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Do you have any questions about Egypt?


Feb 22, 2012
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well like so many threads if anyone has any question about egypt you can post here and i will answer
I have heard a great lot about Al-Azhar University,Cairo.Can you please tell us more about it?
would you please tell us about how today's Egyptians view Gamal Abdel Nasser? is he still popular?? What groups follow his policies and politics?? and what does the Islamic Brotherhood party consider or think of Nasserism??
Thank you..
I have heard a great lot about Al-Azhar University,Cairo.Can you please tell us more about it?

al azhar university was made in the fatmid time it is a university where muslims learn about islam and the imams there can answer any question anyone have about islam also Al-Azhar University has had a huge impact on the religious, cultural and political arena in Egypt, the Arab World, and the wider Muslim world they also send teachers all over the world to teach the real islam and since the terrorists threat in the world el azhar have been trying to correct any extremest propaganda also el azhar since the revoultion they have been opposing the extremest salfi ideology and have made alot of effort to prevent any civil war in egypt between muslims and Christians I love el azhar so much i feel comfortable listening to our great imams to learn more about islam to learn about how islam is a religion of peace and mercy
more info here
Al-Azhar University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many Shias live in Egypt?What's their situation and role in society and how Sunnis see them?Do they have any problems/clashes?
Also,please explain about Coptic society,their population,ideologies,relations with Muslims.
would you please tell us about how today's Egyptians view Gamal Abdel Nasser? is he still popular?? What groups follow his policies and politics??
Thank you..
abd el nasser is considered by many as a national hero for many he was the greatest leader even if someone oppose his policy no one can deny what he has done he kicked out the english he took back our suez canal he showed no fear to the west he wanted justice social equality to the poor and the farmers but of course some blame him for the 1967 defeat about the people following him there is a strong political party coming up حزب التيار الشعبى برئاسة حمدين صباحى
well hamden sabahy is nassri and without help from a party he entered the elections and he had so many votes

my personal opinion i hate arab nationalism but i cant hate him he was a true hero he didnt want money or his son to rule after him he was acting for the good of not only egypt but all arab world
do you know after he was dead they found only 17 pound in his safe ?
What kind of view egyptians have for india
in egypt the most word i heared about india is we started with them and look where they are right now .(they mean when we got our independence and started to build our countries
alot of people impressed by your success as economical and industries power
abd el nasser is considered by many as a national hero for many he was the greatest leader even if someone oppose his policy no one can deny what he has done he kicked out the english he took back our suez canal he showed no fear to the west he wanted justice social equality to the poor and the farmers but of course some blame him for the 1967 defeat about the people following him there is a strong political party coming up حزب التيار الشعبى برئاسة حمدين صباحى
well hamden sabahy is nassri and without help from a party he entered the elections and he had so many votes

my personal opinion i hate arab nationalism but i cant hate him he was a true hero he didnt want money or his son to rule after him he was acting for the good of not only egypt but all arab world
do you know after he was dead they found only 17 pound in his safe ?

Wow, I have actually never heard of it before, interesting.. Well Nasser did make mistakes..... and it the views seems like similar to Syrians who lived during the Union.... they actually blamed Nasser for Syrian economy crisis during that time... "which is why the union broke"..... And till this day you walk in some houses in Syria ( especially the senior people) you will find a picture of Nasser hanging on the wall....

Do you think that this movement حزب التيار الشعبى will be better for Egypt? or maybe the Nassrism party would be better then the current government ??
How many Shias live in Egypt?What's their situation and role in society and how Sunnis see them?Do they have any problems/clashes?
Also,please explain about Coptic society,their population,ideologies,relations with Muslims.
i dont have offical numbers some say 20 000 some say close to 1 million about their situation i dont know they are egyptians no one ever ask are you sunni or shia in egypt and there is no clashes between sunni and shia but of course like so many egyptian including me they are worried about the salfi rise in egypt of course the salfis have been for years opposed to shia and they see them as a threat but after the revolution more egyptians want close relations with iran every day this number gets bugger but the greatest fear is are they loyal to iran or egypt this is the most asked question about egyptian shia
coptic they make about 5 to 10 percent in egypt most are orthodox almost all of them are patriotic egyptians we lived as one in egypt of course there is some problems after the revolution but we always come out closer than we were for example the insulting movie Christians were protesting with us the church has condemned it but there is also traitors like morris sadik who lives in the US and want to destroy egypt and pushing everyone towards civil war
What will be the foreign policy of new Egyptian government
1. Is US aid to start soon ?
2. relationship with Saudi Arab and Iran
3. Chinese weapons purchase?
Do you think that this movement حزب التيار الشعبى will be better for Egypt? or maybe the Nassrism party would be better then the current government ??
right now i want balance i support them we have the muslim brotherhood and salfis to worry about we must have strong opposition
you know it is strange that a man has come up with what you hate the most arab nationalism and you cant hate him i dont know why also some old people say that sometimes even political prisoners couldnt hate him even when they where in jail
have you heared about ahmed nagm ? he was a political prisoner in abd el nasser and sadat and mubark time and until now he love him
What does an Egyptian thinks about Israel,in the view of the wars that have happened between the two countries in the past? The differences and grievances still exist among the minds of the Egyptians or people have gone past that?
right now i want balance i support them we have the muslim brotherhood and salfis to worry about we must have strong opposition
you know it is strange that a man has come up with what you hate the most arab nationalism and you cant hate him i dont know why also some old people say that sometimes even political prisoners couldnt hate him even when they where in jail
have you heared about ahmed nagm ? he was a political prisoner in abd el nasser and sadat and mubark time and until now he love him

I'm actually kinda pro Arab nationalism... why not unite??

Yes i heard about how some prisoners like him still..

But my personal opinion that if Nasser was still alive Egypt would have been better, what i mean that is by being an actual regional power...

Anyways thank you for information.. I wish Um Aldounia the best...
What will be the foreign policy of new Egyptian government
1. Is US aid to start soon ?
2. relationship with Saudi Arab and Iran
3. Chinese weapons purchase?
1 i am not sure but i think the US aid will continue for now
2 i think relations with saudi arabia will be like it was about iran i think when the syrian crisis is over we will have closer relations not what i want but what can i do
3 i think it is so early but morsi visit to china can show that in the future we will see more deals and more close relations with china and i think this is the best thing he done
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