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Do you support Imran Khan? (poll)

Do you support Imran Khan?

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too bad u support zardari and nawaz who have history of corruption. btw no one found anythng against him so they labelled him as terrorist supporter. three resolution was passed that military operation is not right. Khan was not even in parliment. then nawaz started dialog which he promised bfore election . but in the end imran khan got the blame. he merely sugested like all other parties that talks is the way forwad but he come in public alot on every issue . so people heard that more from him ...
What if he support terrorist after step up? can you take the responsibility destroy the Pakistan-CHina iron friendship? No one can, we Chinese can't take the risk. I don't want to loose Pakistan as brother. If he is really a terrorist supporter, i say big no.
If we don't interfere, how can a brother let his little brother do something wrong to harm himself? This is not a responsible gesture. As a mature big country, we shall persuade Pakistan the right to go? Do you ever image the consequence of letting a Taliban lover to govern our ally Pakistan? USA will sure sanction Pakistan, its ecnomy is going worse. As a straight man, i can't let Pakistan going down to drain!!!! **** the non-interfere policy.
most of the educated class support him. both these parties came in power 6 times each and u can see what they did. as i said no one can found any financial corruption against him so they labeled him as pro Taliban. . every fucking party wanted talk , they passed three resolutions in parilment and decided for talks in 2 all parties conference . he was not even part oif that . now he is getting all the blame . it is the only this government who capture more terrorist then rest of the province
We still have the non-interference policy.

When that policy is changed, I'm sure everyone will know.
Time to change, we can't be sitting ducks if he is terrorist support or adopt apeasement policy agianst terrorists?
Sir, are there political actors in PAK that you prefer?

Our strong diplomatic relationship is with the country of Pakistan, we will talk to whoever is in the Government.

Personally I do not have any specific preference regarding Pakistani politics, the important thing is to pick the one who will be the best for Pakistan's national interests.

I got quite suspicous about him because he might sympathize the Uyger terrorists and shake the fundamental of China-Pakistan relationship.

The chances of that happening are pretty much non-existent. He would have nothing to gain by doing that.
most of the educated class support him. both these parties came in power 6 times each and u can see what they did. as i said no one can found any financial corruption against him so they labeled him as pro Taliban. . every fucking party wanted talk , they passed three resolutions in parilment and decided for talks in 2 all parties conference . he was not even part oif that . now he is getting all the blame . it is the only this government who capture more terrorist then rest of the province
As a democracy, IK shall have the saying in Parliment. The goverment shall not seal his mouth. If the goverment is corrupted like hell, Pakistani shall have a new leader who is not supporting terrorists. China never support anyone who disobey Pakistanis will, hope you could understand. Please address this issue seriously, it might influence the CHina-Pak relationship if the new leader adopt appeasement policy agaist the terrorists.
What if he support terrorist after step up? can you take the responsibility destroy the Pakistan-CHina iron friendship? No one can, we Chinese can't take the risk. I don't want to loose Pakistan as brother. If he is really a terrorist supporter, i say big no.
dude like every other party he is against the operation. PMLN didnt even wanted that it was done on army request. if u dnt believe me read all news papers.
as i said before nawaz and zardari came in power 6 times each and u can see billions of corruption scandals .. everyone is protesting agaianst them . every educated guy is against them that is u will see that twitter and facebook to see what im talking about.

SO when they didnt find anything against them he was labeled for a thing he have never done. he had no past with them , never did anythng which is voilent.

now google LEJ and LET links with with pmln, nawaz sharif have met osama bin ladin couple of time. recently when imran khan started protest against nawaz sharif. LEJ participated in every gathering annoced by PMLN. now come up with anything against imran khan. u blame him pro terrorist because like every politian he supported talks . ??.

research on the facts i have told u , may be it will change ur mind.
I got quite suspicous about him because he might sympathize the Uyger terrorists and shake the fundamental of China-Pakistan relationship.

I think China might give up the non-interference foreign policy in this matter, cause we can;t afford to lose Pakistan. This man is dangerous.

The corruption of Pakistan goverment shall be seriously addressed, but definitely not let a man sypathizing terrorists to do this job. As a CHinese, and Pakistan friend, i say big no to IK.

@Chinese-Dragon @Beast @cirr @Kiss_of_the_Dragon

It's just political posturing. When he started out in politics, I don't think he was this far right. He's just trying to take positions that he thinks will maximize his gains. I don't think he's really a terrorist sympathizer.

It's Pakistan's own internal affairs. Let them handle it.

I think @wanglaokan 's point is that if he does sympathize with the uyghurs and starts to actively supporting them, it then becomes China's problem too.
dude like every other party he is against the operation. PMLN didnt even wanted that it was done on army request. if u dnt believe me read all news papers.
as i said before nawaz and zardari came in power 6 times each and u can see billions of corruption scandals .. everyone is protesting agaianst them . every educated guy is against them that is u will see that twitter and facebook to see what im talking about.

SO when they didnt find anything against them he was labeled for a thing he have never done. he had no past with them , never did anythng which is voilent.

now google LEJ and LET links with with pmln, nawaz sharif have met osama bin ladin couple of time. recently when imran khan started protest against nawaz sharif. LEJ participated in every gathering annoced by PMLN. now come up with anything against imran khan. u blame him pro terrorist because like every politian he supported talks . ??.

research on the facts i have told u , may be it will change ur mind.
My brother, i'm not a Zadari and Nawaz lover. What i concern here is the attitude towards terrorists. Actually i like Mushraf more.
Time to change, we can't be sitting ducks if he is terrorist support or adopt apeasement policy agianst terrorists?

Dude he ain't a terrorist supporter or wants to appease terrorists; thats just something his political opponents accuse him of being.

All he says is that going into the US led War on Terror was wrong and the Police instead of the Army should handle internal law and order situation.
As a democracy, IK shall have the saying in Parliment. The goverment shall not seal his mouth. If the goverment is corrupted like hell, Pakistani shall have a new leader who is not supporting terrorists. China never support anyone who disobey Pakistanis will, hope you could understand. Please address this issue seriously, it might influence the CHina-Pak relationship if the new leader adopt appeasement policy agaist the terrorists.

he tried that for 14 months , tired every legel way to get vote audit. PTI is only demanding a vote audit. every constituency who has been audited uptill now is found to be rigged. PMLN is not letting imran khan have vote audit.

now to support the what i told u u can research.

1) Nation assembley speaker is involved
2) minister of railway is involed
3) defense minister is involed
4) ahsan iqbal minister is involed

u can just google the facts so u will know Chinese shouldn't deal with guys because most of the pakistan hate them. Chinese support to them even knowing the facts will hurt feeling of most pakistanis.. Imran khan want nothng. just vote audit by a judicial commission
dude like every other party he is against the operation. PMLN didnt even wanted that it was done on army request. if u dnt believe me read all news papers.
as i said before nawaz and zardari came in power 6 times each and u can see billions of corruption scandals .. everyone is protesting agaianst them . every educated guy is against them that is u will see that twitter and facebook to see what im talking about.

SO when they didnt find anything against them he was labeled for a thing he have never done. he had no past with them , never did anythng which is voilent.

now google LEJ and LET links with with pmln, nawaz sharif have met osama bin ladin couple of time. recently when imran khan started protest against nawaz sharif. LEJ participated in every gathering annoced by PMLN. now come up with anything against imran khan. u blame him pro terrorist because like every politian he supported talks . ??.

research on the facts i have told u , may be it will change ur mind.
There is no saint politician in the world, they do everything to serve thier purpose, including Xi jin ping.
If CHina and Pakistan relationship getting worse, India will laugh to death.

As far as China is concerned. There is no difference of opinion in any party including Imran Khan's. China is our strongest ally and no one will be allowed to hurt your sovereignty and peace from Pakistan's soil and if some does they will be dealt with by force. Period.
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