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Do the evil British need to apologise?

my point is i lost someone from my family fighting them am a chatriya many of our lands were taken away from us this is the reason i cant forgive them

I completely understand your rage bro.
I think we seriosly need to forget our past , dimish all differences and f@&k the english woman . Hisaab baraabar !!!
my point is i lost someone from my family fighting them am a chatriya many of our lands were taken away from us this is the reason i cant forgive them

They have apologised. What else do you want?

I'm sure no amount of compensation can lower your grief but what can possibly happen now after so many years?

All we can do is take a resolve we Indians should not have to face such a humiliation as slavery ever again.

What else can be done?
When Jalianwala Bagh massacred took place, there was no democracy in the UK.

They tried the man. Then there was Dyer, and then there was O'Dwyer.

If you carefully go through entire episode, you will see the main culprit was O'Dwyer.

Reginald Dyer was simply a racist military man full of hatred and short of conscience. His character was very well utilized by O'Dwyer. Well, I am not trying to exonerate any of them, but just letting you know that if you go through the entire trial that ensued, you will know the Brits under monarchy acted more rationally than most of the governments even today do.

But today that country is a democracy. So what happens? People are coming out offering apologies for things some eccentric did a century ago. This woman is no Gen Dyer, but yet she believes it is the right thing to do, no matter how late.

So please do not use such a sensitive matter to score some personal points.

You are entitled to your opinion and i respect that. However i feel it only fair that courtesy is extended to me.
You are entitled to your opinion and i respect that. However i feel it only fair that courtosy is extended to me.

No, you are mistaking a fact for an opinion.

You are saying democracy played some sort of role in Jalianwala Bagh massacre, when the fact is, there was no democracy.

The UK had monarchy, and India was its colony.

There is no need to push in your villain that did not even exist when it happened.
No, you are mistaking a fact for an opinion.

You are saying democracy played some sort of role in Jalianwala Bagh massacre, when the fact is, there was no democracy.

The UK had monarchy, and India was its colony.

There is no need to push in your villain that did not even exist when it happened.

You do feel that you must get the last word even though you have nothing to say feel free to do so.
You do feel that you must get the last word even though you have nothing to say feel free to do so.

No Aryan. It is not that.

I actually have the habit of quitting the thread the moment I feel my input is nothing more than a repetition.

And I also very much appreciate your putting in your valuable opinion.

But it is just that I am trying to walk a straight line here. Taking facts as facts, irrespective of whether they hurt Indians/Pakistanis/Americans/Afghans. With conspiracy theories and twisting of facts so rife here, I cannot take a misrepresentation of fact so easily.

I simply take a point, which I know as truth, and I stand with it. That's my only contention in every post I post.

I hope you do not think I am trying to have the last say here. Getting out of this thread anyway.

But thanks for your opinions man, I respect them, and appreciate your efforts in putting them here too. :tup:
Sad though this stuff is, it happened many years ago, is anyone who was actually involved still alive?
Sad though this stuff is, it happened many years ago, is anyone who was actually involved still alive?

Doesn't matter if anyone was involved directly involved in this. A lot of peoples lives were affected and lost loved ones for example Blackops lost a loved one. There are memories that will never die and the British should have the decency to register an apology. Wrong is wrong whether it is today or 100 years ago.
British have weaseled out for last 1000-2000 years they are masters of scratching your back and then cutting your throats

They are known entity who gets into wars and then befriends that same enemy only to later take their revenge

Probably the biggest opportunist Man kind has seen is called British and French
No need for apology now as they raped and looted our country. They can apologize by giving us that f'kin diamond back.
It is always very thought provoking to see their decisions in current times. If we don't go too far we will see how they diluted the case of Mark Dugan who was innocent as the forensics did prove that he didn't fire the bullet. How they do not use excessive force on the young looters and keep allowing them to loot for few days until someone body got dead so that they can use it to their advantage. How they diverted the real problems of the black communities, their real concerns regarding the police being unbiased to them and how taking their anger out by giving harsh punishments, so that in the light of all the happenings the people will restrain them selves to raise their voices from the real issues. If we look at now all the things still remain same. Inca redible decisions should I say
what about Bengal famine where millions where starved to death by the british just becos they wanted a upper hand on the japs.
It can nvr be forgotten or forgiven
I think 888jamie888 has clearly got the message if he was in doubt.



you ask us to forget these???.....good luck bringing peace lady :tdown:
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