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Do you support Imran Khan? (poll)

Do you support Imran Khan?

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Do you agree with him on economic issues or agenda though? I'm trying to figure out where his supporters or non-supporters stand on the economic spectrum. Up until now only one of his supporters has mentioned his economic platform and where he wants PTI headed ECONOMICALLY.

Please do enlighten us regarding his economic agenda. Maybe a few good examples from KPK province might be good.

my stealthy next gen organic choozas....

Does your choozas do u turn and dharnas?
you are a very delusional person...
Yeah, can't accept anything against Imran right?

I think Blasphemy should be applied for Imran as well. Anyone found speaking bad about Imran shall be charged with blasphemy.
He is my leader. He has tough me:
  • How to achieve results in life
  • What does dedication mean
  • What does selflessness mean
  • What makes us strong and what not
  • And that success is never in our control, all we control is effort
I used to support PTI. Imran Khan is a good man, I believe, but incapable of leading the country anywhere good. He's one man in a party compromised of the same filth that is responsible for the nation's situation today.
Please do enlighten us regarding his economic agenda. Maybe a few good examples from KPK province might be good.

Does your choozas do u turn and dharnas?

My choozas are equipped with laser guided feathers. They not only do u turn but they also do F turn...
Please do enlighten us regarding his economic agenda. Maybe a few good examples from KPK province might be good.

Does your choozas do u turn and dharnas?

A website about his agenda has been posted in this thread. What I'm concerned about is his supporters agenda and how they interpret HIS agenda and find congruence between both.
Non-Pakistanis, please DO NOT vote. This is to see what percentage of Pakistani posters on PDF support Imran Khan and PTI. .

You are on the wrong forum trying to get an idea about the percent of "Pakistanis", supporting this forum. This forum, its administration and majority of the people come from the Administrative background in Pakistan (locally referred to as the "establishment"). So here, you'll probably find an overwhelming majority of the x-military or family members supporting IK due to Musharraf and other issues NS had with the Army. So try a different place where you'll get a more unbiased calculation.
He is my leader. He has tough me:
  • How to achieve results in life
  • What does dedication mean
  • What does selflessness mean
  • What makes us strong and what not
  • And that success is never in our control, all we control is effort
lol @ selflessness
LOL look who's talking :p: the supporter of person who holds 17 ministries is perhaps more selfless in your paradigm.

I don't support him. But having 17 ministries saves money. What if he had 17 minister instead? that'd mean 17 poeople getting handsomely paid
I don't support him. But having 17 ministries saves money. What if he had 17 minister instead? that'd mean 17 poeople getting handsomely paid

Why wouldn't he take responsibilities of entire parliament to save more money? Why do business corporations always have 1 person for 1 position? All businesses are absolute stupid who never learned that a person could hold 17 ministries and still do the job of 17 people with 0 compromise on performance.

You don't need to be genius to see blunders. Try taking a neural position for an hour and you may see what 66.6% Pakistanis are able to see.

You cannot convince a mind that is not prepared to learn. I am prepared to evaluate and see if PMLN is the best choice for Pakistanis.. are you too willing to evaluate PTI with that level of neutrality? What you are doing is called enslavement of decision. You had made your decision when PMLN WAS THE RIGHT choice and you are still carried on even when PMLN is second best. They are better than PPP but they are no way near PTI in honesty, transparency and vision. Even the best player in the team had to retire when he is unable to perform and PMLN is on that stage now. It needs replacement for the betterment of Pakistan.
Many people who are criticizing IK are being unfair.

IK is not perfect, but the issue is not about finding a perfect person. It's about finding a leader with the best balance of faults v/s qualities.

If you look for a perfect -- anything -- you will wait forever, because there is no such thing in nature.
i voted no because he has been anything but consistent, i had hopes with him but he is turning out to be just another politicians with tall claims
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