive if you think that someone indulges in lesser corruption out of choice. The corrupt are just that Corrupt! Only the absolutely bamboozled will suggest that there is a distinction there.
Any elected meritorious party is better than one based on a dynasty.

The dynasty cycle is a common one.
The dynasty is elected - makes monumental errors, upsets the masses, makes the odd good decision, steal from the coffers of the nation - gets hammered in the next election. A few years down the line - people forget the bad, then on an emotional wave elect the crap again suffering at the hands of the dynasty - and the circle of madness continues. When will the masses ever learn? Elect people on their values and what they have established in their personal lives.
Once you acknowledge that it is a decision of the "lesser evil" then you must surely understand that not all people agree with your definition of the lesser evil.

As for Kasab, you are wrong. The BJP can't & wouldn't have done anything different. The case is still in the Judicial system, no government has any power to interfere.

I, personally have no particular love for the Congress. Nor do I have any for the BJP. I have learnt that post Vajpayee, the BJP is not particularly different from the Congress & is in some manners, worse! I have no illusions,unlike you. Unlike some here, no party owns my loyalty. That is only reserved for my country, not for this or the other party. You would be well advised to understand that not one everyone who is disillusioned with the BJP is necessarily in love with the Congress or any other. Also, unlike you, I have a fairly decent understanding of Indian politics to realise that Modi is no saviour, something that his fans are yet to grasp. So, we are left with no saviors, only with our broken illusions. That, Sir, is the truth!
Listen Sir,

You can either deny or agree with me. I can't force you. But claiming and praising your ownself about having a better understanding of Indian politics is childish. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't have a proper knowledge of Indian politics. We both have different perception about things, I respected yours but you didn't respect mine.
I already accepted that BJP is no saint. At the same time I'm impressed with what they have done in Gujarat. As an Indian I'm shameful to CWG Scam, 2G scam and all that which has disturbed our international image.

And you're talking both sides. You bash Congress and BJP both hence I'm not sure which side you are on exactly.

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

May be you're not happy with what's happening in Indian politics just like a commen man which also includes me. And Sir, I would respect that as well and won't claim that I have a better understanding than yours.

I'm saying it again. May be BJP is not the right choice but that is a good one as compared to this Congress.

And yeah, I agree with you about your point of Kasab.
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