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Do U still Remmber Us !


It came from the sky where heaven is....
A Palestinian child cries !
^West Bank HDI is higher than any other South Asian nation but perhaps Sri Lanka.

comparison with our own countries would give the right perspective of the standard of living of the Palestinians.Just to give a reality check on where one's priority must lie.
Do you Still remember this????

"Jordanian Black September by Brigadier ****"

Abusing and blaming west/Israel is something our(Muslim) weakness. What hundred of Muslim nation did for them? Alone KSA can change there life style. I am not saying that Muslim nation can bring independece to Palestine but at least they can improve life style of these poor Arabs.

If they are oppressing, What are Muslims doing??? Why can't Arab country (and pakistan) provide humanitarian facility?
^^^^ Gaza Flotilla ? Ring a Bell ?

was a good move.... But along with Flotilla, Arab world need to work like Israeli, Evacuation of Muslims from danger zone.

Look for the way how Jews were shipped, smuggled, Transported, evacuated from hostile land (in last 50 years). Only lip service will not work.

If Arab country want they will settle these Arabs to different places they like. But see what they did in past..
1. Gave them arm/ammos instead of bread/medicine.
2. Killed palestanian on various occasion.
3. I have seen the misery of Palestanian refugees in syria and lebnon. (I have seen hate in Syrian and Lebnonese for Palestanian. They are treated like animal, the living condition is poorer that some African countries. Is it what a muslim does with other Muslim? )
4. Infact one of your president was involve in killing many palestanian.

The Ugly truth is Arab world can not concur Israel by force (Sad but true). The Arab world can not nuke Israel (This may start 3rd world war).
We Pakistanis are the superpower of islam when we reach our graves GOD will ask us what did you do for them what will we say?i am really afraid of that day
Happens everywhere where there is insurgency.

Worse things happened in lanka. People should move on.
We Pakistanis are the superpower of islam when we reach our graves GOD will ask us what did you do for them what will we say?i am really afraid of that day

You can say your army helped Jordan kill thousands of Palestinians. It is the biggest massacre of Palestinians in History. And guess who lead the Pakistani army ? Your former President General Zia Ul Haq. That's why Palestinians never trust Pakistanis.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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