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Do you support Operation Zarb-e-Azb

Do you support Operation Zarb-e-Azb

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So many people forced out of their homes and are being left stranded by the supposed "islamic republic" and its military. Don't you know that for an action as bad as this they will certainly give badua to your country and the military that you all are sickeningly infatuated with. they will ask for justice from Allah, and indeed HE does listen to the widows and oraphans who had seen their own righteous fathers and brothers 'bombed to the stone age. Indeed HE will exact justice against such vile people and give you a taste of the chaos that you all have been celebrating

Hon Sir,

All those who have been displaced need every help the country and their countrymen can provide. Since you feel strongly about it, why don’t you start a ‘Relief fund’ to help out the innocent tribals affected by this operation? Alternately there is a ‘Chief Minister’s Relief Fund’ for the North Waziristan IDP’s established by Shahbaz Sharif.


However, you must spare a thought for the 180 million Pakistanis who have been living in the fear of their lives for last 12 years and for the country whose assets & the economy has been destroyed by the Taliban scum? Who should care about the 50,000 Pakistani civilians killed and families of the 5,000 or so Pak security personnel killed? Your post suggests that you will rather let these scum of the earth go on killing more Pakistanis but will not support retribution against the perpetrators!

Are you among those who would like TTP to take over Pakistan?
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this is a matter of life and death for Pakistan and everything we hold dear, so yes
Problem is the ideology and their terrorist allies are already in the cities of Pakistan and are untouched this operation will have limited long term results like the swat valley operation.
Yes Whoever against Pakistan

No we cannot trust sharifs any more!
yes i do support till the very last terrorist.

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