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Do you support Imran Khan? (poll)

Do you support Imran Khan?

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Dude he ain't a terrorist supporter or wants to appease terrorists; thats just something his political opponents accuse him of being.

All he says is that going into the US led War on Terror was wrong and the Police instead of the Army should handle internal law and order situation.
How do you percieve Musharaf?
How do you percieve Musharaf?

He was a military dictator who made some good decisions and some bad decisions but he was sure as hell better than the dimwits that succeeding him.

On one hand under him we entered this pestelential War on Terror perhaps in the wrong manner while on the other the Economy grew by upwards of 7% p.a.

However at the end of the day I think he was a patriot and wasn't in to rip-Pakistan off like most of these other politicians are.
If Nawaz Sharif is a true leader then why he stop work on bhasha dam, Gas pipeline from Iran and why is he not giving attention on education,health and rural area. South Punjab is also ignoring by PM of Pakistan.
i dont know about others. but if the defination of saint is someone who saved thousands of lifes , opened colleges for poor, and have no financial corruption charges , he is a saint. he did that before he was ever in politics
his cancer hospitals is one of the best in Pakistan and the first ones in pakistan. give free treatment to poor, read about his namal college provide 90 free education, his imran khan foundation, his tameera school program. bro he left his billionaire blond for Pakistan. what else would u want from a guy ?

There is no saint politician in the world, they do everything to serve thier purpose, including Xi jin ping.

u should change ur vote. i spend so many times in giving u facts atleast u should search them and them decided. If u think being pro terrorist is a deal breaker. u should vote that u r with him. nawaz sharif have proven links with them. he is labbeled as pro terrorist bcoz he supported talk like ALL other parties
He was a military dictator who made some good decisions and some bad decisions but he was sure as hell better than the dimwits that succeeding him.

On one hand under him we entered this pestelential War on Terror perhaps in the wrong manner while on the other the Economy grew by upwards of 7% p.a.

However at the end of the day I think he was a patriot and wasn't in to rip-Pakistan off like most of these other politicians are.
If Pakistanis don't like Nawaz, why elect him as leader?
What if he support terrorist after step up? can you take the responsibility destroy the Pakistan-CHina iron friendship? No one can, we Chinese can't take the risk. I don't want to loose Pakistan as brother. If he is really a terrorist supporter, i say big no.

Brother, thanks for your concern for Pakistan. Your gesture is appreciated, Chinese brother.:china:
How did you get the idea that he or any other mainstream political party will support those terrorist guys and drive a wedge between Pak-China specifically ? Just curious.

If they do, they'll be hung by the balls.

Pak-China friendship is solid and there's no force on the horizon that can damage it precisely because these big decisions are taken by Pak Army and Army is a pragmatic institution that knows that our future lies with the Chinese Dragon.
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i dont know about others. but if the defination of saint is someone who saved thousands of lifes , opened colleges for poor, and have no financial corruption charges , he is a saint. he did that before he was ever in politics
his cancer hospitals is one of the best in Pakistan and the first ones in pakistan. give free treatment to poor, read about his namal college provide 90 free education, his imran khan foundation, his tameera school program. bro he left his billionaire blond for Pakistan. what else would u want from a guy ?
Why the opponent frame him up as terrorist supporter?
i dont know about others. but if the defination of saint is someone who saved thousands of lifes , opened colleges for poor, and have no financial corruption charges , he is a saint. he did that before he was ever in politics
his cancer hospitals is one of the best in Pakistan and the first ones in pakistan. give free treatment to poor, read about his namal college provide 90 free education, his imran khan foundation, his tameera school program. bro he left his billionaire blond for Pakistan. what else would u want from a guy ?


u should change ur vote. i spend so many times in giving u facts atleast u should search them and them decided. If u think being pro terrorist is a deal breaker. u should vote that u r with him. nawaz sharif have proven links with them. he is labbeled as pro terrorist bcoz he supported talk like ALL other parties
He is a man woth respect. If the goverment is that corrupted, CHina shall address concern to Pakistan goverment.
Why the opponent frame him up as terrorist supporter?
couldnt find any corruption against them. no financial corruption against him. he is the biggest social worker. if u where in postion of nawaz sharif or zardari u would also need some excuse to do propoganda against them before he end the rule of sharif and bhutto family . As i siad L:IKE ALL othe parties he supported talks. but he is not clever like them. so he got labbeled as he is also on tv and most watched guy in Pakistan even before he has one seat in parliament
If Pakistanis don't like Nawaz, why elect him as leader?

(i) Some rigging in Elections

(ii) Pakistanis dislike his opponent PPP even more

(iii) Nawaz might invest in some of the most idiotic projects out there in preference to those that are needed but at the very least he gets something done
My point is Pakistanis people shall not let anyone who compromise on terrorists to be the PM.

You are not understanding his point bro. You're mostly talking mainly about domestic policy while he is bringing up issues of terrorism
i do understand . i said he is wrongly labeled .three resolution is passed in parliment even when PTI wasnt in parliment, them two all parties said there should be any military action, then nawaz sharif started talks as he also promised it .. why would he get the blame when everyone wanted it. just becuase he was more vocal about it

My point is Pakistanis people shall not let anyone who compromise on terrorists to be the PM.
now you should change ur vote . a guy who saved thousand of people lifes and educated thousands of them how can a person with IQ level above zero can call him terrorist. His government have caught the most terrorist in his province . how would some can call him terrorist or pro terrorist
i do understand . i said he is wrongly labeled .three resolution is passed in parliment even when PTI wasnt in parliment, them two all parties said there should be any military action, then nawaz sharif started talks as he also promised it .. why would he get the blame when everyone wanted it. just becuase he was more vocal about it

now you should change ur vote . a guy who saved thousand of people lifes and educated thousands of them how can a person with IQ level above zero can call him terrorist. His government have caught the most terrorist in his province . how would some can call him terrorist or pro terrorist
If he is that good as you describe, i think everybody in Pakistan shall support him.

(i) Some rigging in Elections

(ii) Pakistanis dislike his opponent PPP even more

(iii) Nawaz might invest in some of the most idiotic projects out there in preference to those that are needed but at the very least he gets something done
Is there other capable potential candidates for PM in pakistan?
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