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Do you have any questions about China?

So I have a question about China. Is kissing common in Chinese culture? I recently saw Chinese wedding pictures on a forum and the newly wed couple was kissing. So is kissing a common thing in Chinese weddings or just a rare thing?
common thing...
your qustion has bee answered in this thread before.
most Chinese consider Pakistan as the No.1 friend in the world. we have good relationship and cooperation in many affairs.
one thing we should do now is improve our econemy cooperation.
wow.. this thread is cool. Mod should make it sticky.
who is your best friend No. 2? I guess it is not Vietnam.
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What is China's ultimate goal in terms of its military??Is it to emulate the US and have an aggressive global presence....or is it's aim to make the military just powerful enough to defend China's borders?
What is China's ultimate goal in terms of its military??Is it to emulate the US and have an aggressive global presence....or is it's aim to make the military just powerful enough to defend China's borders?

China and West differ on what dominance means.

To the west is is military bases, it is colonization, and all that.

China's view, we want you to pay tribute, we don't want military bases and we don't want to colonize, we were given the chance of Indo China at the end of WW2, but refused.

A lot of Philippines and Vietnamese, Japanese will have you believe China wants their land, but in fact China doesn't, China wants influence, to reclaim our throne of the dominate power in the world.

At most China has just sent military governors that would be sort of like an ambassador today, but more powerful, we never actually colonized like UK or have a bench of military bases like US.

We want a bigger say or the final say in international politics, we want other powers stay clear of our immediate oceans, we want reconition by all Asian powers.
I concur buddy!

Crime rate in China is relatively low. We dont have gun-shots that happen on an almost monthly basis. Girls are not urged to leave their office before 8 pm or to stay in train carriages specially reserved for female commuters.
but recently with influx of browns and blacks, it's becoming more dangerous for females and taxi drivers. Is Chinese immigration department asleep or on vacation?
From my limited observations, Chinese people tend to think of Japan as either an evil country/people because of historical events around World War II, or they tend to think of Japan as a worthy adversary/rival with a distinct tradition based on some similar principles of honour, dignity, respect, martial arts for self defence, and so on.

Some Chinese members can correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you for the response.

1. Do you think Uighurs are discriminated against by the government? Do you think Uighurs should enjoy more social and political rights? What do you think is the major reason that only Uighurs face difficulty in China, not other communities of Muslims? I know that many foreign Muslims also live, study or work/do business in China as well, without any notable problems.

Thank you for the friendly response, mate. In the past, I had dealt with many Mainland Chinese clients and 'friends' but somehow the relationships were not as fruitful. Probably, it was due to some language barrier. I could develop better relations with Malaysian Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese people, for example, so I think it was probably due to language barrier.

I feel the Chinese people, in general, are hardworking, humble and decent people. I hope friendship between Chinese public and friendly South Asian countries increases.

That is why I asked about Chinese members' opinions on it. Do you think China can be stronger than any Western country by following Western rules set up by the Westerners for their own benefits?

What do you think are the problems/difficulties that does not allow Uighur, Han and other groups to come together closer?

I hope so too.

Japan's culture is based on chinese culture. Their writing is based on Chinese characters. What pisses most Chinese off is that they take from us and do not give us credit. Instead they turn around and say China copied them. Some examples are kimonos that are based on Chinese tradtitonal clothing. Most people beleive the tea ceremony was originated in japan, but the truth is it was started in China long before Japan existed. There are many more examples, but these are some that come to mind.

In a nutshell, their culture is virutally "borrowed" from China. This is true with Korea also.
What is the average Chinese's view about Pakistan ?

Average Chinese dont concern much overseas policy other than Japan, and greater China areas like Taiwan, HK, Macau so they dont have much of a clear idea between us or with people of other nationalities BUT for those who are more outreaching or knowledgeable, two words which have been representing the strong bonding : "TIE BA 铁巴"!

but recently with influx of browns and blacks, it's becoming more dangerous for females and taxi drivers. Is Chinese immigration department asleep or on vacation?

I think the girls have to know of how to protect themselves from harm always. The horrendous impact of rape crimes in india should be made known to the girls, especially for those who want to visit there at their own risks! india is unsafe for women!
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What is China's ultimate goal in terms of its military??Is it to emulate the US and have an aggressive global presence....or is it's aim to make the military just powerful enough to defend China's borders?

If there's something China doesn't want to emulate it's the US global domination with lots of military bases around the world nor does it want to emulate the British Empire, Roman Empire, Mongolian Empire or the Japanese Empire. Throughout the long Chinese history we had plenty of Dynasties and the only country China did colonize for a very long time was Vietnam. Other than that China had never invaded other countries. During the Yuan Dynasty the Mongolians did try to capture Vietnam and Japan but failed. China had always seen itself as the big brother of Asia where our neighbors acted like tribute states.

The US is the only country with black sites for torture and interrogation around the globe. You don't see Russia or China having black sites do you? Even when there was a cease fire at the end of the Korean War, Chinese troops went back home while the Americans stayed in the South till this very day. The only thing that matters are the South China Sea and the East China Sea and of course Taiwan.
If there's something China doesn't want to emulate it's the US global domination with lots of military bases around the world nor does it want to emulate the British Empire, Roman Empire, Mongolian Empire or the Japanese Empire. Throughout the long Chinese history we had plenty of Dynasties and the only country China did colonize for a very long time was Vietnam. Other than that China had never invaded other countries. During the Yuan Dynasty the Mongolians did try to capture Vietnam and Japan but failed. China had always seen itself as the big brother of Asia where our neighbors acted like tribute states.

The US is the only country with black sites for torture and interrogation around the globe. You don't see Russia or China having black sites do you? Even when there was a cease fire at the end of the Korean War, Chinese troops went back home while the Americans stayed in the South till this very day. The only thing that matters are the South China Sea and the East China Sea and of course Taiwan.
I wonder why many of Chinese are so obsessed with Vietnam?

China is big and populous. You don´t need Vietnam! Forget it. In ancient times, for China it was a piece of cake to invade other countries and integrate them into Chinese empire. But no, you Chinese were obsessed and thought we belonged to you.

I am sure, there were a lot other countries that wanted volutarily to join Imperial China. And of course today, when you are returning to the old glorious days, there are a lot of nations that want to lick your boots. The Viets are from a difference race than the Chinese. I have learned we are austroindonesian race mixed with the Mongolians. Yes, we have similar cultures and custom, we may look similar, we eat with chopsticks, we have similar economics as well as government system. The appearence is different: You are taller and have lighter skin. Yes, we may be brothers and sisters in peace as well as in war times. But in many other things we are different like day and night.

So what do I want to say?

It no longer matters how it came to the breakdown of Sino-Vietnam relationship 2,100 years ago. Your attempts to take back or punish Vietnam ended most with blood and tears. The wars with the Qing, the Ming, the Yuan, the Song, the Han and last but not least Communist China under Deng. All avoidable. Only under the Tang there was a peaceful time. As soon as you realise, that we want to go alone and the sooner we can make a deal how to co-exist, the better it is for all of us.

As for the South China Sea, Vietnam is a small country, we need the Sea as lebensraum. The Vietnamese government has said she wants a peaceful solution, is ready to compromise, and has agreed to joint development.

Let work on that.
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What is the average Chinese's view about Pakistan ?

True friend from the bottom of heart. Even my friend, a girl who does not know much about politics, told me China has a better relationship with Pakistan than India.

wow.. this thread is cool. Mod should make it sticky.
who is your best friend No. 2? I guess it is not Vietnam.

It could be, as long as the oil under SCS is fully exploited.
Hi Chinese pal ...

Did you see how Chinese thieves use chopstick to steal others' phones in the pocket ? We seen in Youtube clip
Is that popular to see that around you?

Look them do that very easy ... but hard to see the same method in Vietnam, even we use chopstick everyday ...
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